| Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] icon | Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] -----

Web based minecraft donation store! (Spigot, Bukkit, Sponge and BungeeCord supported)

Added a plugin side API.
We added a plugin side API, it currently only has the DonationReceivedEvent. And I'll add more information and a page to generate an API key on the dashboard soon for the web based Json API.

- getCommand() - The command that will run.
- getMcname() - The player that did donate.
- getPackageName() - The package name.
- getPackagePrice() - The price.
- getCouponDiscount() - The amount discount.

Just import the plugin in your project and Listen for that event.
Note: This will still run the command, if you don't want to run the command from our system you can add the config option (
dont_run_command: false) so your own plugin can run it.
----------, Nov 6, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34,387
First Release: Nov 5, 2016
Last Update: May 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
120 ratings
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