LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.8.1 - 2.8.10 (hotfix)
Important fixes:
  • Fixed various tasks not resuming correctly after "/litebans reload" has been used (issue persisted until server restart).
This caused various problems, like alts not being scanned on join or players randomly not showing up in history or on the web interface.


  • Fixed a startup error which could occur under very specific conditions.


  • Fixed a startup error specific to Cauldron/Thermos.

  • Fixed the specific startup error fixed by version 2.8.2 but also specific to older versions of Java.

Important fixes:
  • Fixed alts scanning (dupeip on join) not firing under Bungee/Velocity with notification throttle enabled.
  • Fixed an error related to hover text that only occurs outside of my testing server.


  • Fixed another startup error which occurs on Crucible but not on a default Crucible testing server.

  • Fixed /mutechat related errors since version 2.8.0.
  • Fixed /banlist displaying recently expired (<12h) bans as active bans.
  • Fixed lockdown not sending broadcast correctly when `local_messages: false` is set on the instance it is run from.


  • Fixed a database related startup error when setting up a MySQL database for the first time.
  • Fixed tab completion for certain commands (not all commands) not working under Velocity if the backend server does not have LiteBans installed.
Minor improvements:
  • Added "duration:permanent" specification for cases where you want to permanently ban someone but also mention a phrase like "15 days" without it affecting the duration.
  • Added /hist and /staffhist aliases for Bungee/Velocity.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed permission_error message not being updated on /litebans reload (only affects Spigot version)


Important fixes:
  • Fixed a startup error under Bungee since version 2.8.8.
  • Fixed more /mutechat issues.


Important fixes:
  • Fixed alts scanning (dupeip on join) not firing under Bungee/Velocity when `ignored_history_servers` is empty.
Minor improvements:
  • Added option (security.ipban) for automatically hiding IP addresses from IP ban broadcasts when IP-banning an IP which has never joined the server before (or wildcard IP). Enabled by default.
Minor fixes:
  • Dupeip on join will now run against the player UUID instead of name (making the check case-sensitive)
----------, Dec 11, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings