TigerReports icon

TigerReports -----

Plugin to manage reports / Plugin de gestion de signalements.

Version: 5.3.4
Hello! Cool plugin, but could you add PAPI support? Something like %number_of_reports% of a player?
Author's response
Hello, thank you for the great mark but the reviews section is not made for suggestions (it doesn't accept replies). Please use the discussion tab, GitHub issues page or private message next time.
To answer you, the PAPI support would require a lot of work for me, and would considerably impact the performance of the server running the plugin. But if you really need to display a statistic from TigerReports plugin outside of TigerReports, feel free to design your own plugin accessing the database that you configured for the plugin.
Have a good day.

Version: 5.3.3
Great plugin but can you make an update for 1.20+? When the points given to the players fall below 0, the score buttons are deleted from the gui.
Author's response
Hello, the reviews section is not made for issues (it doesn't accept replies). Please use the discussion tab, GitHub issues page or private message next time.
To answer you, I don't know what "points" you are talking about, could you give me a screenshot of the issue you have please ?

Version: 5.3.3
Players can not report staff or owners, they get red message says they can't. any way to fix this? your discussion page page is broke.

Version: 5.3.3
The plugin is not bad, but there is little customization of this huge functionality. You can't edit the menu in a separate config, for example.
Author's response
Thank you for this review, but you should keep in mind that this is a free plugin with a lot of features that should be optimized not to impact the server performance. The more configuration options you have, the poorer the server performance, and the harder it is to maintain (update/fix/improve). Everything has a cost. Since what really matters is the accessibility of the features, I chose to allow the plugin to be fully translatable, but I didn't allowed the customization of the position/look of buttons that is not really necessary from my point of view.
I hope you can understand it, have a good day.

Version: 5.3.2
When Velocity support? since Snap is a little broken and i think developer doesn't care about it anymore
Author's response
Hello, the reviews section is not made for suggestions (it doesn't accept replies). Please use the discussion tab, GitHub issues page or private message next time.
To answer your question, I'm sorry but I currently don't have the time and the motivation to add the support of Velocity.

Version: 5.2.2
This is the best report plugin available, but please ensure compatibility with version 1.20.
Author's response
Thank you for this good review. The plugin doesn't depend on any Minecraft version, so it should work in 1.20. If it's not the case, please tell me it and give me the error you get in the console/logs of your server.

Version: 5.2.2
It works very well on 1.18 and 1.20 Version! I hooked with MySQL through BungeeCord Server. Also, I using TigerReportSupport to send Discord Notification. Thanks for developer adding this Amazing Free Plugin!
Author's response
Thank you very much for this great review !
If you have any issue or suggestion, do not hesitate to tell me :)

Version: 5.2.1
the plugin is great but i want it to not show ip's ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Author's response
Hello, the reviews section is not made for fixing issues. Please use the GitHub issues pages, the discussion tab or private messages to do so.

Version: 5.2.1
The whole plugin is made in Spanish and it doesn't fully support the English language which is all around the world but not into your plugin. The second reason is that you can bypass those Reports and report someone with whatever reason you like, for example: /report Player1 tttttt | It will bypass the whole purpose of the plugin
Author's response
This review is totally wrong, I think you are confusing with another plugin.
If you are really talking about TigerReports, then please use the discussion tab, the GitHub issues or private messages to fix all the configuration issues you have.

Version: 5.2.1
Excellent plugin, Excellent support, there's almost nothing to complain about here. Keep it up!
Author's response
Thank you very much for your very nice review !
If you have other question/issue/suggestion don't hesitate :)

Version: 5.2.1
Wonderful plugin! But could u plz make it possible to report a player's displayname and then link it to its real name. I have nick plugin on my server. Thanks!
Author's response
Hello, thank you for the good review.
Please don't use the reviews for suggestions, and use the discussion tab, GitHub issues or private messages instead.
To answer to your suggestion, what would happen if 2 players would have the same display name ? What if the display name is something like "[VIP] PlayerName" ? (there is a space in this display name, and the report command is "/report <player> <reason>", so when you type "/report [VIP] PlayerName reason", I don't have an easy way of knowing if "PlayerName" is part of the display name of the player you want to report, or if "PlayerName" is the first word of the reason for reporting the player "[VIP]' (that player could exist, and in that case you wouldn't be able to report the player "[VIP] PlayerName").
All this considerations show that the best approach is not to allow to report players by their display name, but instead find a nick plugin that makes other plugins able to use the fake name as if it was the real name of the player.

Version: 5.2.1
The plugin itself is great, but the messaging system is horrible.
I literally had to set the color char to "ayayayaya" (seriously) to use § as a color char. Did it work? No. It even broke more stuff! :D

Overall the plugin is good, all I ask is to fix this "color char" issue.
(I understand if it will take time)
Author's response
Hello, I'm sorry but I don't understand the problem you describe. And please don't use reviews to report issues, they are not made for that and don't allow to get more information.

Version: 5.2.1
This is definitely a great plugin for the "reports" category, it has basically everything anyone could ask for.

I give it 4 stars

1. It doesn't support velocity (the author told me that it doesn't have time, I understand, but it still doesn't support it.

2. It doesn't have "bungeecord" support, since the author says that you should install the plugin on all your servers and connect them with mysql..

3. If you don't use point 1 and 2, use this plugin, I recommend it.
Author's response
The plugin supports BungeeCord if you follow the instructions.
A BungeeCord only plugin cannot manage GUI (chest interfaces), so what you are complaining about is the concept of the plugin.

Version: 5.1.5
Excellent plugin with pretty and very easy-to-use GUI!
The developer is nice and helpful as well,help me with my stupid mistake instantly.you can get what i am saying from here
: https://github.com/MrTigreroux/TigerReports/issues/131

Strongly recommend!Strongly recommend!Strongly recommend!
Author's response
Thank you very much for your kind review. :)
If you have other issue or suggestion, let me know it !

Version: 5.1.3
The plugin is very cool, there is everything, there is even a view of the chat logs, it would be super if you added a view of the player's latest actions, for example, when a player makes a report about cheats from a player, and you could have a see a minute ago, from issuing a report by a player, so as not to watch the player once again, is it for sure he's a cheater or not. I don't know how this will affect the server load, but if you add it, it will be just mega super
Author's response
Hi, thank you for your very good review ! :)
I'm not sure to understand your suggestion, but you would want an information about the last time you teleported yourself to a reported player ? Please answer me in the "Discussion" tab, the GitHub issues page or in private message.

Version: 5.1.3
muy bueno me funciona perfecto el problema es la mysql que no me cargar y la puse bien
Author's response
Hello, the reviews section is not made for fixing issues. Please use the GitHub issues pages, the discussion tab or private messages to do so.

Version: 5.1.2
Hello, wonderful plugin, when does the update supports the 1.19.2 version? ;) if you need collaborators I'm here friend ;)
Author's response
Hello and thank you for your nice review ! :)
The plugin doesn't depend on a Minecraft version, therefore it should work on the 1.19.2 too. Please tell me if it's not the case and give me the error that you get in the console/logs.

Version: 5.0.16
Amazing plugin in using that is 1.19.2. Can you please open a discord support will be very much appreciated
Author's response
Thank you for your great review :)
I already tested to provide support on Discord and it resulted that it wasn't bringing any advantage over the Discussion tab of that website, private messages of that forum or the GitHub issues page of the plugin. You can find the links of that support means at the end of the presentation page of the plugin.
Do not hesitate to use them for suggestions or issues you would have.

Version: 5.0.16
Very good plugin! Helps alot and the dev is very friendly. 5 starts.
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you have other questions or issues, do not hesitate. :)

Version: 5.0.16
Best report plugin. Staff is respond shortly. All servers need that. You can add everything you want
Author's response
Thank you for your good review ! :)
If you have issues or suggestions do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 5.0.15
The best plugin ever. It is easy and I have it on my big server. I hope in the future there come mor updates!!!!! This is an easy plugin to use :)
Author's response
Thank you for your great review ! :)
If you have suggestions or problems, do not hesitate to tell me.

Version: 5.0.8
A very good plugin and support. Plugin works as it should so actually no problem ;)
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review ! :)
If you have suggestions or issues, do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.13.1
From what I saw the plugin works perfectly fine. Though, when I try to run this plugin on my BungeeCord I get the following Error:

[19:24:40] [Application-Thread/WARN]: Error loading plugin TigerReports
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/plugin/java/JavaPlugin
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:1012) ~[?:?]
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:150) ~[?:?]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.findClass(PluginClassloader.java:152) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:587) ~[?:?]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass0(PluginClassloader.java:66) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass(PluginClassloader.java:59) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520) ~[?:?]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin(PluginManager.java:394) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.loadPlugins(PluginManager.java:300) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:278) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCordLauncher.main(BungeeCordLauncher.java:67) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at net.md_5.bungee.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:15) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77) ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:?]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:568) ~[?:?]
at de.dytanic.cloudnet.wrapper.Wrapper.lambda$startApplication$5(Wrapper.java:487) ~[wrapper.jar:3.4.3-RELEASE-cca9610]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass0(PluginClassloader.java:103) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass(PluginClassloader.java:59) ~[waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:83ff18f:478]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520) ~[?:?]
... 19 more

Kind regards
Author's response
The reviews section is not made for reporting issues. And please read the Installation section in the description page of the plugin to know how to use TigerReports in a BungeeCord network.

Version: 4.13.1
I can no longer config. yml file to modify reason menu please help me and tell me how to modify him, I am Chinese
Author's response
Hello, the reviews section is not made for fixing issues. Please use the GitHub issues pages, the discussion tab or private messages to do so.

Version: 4.13.1
luck permissions chat plugin and tiger report plugin are conflicting, please fix it or I will miss your plugin :(

The reason for the conflict: Vault chat feature, please remove it!
Author's response
Hello, firstly, the reviews section is not made for reporting issues. Please use the GitHub issues, the discussion tab or the private messages to do so.
And you can disable the use of Vault plugin at the end of config.yml file of TigerReports, with VaultChat: Enabled setting configured to "no".
I don't see why the use of Vault plugin would create any conflict but because you don't give more details of the problem like screenshots, I can't guess what the problem is.

Version: 4.13.1
A good plugin but howd do i give access to my mod team to see tigerreport notification ..?
Btw a good plugin
Author's response
Hello, thank you for the good review but please use the discussion tab or private messages for questions/problems.
To answer, you can give the 'tigerreports.staff' permission to your mod team to receive reports notifications (see https://github.com/MrTigreroux/TigerReports/wiki/Permissions).

Version: 4.13.1
good plugin but can update for version 1.18.1 pls
5stars :D
Author's response
Thank you for your good review :)
The plugin doesn't depend on a Minecraft version, it should work on 1.18.1. If it's not the case, please contact me in private message, on GitHub or in the discussion tab of that website with the error you get in the logs/console.

Version: 4.13
Great and actively developed plugin. The author is very responsive and does his best to answer bug reports/feature requests very quickly <3
Definitely recommended!
Author's response
Thank you for your very kind review ! :)
If you have suggestions or issues, feel free to contact me.

Version: 4.13
The best Report Plugin on Spigot can you update to 1.17 and 1.18? because i have 1.17 Server
Author's response
Thank you for your great review :)
The plugin doesn't depend on a Minecraft version, it should work on 1.17 and 1.18. If it's not the case, please contact me in private message, on GitHub or in the discussion tab of that website with the error you get in the logs/console.

Version: 4.13
The best Report plugin on spigot. It's lightweight and works excellent with MySQL. I use it on my Network and never had any issues. Thank you for providing such an amazing plugin.
Author's response
Thank you for your very great review ! ;)
If you have suggestions or issues do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.13
Excellent Plugin, Best Support Active Developer, and Greate Support
Really Appreciated!!
Good Luck :)

Version: 4.12.12
The only and most user-friendly reporting plugin! Really glad I stumbled upon this plugin! For there are a lot of possibilities! Thanks for this miracle!
Author's response
Thank you for your really nice review !
If you have suggestions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me. :)

Version: 4.12.9
Tengo que decir la verdad que es el mejor complemento creado para los reportes ya que es fácil de usar y pues ya vienen con una traducción es increíble todo este plugin.
Author's response
Muchas gracias por esta reseña súper agradable ! Me hace muy feliz ver que mi complemento es útil y apreciado.
Si tiene alguna sugerencia o un problema, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo. :)

Version: 4.12.7
Before it worked now when i added latest version to the server i get error but yes good plugin(is problem java 11?)
Author's response
The reviews section isn't made for fixing issues. Please use the discussion page, private messages or GitHub issues page for support as explained on the plugin page.

Version: 4.12.6
This is a very nice plugin for reporting players ingame idk of there is an option to add a discord related thingy to it so you can see al the incoming reports at discord Also maybe make a discord help server so people can ask questions there instead of the different ways you have rn

only 1 les nice thing is that the config is in english and french at the same time, if you are bad at changing a config it could become very hard.
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
You can install TigerReportsSupports plugin ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tigerreportssupports.54612/) to get Discord support (follow the instructions given in the presentation page, in Installation section).
I tested a Discord help server to give support but it resulted that it wasn't giving any advantage. I really prefer GitHub issues or Private messages on this forum to give support.
The config is meant to be edited, there is an english description of every setting in order to help people understand how settings affect the plugin behaviour. I don't see how I could improve the "accessibility" of the config but if you have suggestions they are welcome. By default, the plugin is in french because I'm french and I don't want the default messages to have bad english.

Version: 4.12.1
Very nice Plugin!

But the german language is not fully translated, i can send you my translated version if you need them :D
Author's response
Hello, thank you for your good review !
Your translated messages are welcome :)

Version: 4.12.1
great plugin for reporting players.
it works very well without any problems.
thanks dev you solved a nice problem for me that other plugins have failed
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
If you have suggestions or issues, do not hesitate to tell me.

Version: 4.12
Plugin is very good, but when i report player or using commands form tiger reports i got kicked. How can i get support? Thank you.
Author's response
The reviews section isn't made for fixing issues. Please use the discussion page, private messages or GitHub issues page for support as explained on the plugin page.

Version: 4.11.9
When using the report command, the plug-in uses the tigerreports.report command. Anti protection plugins are blocking this command, can you change it please.
Author's response
Thank you for your good mark. However, reviews are not made for suggestions. Please use the discussion tab, private messages or GitHub issues. Concerning your issue, you should consider using another plugin that allows you to "whitelist" the command /tigerreports:report. This command is written like that to avoid conflicts with other plugins that would have a /report command.

Version: 4.11.9
Amazing plugin, I love it! I can write the messages in my laguage, I have 1 question, how I can prevent my staff for doing /report, the command only to be for other players not for my staff :D
Author's response
Thank you !
You can set Config: PermissionRequired to true in config.yml file and give the "tigerreports.report" permission to all players except your staff. Some permissions plugin use the "-tigerreports.report" permission to remove a permission from a rank/user.
If you need more help, please use the discussion tab, private message or GitHub issues page.

Version: 4.11.9
Hello this plugin seems incredible to me but I need help with an error that I have discord?
Author's response
Hello, please use the discussion tab, private message or GitHub issues page in order to fix your problem.

Version: 4.11.8
Great plugin just don’t know how to give permission to players to use /report I gave them perms in luckperms
Author's response
The permission for reporting a player ('tigerreports.report', cf https://github.com/MrTigreroux/TigerReports/wiki/Permissions) is only required if PermissionRequired setting is set to true in config.yml file. If the command doesn't work, try using /tigerreports:report command. If it works, then it means that another plugin use the same command. If it doesn't, please contact me in the discussion tab, on GitHub issues or in private message on this forum.

