What is CraftingStore? We are a donation platform, build to give all servers (small or big) a chance to receive donations and process them. We offer a very generous bronze (free) plan, that includes all the basics and more to boost your sales to the next level! We do not run advertisements (only a backlink in the footer) on the free plan, and you can create unlimited packages, servers, etc!
The plugin Our plugin supports Spigot, Bukkit, BungeeCord, Velocity and Sponge
The plugin will offer the users a /buy menu with your store items, and it will handle the command execution when a player donates to your server.
The price Our system is mainly free, which offers almost all of the features, but we do have paid for plans, that offer more advanced features, like Gift-cards, HTTPS on your custom domain, priority support and much more!
Current Features - Unlimited packages*
- Unlimited servers*
- Unlimited coupons*
- Custom domain
- Mail when someone donates
- Automatic payment processing
- Own domain on every plan.
- No (google) ads (only a small footer link)
All features:
See our plans! (Click)
Payment gateways - PayPal
- Paymentwall
- Paygol
- Stripe
- Mollie
- We're working on more in the future!
Setup 1) Create an account on
https://dash.craftingstore.net/register 2) Use our setup tool on the dashboard to create the first Server, package, category.
3) Download the plugin.
4) Get the API key from the servers page and enter it in the plugin config.
5) Setup the rest of the store, and start accepting donations!
API Events;
> DonationsReceivedEvent - getCommand() - The command that will run. - getMcname() - The player that did donate. - getUUID() - The UUID of the player that did donate. - getPackageName() - The package name. - getPackagePrice() - The price. - getCouponDiscount() - The amount discount.
Commands - /craftingstore reload -> Reload the config.
- /craftingstore key <server key> -> Sets the key, and reloads the server scheduler.
- /buy -> Inventory, with categories & packages.
/csb on BungeeCord, and if your server has
/cs in use, you can try
/craftingstore instead.)
PlaceholderAPI (
You can use the following placeholders, in the plugins that have support for Clip's PlaceholderAPI plugin. You'll need to install PlaceholderAPI to make these placeholders work.
%craftingstore_donator% -> 5 recent donators (MinecraftName: Amount spent this month)
%craftingstore_donator_1% -> Top donator (MinecraftName: Amount spent this month)
%craftingstore_donator_2% -> Second top donator (MinecraftName: Amount spent this month)
%craftingstore_donator_3% -> Two after top donator (MinecraftName: Amount spent this month)
%craftingstore_donator_4% -> Three after top donator (MinecraftName: Amount spent this month)
%craftingstore_donator_5% -> Four after top donator (MinecraftName: Amount spent this month)
%craftingstore_payment% -> 5 recent payments (MinecraftName: packagename)
%craftingstore_payment_1% -> Last payment (MinecraftName: packagename)
%craftingstore_payment_2% -> Second last payment (MinecraftName: packagename)
%craftingstore_payment_3% -> Two after last payment (MinecraftName: packagename)
%craftingstore_payment_4% -> Three after last payment (MinecraftName: packagename)
%craftingstore_payment_5% -> Four after last payment (MinecraftName: packagename)
Example https://example.craftingstore.net/ You can use a subdomain from our domain or you may link your own custom domain. All subdomains on our own domain have SSL connection. If you want SSL on your own domain, please use the Flexible SSL from Cloudflare, our system will detect this.
Panel screenshots
Running Spigot/Bukkit 1.7 The plugin depends on Google's GSON library, this library is only available in Spigot/Bukkit 1.8.3+. If your server is running a version below this, please install this plugin as well:
* = Fair use, don't try to make 100+ packages, servers or coupons just because it's allowed.
Don't give negative reviews if the system doesn't have something that you want. You can always ask in the Discussions, but please don't do this in the reviews.