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LuckPerms -----

A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers (Bukkit/Spigot, BungeeCord & more)

Web Editor
Some sort of standalone GUI client / web editor has probably been *the* most frequently requested feature over time. However, it most likely doesn't work how you think it does.

The editor does *not* have to be self hosted. You do not need to have your own web server / be using MySQL storage to make use of it. Data transfer to/from the web client is done using GitHub's Gist service. All of the processing is done completely on the client side. In therory, you could just download the web files to your local machine and open the page from there.

It's still pretty basic at the moment, however it is still functional. I will be hopefully making improvements to the features and design over time.

Anyway, here's a short gif to demonstrate how it works.

You can try it out using "/lp user/group <?> editor"

A couple of new commands
  • /lp user/group <?> settrack <track> <group / position> [context]
  • /lp user/group <?> cleartrack <track> [context]
Both of these commands allow for much easier control when trying to promote a player to a position on a certain track. Think of it as "parent set", but only clearing groups also on the given track.

Implemented default contexts for commands
Basically, this lets you set a default server/world to be used in all commands, unless "global" is specifically used.

Add a number of config options to allow for finer control over how permissions are calculated
Just a few extra options to control how Bukkit default / child permissions are used by LuckPerms when trying to determine if a player should have a certain permission.

Plus the following fixes:
  • Determine dynamic primary groups using a users current context (if they have any)
  • Fix errors getting primary groups for offline players
  • Add not_on_track meta stack criteria
  • Fix handling of unknown player usernames
  • Cleanup login handling on older Spigot/CraftBukkit versions
  • Show a players UUID in logging messages if their username is unknown
  • Slight performance improvement when resolving player permissions
  • Fix the formatting of multi line messages sent to the console
  • Fix issue with bulk removing suffixes
  • Fix issue where users would be cleaned up too early & then log back into the server without their data loaded
  • Fix a number of issues with zPermissions migration
  • Fix retrieving meta keys from Vault which contain delimited characters
  • Fix world rewrites not being applied on top of the real world
  • Fix the meta info command only showing values in the global context
Note: This is not a special 1.12 update. LuckPerms does not depend on specific server versions to function correctly. The previous versions of the plugin will also work fine with 1.12.
----------, May 14, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,852,605
First Release: Aug 20, 2016
Last Update: Jun 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1074 ratings
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