WARNING: This is a major update, and will require a lot of configuration changes. Before updating, it is extremely recommended to read the upgrade guide and to backup your server.
After a year, Triton v1 is finally being released! Some features have already made its way to Triton v0 during this time, but others are exclusive to v1!
You can find the full documentation of the plugin on our new website:
Here is the changelog:
- Support for TWIN (Triton Web Interface).
- Propper support for ban messages.
- Support for custom TABs.
- Support for 1.13.x
- New /triton sign command that allows you to manage sign in-game.
- Added a visual cue to help players see which language they have selected in the GUI.
- Added description to commands when using /triton help.
- Support for the v0 API.
- Performance improvements while using BungeeCord.
- All messages are now saved in one file.
- If you're using BungeeCord, it's now only one file for the whole network! No more updating a message in multiple servers!
- You can now change the placeholder tags per message type.
- The no permission message now includes the missing permission (if you want to disable this, simply edit the message in messages.yml).
- The plugin has now been fully renamed to Triton. The plugin folder has been renamed from MultiLanguagePlugin to Triton, as well as the plugin name itself.
- Various bug fixes.
- Major changes under the hood.
- ProtocolLib is now a dependency.
Known bugs:
For a list of currently known bugs, check out our
GitHub page.