LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.14 - 2.14.1

  • Added customizable Discord webhook embed messages.
  • When exempt group weights are enabled, punishments created by higher groups cannot be removed or modified by lower groups.
  • Added `litebans.notify.broadcast.<server>.<type>` permissions - this allows you to set server and/or type specific broadcasts for specific groups, and the local scope is also checked, which allows you to set up broadcasts to only display on their origin server. For more details, have a look at Notify Permissions.
  • Server switch message for banned players (proxy_switch_banned) will now send template messages instead, if applicable.
  • The /history & /staffhistory commands now support listing specific types - for example, you can now view mute history via `/history <user> mutes`.
  • Added templateName & templateStep variables to messages.yml.
  • Fixed a cooldown bypass exploit.
  • Fixed JSON features such as hover text not working on recent Velocity builds (#306 and above) due to upstream changes (minor version API breakage).
  • Fixed template group ladders not being able to specify messages.
  • Fixed server-scoped warnings being marked as sent if the player is online on a server the scoped warning is not applicable to while LiteBans is installed under a proxy instance.
  • Fixed `/litebans servers` command not giving any results.
  • Fixed overridden punishments showing as removed by the one who originally created the punishment instead of the one overriding it.
  • Fixed variables like playerName not working specifically in the `banned_message_base` message.
API changes:
LiteBans API version 0.5.0 has been released.
  • Added several methods for retrieving punishment data from the database by punishment ID or by UUID/IP with server scopes.
  • Added `getPlayerName(UUID)` method to retrieve the last player name for a given UUID.
Minor improvements:
  • The `bungee_switch_banned` message has been renamed & split into two messages: proxy_switch_banned & proxy_switch_tempbanned.
  • Added socket timeout error detection - this will indicate if your database stopped responding or slowed down significantly, without logging unnecessary details.
  • Warnings now require a reason to be specified, rather than being left blank when unspecified.
  • The banlist and mutelist commands will now only display active punishments by default.
  • Added $commandArgs variable for capturing what the sender originally typed ($command $commandArgs).
  • Resetting the database globally via `/litebans reset-database server:global` will now also clear login records (IP history).
  • Messages with "#$idRandom" will now display the ID in all cases.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed numeric usernames causing templates to not work on them if the numeric named player has never joined the server before.
  • Fixed empty broadcast messages causing errors with Discord webhooks (none are blank by default).
  • Fixed `notify.muted_player_chat` option not taking effect if disabled.
  • Fixed a harmless warning message when running versions < 1.19.


  • Fixed webhook ban embed being sent for kick broadcasts.
  • Fixed hex colors not working in certain messages (mainly ones without variables) since version 2.14.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed a very rare Bungee error when sending messages to players that have disconnected before the message could be sent.
  • Fixed a startup error with unknown cause which could not be replicated and doesn't seem to occur for most users.
----------, Jan 29, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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