Version: 4.11.8
Great plugin! love it works great I setup everything and it works perfect!
I been trying to find a /report plugin that is good and this is the one the best one you can find on spigotmc
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
If you have suggestions they are welcome :)

Version: 4.11.8
The plugin don´t start on my bungeecord-Server so i sadly only can give the plugin 1 star :/
Author's response
Please read the Installation section of the plugin and use the discussion section or the GitHub issues page for solving problems. Reviews are not made for this.
TigerReports isn't a BungeeCord plugin, but a Spigot plugin working with the BungeeCord network. You must remove it from your BungeeCord server and install it on your Spigot servers. Menus (GUIs) cannot be managed by a BungeeCord plugin.

Version: 4.11.8
this plugin is amazing. very usefull. supporting all minecraft version. thank you author :)
Author's response
Thank you for your very kind review !
If you have suggestions do not hesitate.

Version: 4.11.8
best minecraft reports plugin! If you do very good plugin like this, you can do other plugin!!!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review ! :)

Version: 4.11.8
Très très bon plugin! Et c'est du made in France *o*


Really really good plugin! And it's made in France *o*

Version: 4.11.8
Best Report Plugin on Spigot! Really i cant be more happy to use that. Maybe you can add the ability to make a new line in messages.yml in next update? 11/10*
Author's response
Thank you for your very good review !
I'm sorry but I don't think that I understand your suggestion, there is already the line break symbol (by default '//') to add a new line in messages. If you could explain in the discussion page of the plugin or in the GitHub issues with an example of what you would want that would help me.

Version: 4.11.8
Très très bon plugin! Le développeur répond vite et clairement. Et c'est du made in France *o*


Really really good plugin! The dev answer fast and clearly. And it's made in France *o*

Version: 4.11.8
El plugin es muy bueno, especialmente para mi Servidor en de hablentes españoles.
Pero prodian actualizar el plugin para la 1.16 o superior?
The plugin is very good, especially for my Spanish-speaking Server.
But could you update the plugin to 1.16 or higher?
Author's response
Thank you for your good review !
The plugin doesn't depond on the Minecraft version. It should work on 1.16 servers.

Version: 4.11.8
Super plugin ! est-il possible de faire une version premium ? ça m'embête beaucoup que mes joueurs puissent savoir quel plugin j'utilise.
Author's response
Merci beaucoup !
Effectivement je comprends que ça ne soit pas idéal. Le problème c'est que vendre un plugin implique beaucoup de problèmes juridiques à gérer, surtout en France. Je ne me sens pas de me lancer là dedans pour le moment, désolé.

Version: 4.11.8
Good plugin! but i cant visit your message link, its it normal?
i only know how to translate english not others :|
Author's response
Thank you for your good review !
I don't understand what you mean by "message link" but the instructions to change messages are written in the main page of the plugin ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tigerreports.25773/): https://i.imgur.com/sgXWLqg.png

They are also on GitHub: https://github.com/MrTigreroux/TigerReports/wiki/Messages

Version: 4.11.7
Plugin is awesome, and the developer is always free to help! recommended 10/10 beautiful plugin!
Author's response
Thank you for this kind review ! :)

Version: 4.11.7
Very nice Plugin *Thumbsup*.

It work's perfectly fine on my old Server Version 1.12.2

But please update to 1.16 :)
Author's response
The plugin doesn't depend on the Minecraft version.
If you encounter problems on Minecraft 1.16, please send me the error messages in the console/logs.

Version: 4.11.7
Good Plugin! Thanks for sharing such a nice ressource for free!
Keep up your great work!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you have suggestions or issues, do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.11.7
It is pretty good. Only thing is that for some reason I am missing a report reason. If the author could respond on GitHub, that would help a lot! Thanks. (This is not a bad review, I just have a problem lol)
Author's response
Hi, as answered on GitHub, the "misssing reason" is voluntary. You can change the reasons you want to display in the config.

Version: 4.11.6
The best Report plugin for Minecraft, sensational, really very good, congratulations to the team that developed this plugin
Author's response
Thank you for your super review !
If you have suggestions or issues, do not hesitate to contact me. :)

Version: 4.11.5
Great plugin, good functional.
Huge thanks to developer, helped me with my problem.
I really recomend to download and use this plugin!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
If you have other issues, do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.11.5
good plugin but i can not close updatecheck
can u let me close this?
好插件 不过我无法关闭更新检测
Author's response
I'm sorry but I don't want to incite people not to update the plugin. The update notification is voluntarily not hideable.

Version: 4.11.5
really cool and functional. On version 1.16.2 it goes which is a marvel. A possible integration with advanced-ban or litebans type plugins (for a fee) and a possible gui with reports already defined for common hacks would be interesting.
Either way, great job
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
I'm not sure to understand what you mean by "integration" but you can put the commands of the plugins you quoted in the PunishCommands setting of default reasons/punishments configured. If these plugins have BungeeCord commands (not Spigot ones), then you will need to make the staff to run these commands with the process described in Installation section of the presentation page ( https://i.imgur.com/7egT5jH.png).
I don't understand your second suggestion about a GUI with reports already defined, because there is already a GUI of default reasons (/report <player> command, without any reason specified) that you can change according to your needs.

Feel free to give me more details about the improvements you would want on GitHub or in the discussion page of the plugin.

Version: 4.11.5
Great Plugin! Very easy to use and configure! Had some issues and dev responded in discord within minutes!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
If you have other issue or suggestion, do not hesitate. :)

Version: 4.11.3
The best plugin of this type. Love it!
»❤️« | »❤️« | »❤️« | »❤️« | »❤️« | »❤️« |
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you have suggestions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me :)

Version: 4.11.3
This is my second review. I love the plugin, though I have a plugin hider and I am disabling /tigerreport and the help for it.. It says it's disabled, sends me the msg I have set for it in the plugin hiding config. Though, added onto the msg it doesn't block the actual command, and tigerreports still pushes itself through and sends the msgs.
Author's response
First of all, reviews are not made for fixing issues. Please use the GitHub issues, the discussion tab on this forum, the private messages or the Discord server instead.
To answer to your "problem", you are not allowed to hide the credits presents in the help command. This plugin is free, took a lot of time to make, and has only one unmodifiable credit in it: one line explaining that i'm the author of it. I'm sorry but the help command is voluntarily not hideable and any modification of the jar to bypass this protection/remove the credits is ilegal according to the terms of service.
Therefore, you have two solutions: accept that you use the free creation of somebody and that it is normal to credit him (me in that case), or reject this credit and find another plugin (that would probably not be free).

Version: 4.11.3
Best plugin for reports !!!!!! Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 4.11.2
Excellent plugin innovant, tu as su jongler entre esthétique, productivité et rapidité. Avec l'extension Discord, c'est un bon alliage.
Je voudrais m'entretenir avec toi par Discord si tu le veux bien (360matt#0001)
Author's response
Merci beaucoup pour le soutien !
Voici le lien vers mon Discord: https://discord.gg/HzShMKP

Version: 4.10
I really like this plugin. It's simple to use. And it has lots of options so your staff can work effectively without giving away too much power.
Author's response
Thank you for your good review ! :)
If you have suggestions or problems feel free to contact me.

Version: 4.9.16
Overall a very impressive plugin and credit to the dev
however i would like more version support like 1.15.2
Author's response
The plugin doesn't depend on the Minecraft version.
If you encounter errors, please send them in the discussion tab or in private messages.

Version: 4.9.16
I'm giving it a five star rating because it deserves it.. I'm not gonna be some snob that gives a low rating just because of a small error. Anyways, I've been using this plugin for about a year now on 1.8 and when I update to 1.15.2 everything loads in correctly, no errors. But, when I type in the command /report <player> it throws an error in the console and doesn't open the gui.

My configuration: https://paste.helpch.at/biqezanixi.coffeescript
My error: https://paste.helpch.at/wulaxaviho.apache

Though, this isn't exactly the "help" area and place to post errors such as this I couldn't find any other decent place to put this. Please excuse me if I missed a hidden discord link or something.
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
It seems that the error you have is induced by the "Lore:" section of default reasons that you removed. I could fix it when i get enough time but for now here are the changes that should fix your problem: https://paste.helpch.at/tihumogidu.coffeescript

If you have other issues, you can put them on GitHub ( https://github.com/MrTigreroux/TigerReports/issues) or in the discussion tab ( https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/) or in private message ( https://www.spigotmc.org/conversations/add?to=MrTigreroux)

Version: 4.9.16
Hola, vi una revisión del complemento y me pareció muy bueno. Solo tengo una pregunta: ¿debería instalarse en todos los servidores o instalarse solo en bungeecord?
Author's response
Hola, TigerReports no functiona en BungeeCord pero on Spigot servidores. Entonces tienes que instalarlo en cada Spigot servidor que tienes. Si estan conectidos a BungeeCord y que el parametro "Config: BungeeCord" esta configurado como "yes" en config.yml, los reportes del entero network BungeeCord van a ser recibidos por todos los servidores. Entonces, necesitas que configurar la misma MySQL database en cada config.yml de tus servidores para que los reportes sean los mismos para todos los Spigot servidores.
Si quieres mas explicaciones o no comprendres mi muy mal espanol, puedes contactarme en mensajes privados o en la discussion general del plugin.

Version: 4.9.16
why not 1.15.2 ????????????????????????????????
pls add support omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
The plugin doesn't depend on the Minecraft version.
If you encounter errors, please send them in the discussion tab or in private messages.

Version: 4.9.16
Highly customisable and easy to use. One of the best plugin out there! The developer is still active and trys to help you if theres a problem. Thank you for this plugin and your hard work! :)
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you have other suggestions or problem do not hesitate.

Version: 4.9.16
Name: "HACKER"
Lore: "&7****"
Permission: "DENEME"

I think it should be like this. It would be nice to have a difference between badmin and aadmin
Author's response
Thank you for your good mark, but please use the discussion tab or GitHub for suggestions.
I clearly don't understand what you are asking for, if you could be more precise it would help me.

Version: 4.9.16
Best report plugin I have found after searching for ages. Thank you for providing such a great plugin.
Author's response
Thank you for your super review !
If you have suggestions they are welcome. :)

Version: 4.9.16
Wow! I am amazed at how perfect this plugin is. It has everything I was looking for. Discord support, nice gui, archiving, correct perms, a sort of category. Only thing I would change is that when you go to process a report and run a command, it brings the GUI of main menu. I wish it didn't do this because I want to to bring another gui to complete punish the user. I've used a custom skript for this. But, over all. The plugin is fantastic. Thanks for making it!
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
Did you try to put a delay in your skript before opening your gui ? Please answer in the discussion tab or in private message if it doesn't work. And if you have other issues or suggestions, do not hesitate. :)

Version: 4.9.16
Franchement bravo, ton travail est juste génial, sa me fait plaisir qu'un français ai une réputation sur spigot, continue comme ça t'es le meilleur !
Author's response
Merci beaucoup pour le soutien, ça me fait très plaisir :)
Si tu as des suggestions ou problèmes n'hésite pas !

Version: 4.9.15
I get this error when trying to get the English messages: 500: Internal Server Error
Author's response
They are hosted on github so there should not have any problem. ( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrTigreroux/TigerReports/master/TigerReports/messages/english.yml)
Please detail your problem in the discussion tab if you still can't get them (reviews are not made for fixing issues).

Version: 4.9.15
it perfectly Works in 1.12.2 The best plugin but i need eng. AMAZING AND GREAT WORK
Author's response
Thank you for your good review !
If you have suggestions or problems do not hesitate to tell me.

Version: 4.9.15
Excellent plugin, so much value in just a plugin. Well made and easy to setup. Good job.
Author's response
Thank you for your super nice review !
If you have suggestions or problems do not hesitate to tell me.

Version: 4.9.15
Best report plugin! Very useful plugin!
P.S. Please add a command and permission to delete all reports. (Even those that are not in the archive.)
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
You can use /reports archiveall to archive all Done reports and then use /reports deleteall to delete all archived reports. This is made this way to don't lose unprocessed reports. I don't really see why you would want to delete absolutely all reports but if you use a MySQL database you can do it with phpMyAdmin.

Version: 4.9.15
Excellent plugin! This is the best report plugin avaiable on spigot! But there is a line that I can't translate!
Author's response
Thank you for your good review ! I hope the solution i gave you will fix the problem.

Version: 4.9.14
Hey, salut mec, j'espère tu te rappelles de moi !
Bref comme d'habitude je vais redire la même parce que c'est la réalité.
Ton plugin est incroyable, bien config, bien dév, bien designé...

Mais aujourd'hui je viens d'avoir un gros soucis, si tu peux le résoudre ça serait bien :)
Quand l'option "ChatReport" est activé:
Quand un modérateur mute un joueur >> Le joueur peut bypass le chat et il peut parler dans le chat. http://prntscr.com/robo4v http://prntscr.com/robomw
Mais quand l'option "chatreport" est désactivé:
Le joueur ne peut pas parler dans le chat :)

Merci de résoudre le problème <3
Author's response
Salut, merci encore pour ton soutien et ta gentillesse !
Pour ton problème, je pense que la nouvelle version ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tigerreports.25773/update?update=325039) devrait le corriger. Si ce n'est pas le cas, alors j'aurais du mal à faire davantage car le problème viendra plutôt de ton plugin de mute. N'hésite quand même pas à me contacter (en message privé ou dans la section "Discussion") si cela ne fonctionne pas.

Version: 4.9.11

could u pls add an interface for console to do report command?
Author's response
Thank you for your super review !
I'm sorry but I don't understand your suggestion, could you detail it a little more in the discussion tab of the plugin or on GitHub please ?

Version: 4.9.11
great plugin for reporting people but i translated this plugin to Persian how do i can send it to you?
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
You can share your translations in the discussion tab or in private message and I will put them on the main page. Thank you in advance.

Version: 4.9.11
Excellent plugin. Worked with 1.13 and lower versions. But does it works with 1.15?
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
The plugin isn't dependent of the Minecraft version, it should work on all versions higher than 1.7. Do not hesitate to report me any problem you could encounter with this.

Version: 4.9.9

This is the best replay plugin I've ever seen, keep it up please! :)

A little wish:

Can you please make all messages editable? Because some of them cannot be edited yet. (mostly the chat messages)
Author's response
I don't know if it is a typing mistake but it's not a replay plugin.
Could you send me a screen of the messages that aren't editable please ?

Version: 4.9.9
Only few worlds: The Best Plugin For Reports (99% message customizables, few bugs)
Author's response
Thank you for your good review. :)
Do not hesitate to contact me when you encounter a bug, I will try to fix it.

Version: 4.9.9
A really great plugin. It helped me a lot with player reports now that I can have them in discord too. I can confirm it works fine on Paper 1.15.2
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
If you have problem or other suggestions do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.9.9
Turkish language support should come

and does it work properly in 1.12.2 version?
Author's response
Hello, thank you for your great review !
I don't speak turkish but you can change the messages by yourself.
And yes the plugin works on each Spigot version higher than 1.8. If it doesn't please inform me.

Version: 4.9.9

First very cool plugin. I had a question and I would like to introduce this Plugin on my channel. I would be glad if this video would then come to your plugin page under tutorial. For your German Community. This video was created and uploaded at the weekend.

Pair of information

Youtube = GamePvP
Discord = @ GamePvP # 1234

Write me on discord times.

With best regards,
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
Of course there is no problem for me to put your video, but I can't find it. Could you send me the link in private message please ?

Version: 4.9.8
The best report plugin I have ever seen. Every feature I ever wanted is here. Even features that I never thought of. Almost everything is customizable from messages to punishes. The GUI is extremely easy to use and understand.
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your kind review ! :)
If you have suggestions or problems do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.9.8
Amazing plugin, but some rows are not possible to translate. Fix it please. Thank u
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
Restart your server and the messages should be updated. If it's not the case please contact me with a screenshot of the ingame messages and a copy of your messages in messages.yml.

