LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.2.4
Improved database performance when the "ban_names" option is enabled, the plugin will no longer query the bans table twice if the player's UUID hasn't changed.

Restructured ban/mute queries to improve database performance especially when there are many inactive bans.

Fixed lockdown bypass permissions not working under BungeeCord.

When the default server scope is not global, using the "server:" argument to specify a different server when adding/removing punishments now requires litebans.server.<scope> permission.

The /warnings command now allows players with the "litebans.warnings.self" permission (default true) to view their own warnings. (adds #9)
Note that this command uses the existing history messages and so it will refer to the player in the third person, i.e. "YourName was warned by ...", not "You were warned by ..."
This is for simplicity reasons and may be changed later.

Updated HikariCP (connection pooling library) from version 2.4.2-RC1 to 2.6.3-SNAPSHOT (latest git dev branch snapshot as of 2017-06-04)

Driver updates (all latest as of 2017-07-08):

Updated default MySQL driver version to 6.0.6 (Spigot 1.12 packages version 5.1.42)
Updated default MariaDB driver version to 2.0.3
Updated default PostgreSQL driver version to 9.4.1212.jre7
Updated default H2 driver version to 1.4.196
These updates will take effect automatically when you update the plugin, no changes to config.yml are necessary.
If you have any custom drivers you'll have to add "- version:1" to the top of the driver list.

LiteBans will no longer load database drivers from the classpath -- this means that the plugin will download and use the latest MySQL driver instead of using the built-in outdated driver which is packaged with Spigot/BungeeCord.

Downloaded drivers will include versions in their filenames, e.g. "h2-1.4.196.jar" instead of "h2.jar"

IP addresses can now be listed in hidden_dupeip_players in config.yml to hide them from /dupeip.

Fixed decimal time specifications >= 10 (e.g. "/ban player 10.0 days") not working as expected

Fixed "error_no_history" message being unmodifiable from default since version 2.2.

Disabled H2 trace logging by default. This prevents H2 from creating a "litebans.trace.db" log file filled with ignored error messages up to 16MB in size.

Fixed the "litebans.*" wildcard permission not granting permission to use /ipban and /ipmute. (This bug only applies when using permissions systems that don't compute wildcard permissions, such as BungeeCord's built-in permission system)

Fixed error and added warning when an online player's IP address is null (so far I've only seen this happen on servers with IP forwarding issues).

Modified and simplified "/litebans info" messages.

Fixed SQLite->H2 import issues since version 2.1.22.
----------, Jul 16, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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