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LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.12 - 2.12.5
  • Added Folia support - disclaimer: since Folia is a work-in-progress, things could break with future updates of Folia, but I will try my best to keep everything up to date as development progresses.
  • Added LuckPerms prefix, suffix, and exempt support for Bungee & Velocity. Variables like executorPrefix and executorSuffix from messages.yml can now be used under a proxy instance of LiteBans, and offline players will be exempt from punishments if they have the required permissions.
  • Added IP templates - any template with "ip_template: true" set in templates.yml will track each template ladder across all accounts on the same IP. All bans under an IP template will automatically become IP bans.
  • Added new variables for messages.yml - $playerBans, $playerMutes, $playerWarnings, $playerKicks. These variables allow you to indicate the total number of punishments for each type tied to the affected player.
  • Added template requirements for group limits - if you set `require_template: true` for a group, players from that group must specify a template in order to create a punishment, and will receive an error message otherwise.
Since this is group-based, you can have lower groups that are template-restricted and higher groups that can create custom punishments.
  • Updated the AdvancedBan importer for the latest release to support tempbans, IP bans, and punishment history.
  • Fixed Bedrock usernames starting with "*" being considered wildcard IP addresses by the new `ipban_command` security option that prevents players from placing wildcard IP bans.
  • Fixed certain randomized IDs not working correctly with /checkban, /checkmute, or /unban.
  • Fixed the new JSON features (Run Command, Open URL) requiring "litebans.json.hover_text" permission even if the message has no hover text.
  • Fixed a startup error which could rarely occur under certain conditions due to a bug in older server versions (1.7 <-> 1.10.2 affected).
API changes:
  • Added RandomID class, which allows you to convert random ID strings into numbers and vice versa.
  • Added a method to Entry which returns the random ID of the punishment.
Minor improvements:
  • Added support for viewing IP bans matching no specific account (e.g. wildcard IP bans) in /history & /staffhistory. By default, only console can view the IP addresses, and players will see ip_hidden instead of the actual IP address.
  • Added permission node `litebans.newline` for using newlines ("\n") in punishment reasons.
  • Small performance improvements for some commands (/kick, /dupeip, /history, /staffhistory, /checkban, and more).
  • The "-g" flag (shortcut for "server:*") now works with all commands that accept server scopes.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed variables such as totalBans not working in /banlist (not configured by default).
  • Fixed custom command senders having unbans/unmutes not showing up in /history, and fixed them not being targetable in other commands such as /staffhistory or /staffrollback.
  • Fixed server UUIDs being generated twice when server.yml has been created for the first time. This has no major side effects.


  • Fixed playerPrefix/playerSuffix not working under Bungee & Velocity.
  • Fixed AdvancedBan importer converting temporary bans into permanent bans.


  • Added support for running template actions as the server console. These actions will automatically be displayed as if they are being run by the player who issued the original template punishment, but this can be overridden if necessary.
  • Cleared the default global warning actions in config.yml, as they cause confusion for those setting up warning templates for the first time.
  • Fixed playerPrefix/playerSuffix only working when the targeted player is offline in specific messages.
  • Fixed suffixes (playerSuffix/executorSuffix) fetching prefixes.
  • Fixed a bug which could make it more difficult to ban specific players since version 2.12.


  • Added Minecraft 1.20 support.
  • Expanded template requirements support (require_template) to warnings & kicks.
  • Fixed the "-g" flag not working in certain commands since version 2.12.
Minor improvements:
  • Added player variables (e.g. `playerPrefix`) to previous_ban_removed/previous_mute_removed/kick exempt messages.


  • Added support for hex colors in disconnect messages when kicking from Bungee using LiteBans on the backend servers. (Upstream support pending now included in Bungee build #1711)
  • Fixed errors under 1.20 Paper builds.

  • Fixed kick command requiring a reason to work, and fixed ban usage message being sent instead of kick usage since version 2.12.
  • Fixed timestamp conversion error with MySQL->H2 and MySQL->MySQL LiteBans imports.
Minor improvements:
  • The command `/litebans reset-database` will now quote the server scope initially used rather than stating `server:global` for the confirmation example command.
  • Console name will be limited to 16 characters instead of logging an error message when it is above 16 characters.
----------, May 15, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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