| Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] icon | Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] -----

Web based minecraft donation store! (Spigot, Bukkit, Sponge and BungeeCord supported)

Import from Buycraft and MinecraftMarket.
From now on, it's possible to import your payments, packages and categories from either Buycraft or MinecraftMarket. They will be inserted in to your existing account. You can do this by clicking the "Import" item in the sidebar.

Note: Not all data can be imported. Things like commands, required packages and such won't get imported because their API's simply don't provide them.

Note: You will need to enter your API key (server key), we only process them and our system won't save any of those keys.
----------, Mar 21, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34,387
First Release: Nov 5, 2016
Last Update: May 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
120 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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