LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.1.16 - 2.1.26
Fixed the plugin not working with Java 8 update 112 or later.
Updating is highly recommended in order to avoid possible errors in the future.
(Note: LiteBans is still compatible with Java 7)

Most notable bugfixes from previous minor updates:
- [2.1.8] Fixed the /unwarn command, broken since 2.1
- [2.1.9] Fixed "unbanned by" messages always indicating the actor who placed the punishment rather than the actor who removed it.
- [2.1.13] Added support for non-dashed UUIDs (e.g. "b9b618bd671c303a9900ce0b3f6de348" instead of "b9b618bd-671c-303a-9900-ce0b3f6de348")
- [2.1.6] Added online player tab completion for BungeeCord (requires litebans.tabcomplete permission)
- [2.1.14] Fixed GeoIP database download errors.
- [2.1.15] Improved table upgrade check behaviour, added "/litebans table-upgrade-check" command.

Fixed an error with "/litebans reload". This error is harmless and reloading will still complete successfully despite the error.

Added more friendly configuration error handling.
The plugin will now notify you if any configurations failed to load on join if you have the "litebans.admin" permission, and "/litebans reload" will specifically tell you which configuration(s) failed to load.

Removed "newline_as_new_message" option. Multi-line messages will now always be sent as one message. (This means that formatting will now carry over onto the next line, use "&r" to reset it).
As far as I can remember, this option was introduced as a workaround to a bug which was fixed very long ago.

Chat events under BungeeCord will now be cancelled at LOWEST-4 priority.

Added "sync_poll_ticks" and "sync_poll_skip" options to the configuration.

Fixed startup error with certain custom builds of BungeeCord.

Made it possible to import from H2 databases with username/password defined by using "import_mysql_username" and "import_mysql_password" options.

Added configuration option "sql.options" which by default includes "useSSL=false".
Added version header to configuration files.

Fixed regression with H2 and useSSL=false option.

Added "/message" to the default mute blacklist.
Fixed /dupeip alerts counting the same accounts on multiple addresses for threshold-based notifications.
Added "litebans.notify.warned" permission. This permission is granted by default under Spigot and allows players to see their own warning notifications when they are warned.
Added "litebans.notify.muted" permission. Mute notifications will now be sent across servers. This permission is granted by default under Spigot.
When attempting to punish a player who doesn't exist (no UUID found in online-mode), an error message will be sent instead of nothing.
Fixed case-insensitive name bans not working after the first join attempt.
Added "$message" variable to muted player chat notifications.

Fixed messages.yml not being saved with the new comments since 2.1.24.
Fixed certain broadcasts not being sent to their sender regardless of notify permissions (lockdown, mutechat, silent unbans)
Banned-players.json is now a synonym for "vanilla" (import.from) when importing bans.
Renamed many variables in messages.yml to reduce confusion.
Added variables "$playerDisplayName, $playerName, $playerUUID, $playerIP" to many messages.
Fixed harmless exception in some situations ("Cause: null") when the plugin fails to connect to a database.
Added option to let /dupeip show muted players, disabled by default for performance reasons.
Players without "litebans.dupeip.viewip" permission can no longer see the IP address in the dupeip start message.

Fixed /banlist not working since 2.1.25
Possibly fixed an issue preventing LiteBans from being loaded by BungeeUptimeSuite.
----------, Oct 25, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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