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LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.8 (Velocity Support)
This update has been tested against Minecraft 1.18 & Java 17.

  • Added Velocity support (Tested against Velocity 3.1.0).
  • Added default unban/unmute/unwarn reasons to messages.yml.
  • Further optimizations & refinements to low priority tasks.
  • Added "muted_player_chat" setting (under notify) which allows disabling the notification for muted players trying to chat.
  • Fixed & optimized alts scanning on join. The previous implementation may have sometimes failed to scan players when they are joining the server for the first time, and used more resources than necessary. Fixed banned players being scanned under the Bungee version since version 2.7. Fixed messages being formatted incorrectly in some cases. Alts scanning is now treated as a low priority task so that more important tasks (e.g. ban/mute checks) can run more efficiently and allow players to join the server quicker, even if hundreds of players are joining the network all at once.
  • Fixed RGB colors in JSON hover text messages.
  • Fixed banned-player-join notification not being synchronized when "local_messages: false" is set.
  • Fixed "/litebans reset-database" not working under the Spigot version.
  • Fixed ban_names not working as intended (only if ignored_history_servers does not include the server being joined) due to restructuring in version 2.7.5.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with server scoped bans and mutes. Players should not be kicked or muted if the server which they are currently on issues a scoped ban or mute for a different server.
  • Fixed clearchat broadcast not being sent to players who have clearchat bypass permissions.
  • Fixed /iphistory not working on wildcard IP addresses.
  • Fixed database error when unbanning players while having a display name longer than 128 characters.
  • Fixed server origin being undefined when the Bungee console bans offline players.
  • Fixed 65535 server overflow detection not working in cases where all servers are temporary and never get reloaded at any point during their lifespan.
API changes:
  • Added removalReason
  • When a custom sender name or UUID is specified (--sender, --sender-uuid), the custom sender will automatically be given a login record (for /history, /staffhistory, /staffrollback, web interface support, etc) if it does not already have one.
Minor improvements:
  • Added command alias (/dupeip -> /alts) for Bungee & Velocity.
  • All server priorities are now considered when attempting to find a fallback server for players joining a network under lockdown to be sent to, not only the first two servers. (Only affects local lockdown, not global lockdown)
  • Improved database error handling: reduced the amount of additional errors resulting from a lost connection (e.g. "Connection is closed") caused by the first error.
  • Added a warning on startup when local_messages is disabled, because disabling broadcasts will make broadcasts stop working which is sometimes unexpected behaviour.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed logins not being recorded correctly if the player joined for the first time very shortly before the plugin is reloaded or before the server shuts down.
  • Fixed an edge case preventing players with numeric names from being tempbanned if they haven't joined the server before and the duration is specified as one word. (Permanent bans worked fine)
  • Fixed an error when using "/litebans timezone" on a single-server database.
  • Fixed players being kicked after being unbanned if they rejoin on a server which the unban command was not executed on immediately after the unban occurs.
----------, Dec 9, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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