Version: 4.9.8
Author's response
The review section is not made for fixing issues.
If you don't respect the simple rules written in the Terms of service, I have no reason to help you.

Version: 4.9.8
Incredible plugin! Bungee and 1.14 support!
Just some rows are not possible to translate. Fix it.
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
Restart your server and the messages should be updated. If it's not the case please contact me with a screenshot of the ingame messages and a copy of your messages in messages.yml.

Version: 4.9.8
TigerReports is the perfect report plugin there is on Spigot.

It is user and admin friendly to use because of a GUI that has been implemented. This way, everything is easy to manage as an admin and players are able to report other players easily with default reasons. This makes reporting nice and comfortable for everyone which is a big plus.

TigerReports also adds additional content which is handy like punishing players etc in the GUI.

Permissions are logical and well implemented along with the easy commands.

There are lots of customizable options, from editing the report reasons to editing messages and editing reports so you can edit it as you would like to have it on your server.

The plugin supports lots of versions which I apprise the author for it because that is a lot of work. If there is a problem the author responds quickly and fixes it also pretty quickly so that is good.

As far as I know this plugin is the most update friendly plugin because there is a special update tool for your messages etc. There is also a wiki for default English messages for non-French speaking people.

There is only one con, the default report reasons are in French only and do not have English default messages yet. This could be difficult for new server owners who do not knjow how to edit it. This does not apply to me because I know how to edit stuff etc but it could be added to make it better.

As you can read, this is an AAA plugin every server should have. I also want to thank the author for the amount of work he has done to maintain this plugin.
Author's response
Wow, thank you for this impressive review !
It's really nice to see how much you appreciate the plugin.
It's true that it can be difficult for some people to edit the config but it would be sad that they do not benefit of the possibility of setting their custom reasons. Doing the work at their place would incitate them to don't try to edit the config, which isn't my objective. But I will add a english translation of custom reasons in comments in config.yml to help them understanding how they can configure their own reasons. Thank you for the idea.
If you have other suggestion or encounter any problem, do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.9.7
Good plugin <3 very large functionality and commands. have been looking for this plugin and found.Thanks to the author
Author's response
Thank you for your great review !
If you have suggestions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.9.7
Where is the original address of the MyCommands plugin? Where do I go to download it?
Author's response
Here you are:
Please use the discussion page for other question/problem.

Version: 4.9.5
Este es un gran plugin de reportes, pero ahora que tengo pensado actualizar mi servidor a 1.14 no podre usarlo :c ¿Tiene pensado hacer una actualizacion a la 1.14?
Author's response
Mucho gracias para el complimento. :)
El plugin no depende de la version de Minecraft.
Si no funcionna, contácteme en mensages o en la pagina de discusion del plugin.

Version: 4.9.5
Dear Author:
I hope that I can add multiple instructions to the config.yml file.
1) For example, a player adapts to other server's reporting instructions such as /wdr, but using tigerreport can not achieve /wdr, can only use report, I hope to add this function in the config.yml file, customize a variety of instructions, the default Is /report, then you can add (not just add one, such as /wdr, /hack, /hackingreport, etc...)
Author's response
You can use the plugin MyCommands to do it, I will not implement it in TigerReports because it is too specific.

Version: 4.9.3
This plugin is really good! Probably the best one, In my opinion, It is very configurable, especially the commands, moderator In my server can only access to archive reports and only administrator can delete reports. I love the punish sender feature too, a great way to deal with spam ;) Almost everything is configurable. Great job!
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your kind review !
If you have suggestions or problems do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.8.1
Nice plugin bro keep up the good work :D
Also i sent you a file that im translate the messages to Vietnamese language, please check the PM bro :D
Author's response
I just answered haha.
Thank you again for your high support. :)
If you have suggestions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.8.1
This plugin is very helpful to me, but because I am Chinese; the server is also a Chinese server; I hope the author can produce a new language messages.yml is about Chinese; this is very helpful to me; secondly, why I am in BungeeCord's banned plugin, the report plugin can only be used in the sub-service, but when the report is actually processed, it is the original version of the sub-service ban, how to solve this problem? How can I use the BugeeCord banned plugin instead of the original ban?
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
Unfortunately, I don't speak chinese and I'm therefore unable to translate the messages to this language. However, someone told me that he would soon share his chinese translation, so normally you will be able to get it soon on the main page.
For your problem, I'm sorry but I don't really understand your situation, if you could explain it with more details (name of the plugins involved, naming the servers (like server A where you send the report, server B where you process it, ...)) that would help me a lot.
For best experience, please send your answer (and all other suggestions or problems) on the discussion page: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/page-26
or in private message.

Version: 4.8.1
Un très très bon plugin de report maintenu à jour avec un développeur très réactif !
Author's response
Merci beaucoup pour le soutien !
Si tu as des suggestions d'amélioration n'hésite pas.

Version: 4.7.1
C'est vraiment un très bon plugin ! Félicitations, c'est digne d'être un plugin payant tellement qu'il est parfait ! Bonne continuation pour la suite, c'est du très bon boulot ! ^^
Author's response
Merci beaucoup pour le soutien !
Si tu as des suggestions d'amélioration n'hésite pas.

Version: 4.6
1.11.2/1.12.2 please......
Plugins good. Great to help me manage more easily :))
Author's response
Hello, this plugin isn't version dependent. You can normally use it with any Minecraft version greater than 1.7.
If you have problems, do not hesitate to give me the errors (in the logs) in the discussion tab or in private message.

Version: 4.5
A good complement, but it is not updated, it is still very good, as well as its support to inform in discord
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
I do not have much time to improve it but I don't forget it.
If you have suggestions or problems, do not hesitate to tell me about them.

Version: 4.5
This Plugins is the best !
But You Should Make Multiple Languages For Config.yml
Author's response
Thank you for your good review !
If you talk about InfoLanguage, that is only used for log messages which don't really need to be translated in all languages I think.
If you talk about the description of parameters in config.yml and if you have the motivation to translate them in your language, I could implement them for future users.

Version: 4.5
When one user report a player with the gui, came the message: Command not found... why?
Author's response
The review section is not made for fixing issues.
If you don't respect the simple rules written in the Terms of service, I have no reason to help you.

Version: 4.5
Super good plugin! Really helps out a lot!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you want to suggest new features to implement, do not hesitate to do it in the discussion section.

Version: 4.5
I never usally review plugins but this plugin is something special. TigerReports is designed to handle reports all done through a GUI interface, very easy to setup and its fully customizable.

Great plugin! Working on 1.13.2 as of 11th March 2019.
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your kind review ! :)
If you have ideas of new features, they are welcome.

Version: 4.5
Incredible report plugin that comes with a very neat and clean design. The functionality is very nice and in my opinion it works a lot smoother than some of the premium-report resources. The base plugin comes in french however you can copy+paste a english preset and or adjust every message to your own needs.

All in all, the variety of options, the efficiency of the plguin and all its customization make it a must-have for any server!
Author's response
Thank you very much for your great review ! :)
If you have suggestions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me.

Version: 4.5
This plugin works very well with my server, just a little unclear on how to connect it to a discord bot. But i will be able to do that soon enough! This plugin is all done through a GUI interface, and is very slick and smooth! Also you can punish a user, and change everything in the config. Its in french which was kinda a put off, but the developer put an english file that you can download and put into the messages/ language files. And it runs so well! Thanks Tiger Reports!
Author's response
Thank you for your really kind review ! :)
If you still have trouble with Discord, do not hesitate to give me details in the discussion tab or in private message.

Version: 4.5
This is one of the best report-plugins I've ever seen, it got everything you need.
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your great review !
If you find ideas of new features to implement, do not hesitate to share them in the discussion page.

