Version: 1.8.11 b726
Heroes has been and continues to be an interesting and fun plugin both for server owners and players and works to add an exciting element to any server project, mixing up what is otherwise a rather (let's be honest) stale combat experience in the world of Minecraft.
Unfortunately, it's not a plugin I could recommend at this time for a few reasons.
Visiting the Issue Tracker reveals an outstanding issue - a lot of bugs and no resolutions. Or rather, perhaps there are resolutions, but you wouldn't know that because there's 9/10 odds that the developers of the plugin will never respond to your ticket. Questions are not asked, nothing regarding the issue being able to be reproduced or not - you're simply left in the dark.
For reporting problems, I recommend the forums, as the tickets are an immediate and unsatisfactory dead-end while the forums heed discussion and attempt for resolution with plugin developer Kainzo, who seems to more-or-less be a cool person, if not a bit overwhelmed by seemingly having to do all of this by himself.
This is a backwards system and works to spam up the discussion board, but as it stands, it really is the best (and arguably the only) way to make any progress with any issues you're having.
The problem worsens when it's discovered that a lot of the issues can't even be tested by the Heroes team at this time because the issues revolve around the Public-Paid Version of Heroes and not their Private Version of Heroes. Indeed, the Public-Paid Version has issues that the Private Version does not - why these are simply not mirrored is beyond me, but it was quoted by Kainzo that they will have to make their own Public-Paid environment to test these problems on their end to reproduce and ultimately fix them.
This is a massive issue because it implies that an environment wasn't already made, meaning that the plugin is released and then not even tested. This bodes unwell for a plugin one has to pay actual money for.
Issues with skills not working are plentiful (in my tests, I believe I counted up to 12 skills that either don't work or don't work as intended, although this includes some skills from their Skill Packs) and there is zero urgency for resolution on them.
Nobody expects a plugin to be fixed in 24 hours, especially not one as large and complex as Heroes, however the lack of communication on issues for weeks at a time points to these issues simply being ignored completely.
This is by and large the most frustrating part when handling the plugin. It is wildly unfair to expect the Heroes Team to test each and every little thing with the plugin each time they update it and so, sure enough, there will be bugs. I accept this, and anyone with an ounce of human decency within them should accept this as well. I merely take issue with how it seems like problems are not resolved in a manner even remotely timely and communication on bugs reported are completely null and void - again, you may see this for yourself by checking the issue tracker. Plenty of issues, a noteworthy lack of developer response.
I am now starting to have issues with core mechanics of Minecraft, including bows never being able to shoot arrows at anything further than their weakest charge point. This starts to enter a realm of game-breaking issues for some players and edges into a territory of an unacceptable plugin.
I am currently attempting to get this issue resolved as soon as possible due to its significance, but I won't hold my breath.
We have one version of developed Heroes - Premium. We do not have a private version any longer. Some issues are usually something in the environment of the server, not with the code. I have never stated that we are running two different versions of Heroes. We are running different skill packs.
Alternatively, this review area is not for bug reports. It looks like you are attempting to make a statement by bug reporting here, despite us asking not to have bug reports here. Issues will be resolved when we can reproduce them, as I stated several times. There's a lot of moving pieces, one size doesnt always fit all when it comes to nms and multiple skill versions.
The public skill packs vs the sold packs are having some issues which will be resolved soon.