TigerReports icon

TigerReports -----

Plugin to manage reports / Plugin de gestion de signalements.

Version 5.0.14
Version 5.0.14

This is a potentially unstable version.
If you encounter any error, please report it to me by copying the full error and giving any detail of what you did that could help me to reproduce it. Thank you in advance.

If you use a MySQL database, you need to change the type of the "archived" column of the "tigerreports_reports" table of your database to "INT(1)".

If you don't know how to do so, you can follow the instructions in this tutorial page.


  • Fixed advanced data not displayed in the report menu (the book in the top right corner) due to an oversight in last updates (thanks to nicholasveronico for reporting the issue).
  • Fixed Hex colors not correctly displayed in hoverable chat messages (thanks to kforbro for reporting the issue).
  • Fixed the display of not found statistics values (thanks to nicholasveronico for noticing it).
----------, May 10, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 76,003
First Release: Jul 2, 2016
Last Update: Sep 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
186 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings