==-- | 1.10.3 PREMIUM | --== This is a minor update which fixes a number of bugs, including long-standing issues with the CombatEffect in particular. As always, if you encounter any further issues please be sure to report it on the discord. -- Supported Minecraft Versions -- 1.13.X, 1.14.X, 1.15.X, 1.16.X, 1.17.X, 1.18.X, 1.19.X, 1.20.X -- Bug Fixes --
Fixed a NullPointerException which spammed the console when right-clicking
Fixed some minor issues due to outdated API
Fixed an issue with equipping items.
Fixed a number of issues with various skills which prevented them from loading. Please update your skills with the new skill pack!
-- Changes --
Added more tab-completions for a number of commands. Majority of commands using classes such as admin class or prof or choose now have tab completion suggestions
Materials in translations should now use the localised name of the item rather than translating directly from English
Attributes now have translatable names directly rather than just the title. Therefore a new option was added called 'attributes.title' which allows you to specify this format. This should be automatically updated.
The /hero stats command is now fully translatable
Completely rewrote way that the Combat timer is handled by Heroes. Now it tracks enemies on an enemy by enemy basis, therefore leading to increased accuracy in when a player is truly out of combat. Additionally, these checks are made asynchronously hence a minor performance gain.
Added the following placeholders; %heroes_primary_exp%,%heroes_primary_exp%,%heroes_primary_max_exp%,%heroes_secondary_exp%,%heroes_secondary_max_exp%,%heroes_race_exp%,%heroes_race_max_exp%. Also added a placeholder for each attribute which is given by heroes_<attribute>.