Version: 4.5
Ce plugin est excellent ! Par contre, il arrive des fois que dans le menu de référencement des reports, il y ai écrit "Signalman" pour le signaleur, et non le pseudo du joueur... En soit c'est pas perturbant, on clique sur le report et y'a le vrai pseudo affiché après, mais c'est un détail quand même ! En plus, le plugin fonctionne à la perfection en 1.13.2, je l'utilise aussi bien sur un serveur 1.12.2 que 1.13.2 ! :D
Author's response
Bonjour, le placeholder _Signalman_ a été changé en _Reporter_. Il faut donc le changer dans votre fichier messages.yml ou prendre les messages par defaut disponibles sur la page du plugin.
Très content que le plugin vous plaise.
Si vous avez des suggestions d'amélioration n'hésitez pas. :)

Version: 4.5
Just awesome plugin BUT.. you have setting language in the config but messages.yml have only french msgs,this is to bad because if i didnt see the languages flags at the end of post im gonna delete this plugin.. , second suggestion .. i setup a whitelist server only staff and no one is online , when i try to report some staff member it says "player blabla never join the server" this is too bad because now im waiting some staff to join to continue the test of your plugin , but you have three stars because it looks you have spend few hours to make it , and one last thing: Set to default english version!! With love!
Author's response
I'm sorry but where are your suggestions ?
You are asking me to put the default messages to english while you can change all of them by yourself or just copy the ones I put on the description page of the plugin. This is not a suggestion and I explained in the Messages part why I made this choice.

Then, you are disappointed that the plugin doesn't allow you to report players that aren't detected to have joined the server once. But that means that all reports that you will have to manage will be done on real players (of your server) and therefore they will never be errors or abusive target.
You should be satisfied with this protection, I really don't understand your point of view.

I'm sad that my plugin doesn't suit you.
It's true that I spend "few hours to make it" because it's a plugin
I created 2 years ago and that I update regularly with the suggestions of users, but not what you call "suggestions" in your message that are just not constructive.
If you have real suggestions, with ideas of new features or new working principles, they are welcome in the Discussion tab of the plugin.

Version: 4.4.1
Best Report GUI out there , I Love It !!! , Well This Plugins Is The Plugin i need :D
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you have suggestions, do not hesitate to share them. :)

Version: 4.4
Very excellent plugin! I still really enjoy this plugin and I am happy the dev has added everything I have suggested. Here is even more suggestions!

(most important, pls add)- Tell players if their report was denied, accepted, commented, in progress, etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Allow lore on the report GUI buttons for /report so players can get a more detailed reason for the buttons
- Add placeholder API support for the messages (very useful)
- Allow players to set a priority of reports
- Allow a statement from the player. For example they do /report (player) click the button then in chat it asks for a statement, so then staff get a more detailed report and know what they're dealing with instead of "hacking"
- When there's a update notification on the report, there can be a json message which you can click it and it will pop up with a gui and you can see you report, the status of it and all comments on books, and you can click the book to get the comment in chat
- On the "user menu" add a button where the player can see previous reports and they can click on a specific report and review the report again with all the comments and stuff
- (Don't know if this is a thing already) Put priority reports ahead of all other reports
- Allow disabling of report notifications for staff
- With specific report reasons it can issue commands, for example /report (player) and they click hacking, it would issue a command and it would start the anticheat tests on the player.
- No ID for reports such as '1','2' but rather a randomly generated code such as "D3Hd73"
- When staff join a title saying there's waiting reports (if there are any) instead of a chat message as they're easy to miss)
- Previous suggestion but allow waiting of a specific amount of seconds because on my server there is a join title, so if they conflicted it wouldn't be good.
- Live updating guis (if possible) then staff don't have to refresh it to see if a report is being dealt with.

I probably have more, but if you're bored, you have something to do.
Author's response
Thank you again for your nice review !
For better experience, I will answer to your message on the discussion page here: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/page-23

Version: 4.3
Amazing plugin, this is truly one of the best reporting plugins out there, but most suggestions the dev doesn't have time for.

Some things I wish it had:

- comments not on signs.
- better alerts(tell players when it's been approved, denied, or insufficient evidence and finally when a comment has been received.)
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
I will try to implement your ideas that seems really useful. If you have others to suggest, do not hesitate. :)

Version: 4.2.2
Great plugin, AMAZING dev. Hmm, maybe chatreport,
list of players who can not be reported?
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
I'm not sure to understand your suggestion but you can see the chat history by clicking on the data book in the menu of a report and you can protect players from being reported by giving them the tigerreports.report.exempt permission.
If it's not what you asked, you can detail your idea in the discussion page of the plugin. :)

Version: 4.2
Great and usefull plugin <3
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you have ideas of improvement or bugs do not hesitate to tell me them. :)

Version: 4.2
Awesome plugin but .. can you add placeholderapi support? :D
To show the amount of oppened tickets etc.
Author's response
Thank you for your good review !
You can display the current reports amount per type with the "Message: Reports-notification" message in messages.yml file (using "_<status>_" tag).
The display of this message can be configured in config.yml: https://github.com/MrTigreroux/TigerReports/blob/eb32307e2c286f4dc0f17ac2f23db01144bdf341/TigerReports/src/config.yml#L36-L41

Version: 4.2
Good Plugin! really great developer. Thanks for the help :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
If you have other issues do not hesitate. :)

Version: 4.1.7
Hello, I have a problem: c, when I install the plugin in my network, the commands do not work, install it modality by modality, when I put / report or some command, it says that the command does not exist, any idea?
Author's response
It's not à BungeeCord plugin, you have to install it on each Spigot server as written in the installation section of the presentation.
If it's what you did and you restarted the server, that means that another plugin use these commands.
In any way, the reviews section is not made to fix problems. Contact me in the discussion page of the plugin or in private message if you need more help with your problem.

Version: 4.1.7
Amazing developer! Not only is this plugin detailed and configurable but extremely well coded. The developer is super fast to respond and is kind. Helped me with my problem which was a stupid one and he kept his calm. He's probably one of the best developers I've ever seen.
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your kind review !
If you have other problems or suggestions, do not hesitate :)

Version: 4.1.5
Fixed an issue I was having very quickly, really great developer. Thanks for the help :)

Version: 4.1.4
Nice plugin, but I found a bug, I use 1.8.8, I have to log in the server must enter / reports reload to open the GUI, I changed the message file,I'm from China
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
Could you describe me your problem in PM ( https://www.spigotmc.org/conversations/add?to=MrTigreroux) or in the discussion page of the plugin ( https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/) please ?
I would need to know what version of TigerReports do you use, if you have an error in the logs, if you changed the config.yml file, if it happens only for you or for all your staff, if it's after a disconnection that the issue come back ? Thank you in advance for your reply.

Version: 4.1.4
Really active developer, fixed my problem within 24 hours. Thanks a lot for the resource!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review !
If you have other issues or suggestions, do not hesitate :)

Version: 4.1.1
10/10 please update more feature and put it into premium . Best dev best plugin . Better than alot of report plugin out there
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your review and your support !
You can suggest all the features you would you want to have here: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/ or in private message ( https://www.spigotmc.org/conversations/add?to=MrTigreroux).

Version: 4.1.1
I dont usually rate resources, but this is the best report system i've ever used. 5 stars!
Author's response
Thank you really much for your review !
If you have suggestions or other problems, let me informed :)

Version: 4.1.1
Nice Plugin

Version: 4.1
Maybe your reason that you can enter your custom reason in the gui with the sign, this plugin will be the best
Author's response
But you can put any custom reason that you want with the command /report <player> <reason> if CustomReasons is enabled in config.yml.

Version: 4.1
Works great! Only problem I had with it was reporters being referred to as signalman instead of reporter, but that was changed with v4.1!

The plugin is easy to use and intuitive for new users, and makes reporting a breeze!
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your review !
Keep in mind that you can change every message, so you can rename reporter like what you want in messages.yml.
I changed it "officially" but you could change it by yourself.
Don't hesitate to report me others problems that you could have. :)

Version: 4.0.1
Keep it up bro! The plugin work great i really enjoy this plugin because it useful for the server!
Author's response
Thank you very much !
If you have suggestions, do not hesitate to propose them. :)

Version: 4.0
Oh un dev français!!!!!!
très très bon plugin . Le Meilleur plugin de report vue jusqu'à maintenant ^^
Serait-il possible de rentrer en contact avec toi ^^
Author's response
Merci pour la sympathique note !
Tu peux me contacter par MP ou via la discussion générale du plugin.

