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LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.7 (Minecraft 1.17 & Java 16 supported)
This release is compatible with Minecraft 1.7.10 to 1.17, and works with Java 8 to 16.

  • Added unban/unmute reasons - the new "$removalReason" variable indicates what reason players were unbanned for. The new "require_unban_unmute_reason" option allows you to make unban and unmute reasons a requirement.
  • Added group-based cooldowns for bans, mutes, warnings, and kicks. The "ban_cooldown" and "warning_cooldown" options have been removed and will no longer apply. Cooldown bypass permissions are still in effect.
  • The clearchat command now supports server scopes, and defaults to local, so chat will not be cleared across the entire network anymore (under Bungee) unless specified.
  • Added tab completion permission support for the BungeeCord version, which prevents players without permission from seeing LiteBans commands that they can't use. Note that /ban and /mute now have a hard requirement of the "litebans.ban" / "litebans.mute" permissions (tempban permissions won't work alone). Limits will still apply.
  • /alts will now show IP-banned players who don't have a matching account ban in yellow (configurable).
  • Added "disable_login_ban_check_servers" option for the BungeeCord version - with this, you can allow banned players to join specific servers on your network.
  • Optimized the BungeeCord version to perform less database queries on login.
  • Fixed "null" showing in place of undefined prefixes/suffixes when Vault is not installed.
  • Fixed calculation of the last page in /banlist.
  • Fixed "Deadlock found when trying to get lock" error handling not working as intended since 2.6.10.
  • Fixed server scoped unbans/unmutes/unwarns matching and removing global punishments when a non-global server scope is specified. (Only specifically global punishments were matched, other server scopes were not.)
  • Fixed server scoped warnings not notifying the warned player if they were offline at the time of warning under the Spigot version. This does not affect the Bungee version, nor does it affect global warnings.
  • Fixed a very rare bug where banned players could, in some cases (and not with 100% success rate) switch servers during a very small window of time the moment before they are banned (not after). They could not rejoin nor switch servers after leaving or being kicked from the server they switched to. This does not affect the BungeeCord version.
  • Fixed an (unlikely) error that could happen under very high loads ("OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread") - note, this error can still occur if caused by other factors.
  • Fixed a timezone-related error ("HOUR_OF_DAY: 2 -> 3") when importing from MySQL databases with certain timezones.
  • Fixed duplicate IP bans being added when importing twice into the same database.
  • Fixed extra silent kicks sending unprocessed messages to console.
  • Fixed placement of the `unwarn_broadcast` message in messages.yml (was under "mute", now under "warn").
API changes:
  • Fixed broadcastSent() not firing for extra-silent broadcasts.
Minor improvements:
  • Lockdown will now be broadcasted when a previous lockdown is loaded on startup.
  • The cross-server listing function of "/litebans info" has been moved to a separate sub-command, "/litebans servers".
  • Added mute reason to default muted messages.
  • Added error handling for invalid Bungee group configurations.
  • Removed unused "history_time_format" to simplify configuration of messages.yml. (Only time_format was used)
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed a specific error "execute() is called on closed connection" which could occur on disable (this error has no side effects).
----------, Jun 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
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