LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.13 - 2.13.3
Important changes:
  • The clearchat, mutechat, and togglechat commands have been removed due to being out of scope. If you are relying on these commands, you will need to find a chat management plugin that provides them.
  • Discord Webhook Support has been added. To enable, see wiki.
  • Template Groups have been added. These allow for templates to share progression with other templates using decimal weights (each template can be weighted differently). Example shown on wiki.
  • Added exempt group weight support - if you enable the new `use_group_weights` option, players with a lower group weight will be unable to punish higher groups. Currently this feature supports LuckPerms, and may support other permission systems later.
  • Added --modify flag (-m), which lets you alter the reason and/or duration of an active punishment without creating a new one! Example: `/ban --modify BannedPlayer new-ban-reason 10d`
  • Added `effective_ipban_duration` option, which is useful for dynamic IP addresses with frequent IP bans. This gives you the ability to define an upper bound, whereafter IP bans will automatically become regular account bans, no longer affecting the IP address involved.
  • The /checkban command will now automatically run `/litebans allow check` if the player was IP banned, which will indicate whether the IP-banned player can still join the server.
  • Added /mutelist command.
  • Added support for alternative hex colour format: "&#AABBCC"
  • Improved reliability of Spigot command blocking for servers running 1.19+.
  • Mutes are now also checked across other accounts with the same username, if `ban_names` is enabled.
  • When `punish_ip` is enabled, only the base permissions (e.g. `litebans.ban`) will be required to use commands, for example, /ban will no longer require `litebans.ipban`.
  • Added three new security options for restricting functions to console - prunehistory, modify, and sender_custom. `prunehistory` prevents players from using /prunehistory, `modify` prevents players from using `--modify`, and `sender_custom` prevents players from using --sender flags. Only `sender_custom` is enabled by default.
  • Fixed unban/unmute/unwarn-by-ID affecting the last active punishment of the targeted player instead of the specified one.
  • Fixed ServerListPlus integration not working under Velocity.
  • Fixed players that have been IP-banned and permitted to join the server via `/litebans allow`, and then muted, not being muted when they re-join the server after the mute has taken place.
  • Group limits specified as permanent will now be checked first rather than last. This allows for specific groups to have permanent limits without requiring other permissions such as `litebans.unlimited.ban`.
  • Templates will no longer be matched in commands if a punishment reason is typed before it (the template must be specified first).
Minor improvements:
  • Added `litebans.server.<server>.<type>` permissions (e.g. ``), which allows you to separately grant global bans and global mutes, for example.
  • Improved accuracy of `ban_names` option in config.yml when players have multiple UUIDs per username, which can happen in various rare circumstances - for example, offline-mode (Geyser) + offline-mode (Java Edition) + online-mode account would grant three separate UUIDs for the same username.
  • $id & $idRandom will no longer become hex colours when `#` is followed by a >=6 digit ID (e.g. `#$idRandom` -> `#ABC123`)
  • Added $target variable for iphistory.error_no_history message.
  • Improved performance of database queries by ensuring that more queries are cached.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed error when using `/litebans allow` on an IP address which has never joined the server before.
  • Fixed UnsupportedOperationException errors while disconnected from database.
  • Fixed a ClassCastException when loading malformed/invalid configurations.
  • Fixed a LiteBans import error with unknown cause, likely very rare as it could not be replicated during regular testing.


  • Discord webhook will now show silent broadcasts if punishments are silent by default.
  • Fixed all commands being blocked for muted players under Spigot 1.19+ since version 2.13.
  • Fixed Discord webhooks not working under Bungee/Velocity.


  • Fixed circular dependency with AuthMe/Essentials since version 2.13 due to a fix for tab completion issue caused by Essentials.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to sometimes receive a duplicate broadcast message since version 2.13.
  • Fixed /unmute not taking effect on online players since version 2.13. Expiration unaffected.
Minor improvements:
  • Added "user:" targeting prefix which can be used in /checkban to specify that the target is a username and not an ID when the specified target is a number that also matches the ID of an existing active punishment. Example: `/checkban user:1234`


  • Discord Webhook will now escape markdown characters to prevent undesired formatting.
  • Fixed ServerListPlus integration not working under Velocity.
  • Fixed MySQL database error (MariaDB unaffected by default) with the ban_names option enabled since version 2.13.
  • Fixed blank table prefix being considered invalid as of version 2.13.
----------, Nov 3, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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