| Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] icon | Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] -----

Web based minecraft donation store! (Spigot, Bukkit, Sponge and BungeeCord supported)

Custom variables.
- Custom variables, like allowing users to enter a friend's name. This has been flagged as a premium feature.
- SSL support for your own domain. It's now possible to create a SSL certificate from the panel, we will provide you with a new IPv4 & IPv6 when you click "create". You have to change your DNS to these IP's and after this a Lets Encrypt X3 certificate will be created within 3 days. Once this is done, your site will automatic "prefer" SSL. This is also premium only, because I'm testing it ATM, this system hooks into OVH's CDN gateway system.

And there are a lot of small changes and fixes, there are still some bugs remaining, and new features that I would like to implement. The system is really becoming a stable platform :)
----------, Jul 10, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34,387
First Release: Nov 5, 2016
Last Update: May 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
120 ratings
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