Thanks for your review!
You need the Silver plan or higher if you want us to issue SSL/TLS certificates for your store on your own domain. If you use our domain (, we handle the SSL/TLS certificate free of charge. On any plan.
The reason we only offer SSL/TLS for custom domains on premium plans is due to Lets Encrypt rate limits. And due to the "work" involved in getting certificates. We have a few servers that are only responsible for requesting/handling TLS/SSL certificates for stores. These cost money, so we made it a premium feature if you want us to manage the certificate. Certificates need to be renewed, domains will need to be validated, to see if they still point to us. And if we try to request certificates that fail, we might lose the ability to request them for a week, when the limits are reset.
Because the only issue is the complexity/rate limits, we have no problem with you using an external service like Cloudflare to let them handle SSL/TLS. We described how you can do this in our knowledge base:
We support reverse proxies, and do not block them, we even have Cloudflare whitelisted on our DDoS filters / load balancers, and make sure that we get the correct player IP behind them.
I hope this clears things up. You always have the ability to use SSL/TLS with us, but there are some comprimises (like now using your own domain), or using Cloudflare for your DNS.