Version: 4.0
Le meilleur plugin de report de tous les temps ! Pas besoin de lacher 10€ dans un autre plugin puisque celui là est mieux que les autres. Mais y a-t-il un support pour un plugin de bans ?
Merci !
Super plugin !
Author's response
Merci pour la super note !
Actuellement, il n'y a pas encore de système de sanctions mais à terme il y aura un menu configurable (comme les raisons par défaut) de sélection d'une sanction pour le joueur en tort (signalé si signalement marqué comme "vrai", sinon signaleur).
Chaque sanction correspondra à une liste de commandes configurables, le plugin ne dépendra donc pas d'un plugin de sanctions en particulier mais de tous ceux qui utilisent des commandes.

Version: 3.9
Good resource, i rly like it and its very usefull maybe add a webinterface to it

Version: 3.9
This plugin is really nice and has many options but maybe you could add a setting in which we define what command(s) is/are executed when we click the "Abusive Report" button. Would be really useful.
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
I already planned to implement this but currently I don't have the time to do it.

Version: 3.9
Ótimo plugin e muito funcional! tem tudo que eu precisava, parabéns pelo trabalho!
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your review !
If you have others suggestions, they are welcome. :)

Version: 3.9
does the plugin work on version 1.12.2? .
Author's response
The plugin isn't version dependent so normally yes, it is working on 1.12.2. If it's not the case, let me informed and I will try to fix the problem.
Thank you for your very kind review. :)

Version: 3.9
Could you add a chat staff? It would be cool! The plugin is very good.
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
Unfortunately, the main objective of TigerReports isn't to manage the chat. I prefer and advise you to use an other plugin for managing the chat on your server. It would have much more features and compatibility than if there was a special staff chat on TigerReports.
But if you think about a special feature of staff chat that could only be done by TigerReports, I could see how to implement it.

Version: 3.8.5
Works brilliantly, been using it for quite a while and haven't experienced any problems, config covers everything I could need.
Author's response
Thank you for your amazing review !
If you have any suggestions in the future, let me informed.

Version: 3.8.4
Amazing! please write how to setup it for bungeecord! thanks! best plugin! :) SynexMC.net
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
You only need to configure a MySQL database on all your spigot servers. BungeeCord will be automatically detected and used.

Version: 3.8.4
Excelent plugin but I have a problem, can I send you an PM so you can help me?
Thanks for the plugin!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
I was in vacations but now I can help you if you still have your problem.

Version: 3.8.4
i cant change the Language but idk please help me i dont know wat to do

i like its awesome
Author's response
I don't help people in reviews that ask something that is clearly explained in the presentation of the plugin.

Version: 3.8.4
Great plugin
I have a small problem
Leave a message to players, players how to reply?
Author's response
Thank you for the nice review !
I don't really understand your problem, if you can detail it in the discussion page of the plugin or in PM, I could help you.

Version: 3.8.4
it is awesome but when i leave to my server, and i entry again and i put the command /reports i can't see the menu, and i want to put more permission for example, tigerreports.report.delete, tigerreport.report.archive etc more cmds sorry for my engish i speak spanish
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review !
I think you got this problem with version 3.8.3, it is fixed in 3.8.4. If you still have the problem on the last version, let me informed in the discussion of the plugin or in private message.
I don't understand what you ask exactly with "more permissions" because the permissions you list already exist but are not called like that, check the main page of the plugin to see all the permissions available.

Version: 3.8.2
Excellent plugin. RedBow Network its using this plugin. I have a issue.
When groups have the permission: tigerreports.staff.* and you put ------
-tigerreports.staff.remove (Negated Permission To don't remove any reports only the superior staff) But when i put the negated perm the heper can't use any command... But great plugi! IP: REDBOW.ML VERSION: 1.8.X
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review.
The issue you have comes from your permission manager who consider that the negated permission means all the child permissions have to be removed too from the player. All I can suggest you is to remove all the negated permissions and put only the allowed, so: tigerreports.staff.advanced, tigerreports.staff.archive & tigerreports.staff.teleport.

Version: 3.8.1
Truly the best reporting plugin out there.
Every single message and option in the plugin can be customised, I'm really surprised and grateful that it is free.
Author's response
Thank you very much for your review ! If you have suggestions or encounter other problems, let me know them. :)

Version: 3.8
Brilliant plugin - it's helped me and my staff out massively when dealing with reports - I'd go as far to say it's better than some of the premium reporting plugins out there!
Great job - I highly recommend this!
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your review ! If you have idea of improvement let me know them. :)

Version: 3.7.1
Very Great plugin! love it, its awesime, also the author is active and is aware of the comments of the users!
Author's response
Thank you for your really nice review ! If you have others suggestions let me know them. :)

Version: 3.7.1
Good Plugin. I really like it but please make it for bungeecord! You will help me very much!!!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review. :)
The plugin is already supporting BungeeCord, you just have to install it on each of your Spigot servers. If you have problem with that, contact me in the discussion tab of the plugin or in PM.

Version: 3.7.1
Amazing plug in, customizable, easy to use, it has everything you need.
Great developer, dedication and kindness.
This Plug In is a piece of art in my opinion.
Author's response
Wow ! Thank you a lot for your review. If you have suggestions don't hesitate :)

Version: 3.7.1
Pls add vietnamese messages
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review but I'm sorry I don't speak vietnamese. You are free to translate by yourself english or french messages that are on the main page of the plugin.

Version: 3.7
Amazing resource !! Author is super friendly and the plugin is full of features !! 5/5 !!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review ! :) If you have ideas of updates, they are welcome.

Version: 3.7


Author's response
Thank you for your review. If you have suggestions let me know them. :)

Version: 3.6.2
Simply amazing, Great plugin, congratulations for the great work. Until now I did not believe that the plugin is free: D. I give note 5 (sorry for the bad English I am using Google Translate (=)
Author's response
Thank you a lot for your review ! If you have suggestions they are welcome. :)

Version: 3.6.2
Please add result messages (true, false)
To send a result to the player who report
Author's response
I don't understand what you are asking and the reviews are not the best place to ask something or report a bug. Please use the discussion tab or the PM next time.

Version: 3.6.1
Doesn't works for me. There are many errors when I start the plugin. Sorry but theres only 1 Star for you. :/
Author's response
Could you copy/paste me the errors please ? In PM ( https://www.spigotmc.org/conversations/add?to=MrTigreroux) if possible.

Version: 3.6.1
My server always crashes when i'm putting this plugin on my server! Please fix ASAP!
Author's response
Can I see the error log ? Maybe come in PM ( https://www.spigotmc.org/conversations/add?to=MrTigreroux).

Version: 3.6
Best plugin for reporting 100% editable
And very nice plugin. Thank you :)
Author's response
Thank you for your awesome review.
If you have suggestions do not hesitate. :)

Version: 3.5
Best reporting plugin for a network, also great support. This should not be free but do appreciate it being free. 10/10 cat approved.
Author's response
Glad that you like the plugin and thank you for your nice review, if you have suggestions they are welcome. :)

Version: 3.4
Very nice plugin !
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review. :)

Version: 3.3.1
Best free version on the market. I've been looking for ages for a plugin like this. Great support aswell :)

Version: 3.3.1
This plugin is way too good to be free. 20/10.
Author's response
Thanks a lot for your nice review. Glad to know that it is useful.

Version: 3.3
The best plugin for reports but i can not use it on my server because my server is 1.12 can you please update it to the latest spigot versions please ?
Author's response
Please send me the errors in console on the main page ( https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/) or in private message to help me fixing the issue.
Thank you for the nice review :)

Version: 3.2.1
Awesome plugin, a lot of features and it works perfect. This is the best report system plugin i could find on spigot. Every server should have this. 5/5!

