Warning: This is a potentially unstable version. If you encounter any error (especially when stopping your server), please report me it copying the full error and giving any detail of what you did that could help me to reproduce it. Thank you in advance.
Added _Reporter_ placeholder in PunishCommands (thanks to @SpokeyPT for the suggestion). The commands with this placeholder are executed for each reporter if they are multiple. Example of what can be done with Essentials economy plugin:
Code (Text):
Name: "Fly"
Lore: "&7Le joueur se d\xe9place dans//&7les airs."
Item: Material-Feather
- "ban _Reported_ 7d Fly"
- '-CONSOLE eco give _Reporter_ 5'
(gives 5 of money to each reporter when their report for Fly is processed as True).
Renamed _Player_ placeholder to _Reported_ placeholder in PunishCommands. [Old punish commands will no longer work if you don't change this placeholder in config.yml file]
Big optimization (thanks to PanGargamel for the help).