Warning: If you use a MySQL database, the type of the column 'reporter_uuid' of table 'tigerreports_reports' must be changed to varchar(255) Click here to see how to do it.
If you use a SQLite (default) database, you must delete the file tigerreports.db in plugins/TigerReports folder of your server. [All data will be lost (reports, statistics, ...)]
New: You can now update your messages with this online tool:
Added Config: StackReports setting in config.yml file to stack reports of the same player for the same reason (thanks to @Dreylox for the suggestion). The Config: NotifyStackedReports setting allows you to disable or not alerts of similar reports (stacked). Comes with this 4 new messages: ErrorMessages: Player-already-reported-by-you, Menus: Stacked-report-reporters, Menus: Stacked-report-reporters-details and Words: Reporters-names. "_Reporter_" placeholder has been renamed to "_Reporters_" in Messages: Report-chat-details and Menus: Report-details messages.
Added Config: Punishments: Enabled setting in config.yml file to disable or not the punishments menu when processing a report as True (thanks to @SkylixMC for the suggestion).