(I miss a way to report a problem or bug so not a player but just "/report <problem>". I don't think this is possible but it would be nice. Maybe a addon or something)
Author's response
Wow thank you !
The bug report system has been much requested but it is very different because it would remove all the stuff about players (data, teleportation, comments notifications, ...).
The GUI and the working process would be completely different and I think it's more good to create another plugin to separate them because all people doesn't need a bug report system when they have a forum for example.
Currently, you can allow report of offline players and just type /report bug <problem>. You could use a plugin like MyCommand to create a command /bugreport that would do the previous.

Version: 3.2.1
Very good plugin, but could you implement an extra feature (table prefix) to the MySQL? If someone already has a table named "players" in his database it causes many problems... Or you could just rename it to tigerreports_players, tigerreports_reports and tigerreports_archived_reports.

This would be great.
Author's response
Do you mean "users" table ? Because I don't remember I created any "players" table.
You could just ask it in the discussion page so you could answer directly but anyway I'm waiting your confirmation before adding any prefix.

Version: 3.2
This plugin is amazing, and I hope that the author fixes the Internal Error plugin, and my suggestion is with the chat report feature says the chat even if the person being reported leaves.

Congrats // http://prntscr.com/fqk7bk
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review. I will do my best to fix/implement these things. :)

Version: 3.2
Can you update it on 1.12?

100 characters, 100 characters, 100 characters, 100 characters
Author's response
Thanks for your nice review !
The plugin isn't version dependent, it would work on any version but if you get errors, let me know them in the discussion page to help me fixing them: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/tigerreports.160678/

Version: 3.1.1
Author's response
Ok... Thank you for your nice mark :)

Version: 3.0.3
Salut excellent plugin juste peux-tu faire en sorte que les version 1.7 soient compatible car les serveurs pvp sont beaucoup en 1.7 et ne peuvent pas utiliser ton plugins

Author's response
Merci énormément ! J'essaierai de le rendre compatible avec votre aide en mp. :)

Version: 3.0.3
Plugin complet et très perfectionné, permet de gérer efficacement tout reports des joueurs, ainsi que d'avoir une trace des actions commises (archives)

5 étoiles sans hésitation !
Author's response
Merci beaucoup ! Content que le plugin plaise autant :)

Version: 3.0.3
Best report plugin. Essentially ALL messages can be changed fully GUI based and supports SQL so you can have it on multiple server on the same DB.

Version: 3.0.3
I love this plugin but I really got to do this.... the lion is coming for you! :O https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/lionreport-plugin-gui-report-plugin-bugs-reports-with-stocking-option-1-7-10-1-11.35836/update?update=145116 take cover don't let it be better
Author's response
Haha, I'm waiting for him !
Thank you for your nice review, if you have suggestions they are welcome. :)

Version: 3.0.2
Awesome! It's easy to set-up and translate, and very cool for big servers! Thank you, I'm really glad to use this.
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review and the bugs that you report ! :)

Version: 2.9.2
Merci avec un peu de délai créateur attentif à son public et très bon plugin belle affichage et bien hâte de voir les prochaine mise à jour :p

Version: 2.9
3 stars only for MySql... please implement this..
But this is very very good plugin.
If you'll implement MySql I'll love u!
Author's response
Yes I will implement it with bungee support when I have enough time. I'm currently seeing how to do it the best way.

Version: 2.8
Great Great plugin even though I had to manually set UTF-8 support for the messages; Still very great plugin. I was thinking to make such system using website, but this plugin will do everything.
Author's response
Thank you really much for your review ! :)
It's effectively a problem that happened on update to a version of Minecraft, I will see if I can fix that.

Version: 2.2
This is the best Report Manager ever. You dont need to type /open report bla bla bla. Only /reports and you can handle all actions trough the GUI. Its simple and effective. 10/5 Stars.

Version: 2.0
hey, this version works very well on my server. All my Teammember sare happy to have such an great reports sytem, but one feature is missing i think. Can you add that you can see who has resolved the report? When i see an finished report i really want to know who of my team member was it.
Author's response
Effectively, good suggestion. I will add it soon, and i'm happy to know that the plugin is appreciated, thank you. :)

Version: 2.0
Otimo Plugin parabens. plugin de graça e ainda todo configuravel muit bom.

Author's response
Thank you for your nice review ! :)

Version: 2.0
This is the best report plugin I have ever seen.

I really like this because the gui menu

Thanks for this dude!
Author's response
Thank you for the amazing review ! :)
If you have suggestions how to improve it they are welcome.

Version: 1.9
Perfect plugin, the only report plugin that is free that actually works.
The only downfall is that it isn't English. Please add an option for English in config that would be great some players cannot read french thank you so much for this plugin ! :)
Author's response
All messages can be changed in messages.yml file.
You can just copy/paste english messages that I've written in the page ( http://puu.sh/rKKz5/eff6fd078b.png ) and change some things.
Thanks for good review. :)

Version: 1.8
Nice Report Plugin :D Can you eventually add MySQL and BungeeCord Support ? Then it is the best Free Report Plugin
Author's response
Thank you for your super review ! But i don't really know how works BungeeCord and MySQL is hard to optimize at my level.
I think it's more practical to see reports on a specific server in place of all reports of all sides of a network that would be mind breaking and hard to manage. I will see anyway if i can add this support in the future.

Version: 1.8
Best Report Plugin for FREE!
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review ! :)
If you have suggestions of upgrades, they are welcome.

Version: 1.8
The plugin is very good.
There are premium plugins with less features out there charging 5$ and more. One of the very best solutions for reports, everything is customizable, a GUI and useful permissions are implemented. Please keep up the excellent work and thanks for this free and amazing resource.
Author's response
Thanks for your great review ! :)
If you have any suggestions, they are welcome !

Version: 1.7
Very nice report system, is the best plugin of reports... but.... You can add the BungeeCord Support please? Thx
Author's response
I really don't know how works BungeeCord but i think it's most pratical to use the plugin in each server and therefore see reports in a specific server in place of global server that would be hard to manage.
I will see if i can anyway add this support but that's not garanteed.
Thanks for the nice review ! :)

Version: 1.5
Your plugin is certainly the best plugin of report of all, and i can say than i tested a lot of others. Your is very complete with all the functions necessary and with a GUI very good designed ! Congratulation and thanks very much for this !

Eventually, in the GUI, you could add options to punish the reported (mute, kick, jail, tempban, ban) punisments possbile to modify in the config for us.

Thanks again, nice plugin !
Author's response
Yes but that would be hard to config because commands depend of plugins and punishment depend of abuse. But i will see if i can add this feature.
Thanks for the super review !

Version: 1.3
omg, u are the best. there are so many features in this Plugin. i will make an German Rewiev about in in the next days. All Features are working perfect. Nice Work. Keep Updating this nice Plugin. When i find Bugs/ or anything else i will pm u. :)
Author's response
Woaw thank you ! I didn't thought that the plugin would be so appreciated. :o

Version: 1.3
Very good plugin! I would recommend this plugin for every server. The GUI is very nice and useful. I have some suggestions though :)
Author's response
Thank you very much and your suggestions are welcome ! :)

Version: 1.1
Thx for this plugin its so amazing!
Only thing is that not evry messege is editable. When you type /reports notify you see a part in french and the other part in english.
And you coud make the language file simpler and add that admins cant report other admins.
But all in One such a nice Plugin. Thank that its free :)
Author's response
I think you didn't modified "Activated" and "Disabled" words at the end of messages.yml. In fact, the _State_ is replaced by the words corresponding to the action, so enabling or disabling notifications.
For the language file, i don't see what to change, all is separated for a best comprehension, if you could say me what you don't like that would be nice.
For the admin protection, I will had a permission, thank for suggestion and review. :)

Version: 1.0
Good plugin for reports!
I do not see what's missing in this plugin :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 75,846
First Release: Jul 2, 2016
Last Update: Sep 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
186 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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