The best class, race and skill Minecraft RPG plugin for Minecraft servers

Mythic Skills integration and more!

Scriptable Skills (Mythic Skills)
Added Mythic Skills which means Heroes now FINALLY has scriptable skills! You do require MythicMobs for this to work as it essentially casts a MythicMob skill as a Hero. You can configure stamina, mana, reagent costs - cooldowns, delays and all! At the moment, the one limitation is that Mythic Skills do not support increases per attributes unfortunately since Mythic Mobs is what handles the damage calculations. (This could be solved with a custom Heroes damage mechanic, but maybe thats for later). A new file called script-files should be generated after booting your server with this update. There are 3 examples in there of Mythic Skills with an in-depth explanation of how it works.

Custom Heroes Mythic Mechanics and Conditions
Since we are dealing with Mythic Mobs more directly in Heroes, we have added 1 condition and 4 new mechanics for your usages.
The condition 'heroestarget{type=?}' should be used on mythic skills to help mythic target the correct mobs. This is explained further in the script-skills.yml file.
The ? can be replaced with either ALLY, ENEMY, SELF, or ALL.
The mechanic 'drainstamina{amount=50}/drainmana{amount=50}' will drain the target's stamina/mana if they are a player by the specified amount. This can be used in mythic skills or by a mythic mob.
The mechanic 'drainstaminaovertime{amount=20;duration=6000;period=1000}/drainmanaovertime{amount=20;duration=6000;period=1000}' will drain the target's stamina/mana by the specified 'amount' if they are a player for every 'period' over the specified 'duration'. This can be used in mythic skills or by a mythic mob.

Custom Health Regen
A new section has been added to the config.yml called 'health'. This should automatically generate after booting your server with the new update. This will add a constant static regeneration effect to all players, similar to how mana and stamina generate. You can customise how often it regenerates, a regen-multiplier when in combat. You can even make it so it only regenerates when food is full. These can be configured by default in the config.yml or individually in classes, and support regen increases per level just like the other stats. As usual, by default this is turned OFF, simply set enabled: true in the health section to enable the feature.

Default Max Stats and Regen
Added a config option to set the default max health, stamina and mana. Similarly a default regen for health, mana and stamina has also been added to config.yml. These values will be used if NO stat is configured in the class.yml file.

Heroes Food Change
Changed the time-multiplier setting in config.yml to be read as milliseconds instead of seconds so that this is consistent with literally all the other config settings. If this value is set to less than 100, you'll get a warning saying you have set it incorrectly, and Heroes will convert the value into milliseconds for you.

MMOItems Additions
Added a heroes-health-regen stat to MMOItems to match with the mana and stamina ones. Added an optional stat to MMOItems called penetration. You can choose to use this in the experimental-features tab. If you set use-mmoitems-penetration to true, then the amount of penetration a weapon will do will now be dependent on the MMOItem's penetration stat on the weapon NOT what is configured in the config.

Damage Scaling Feature
Todo stub

-- Bug Fixes/Changes --

  • Fixed an issue where when custom knockback was enabled, hitting an enemy where the attack was cancelled would cause the enemy to be thrown towards you
  • Updated MMOItems to 6.8.2 dependency and MythicLib to 1.4.2. If you do not use those versions then MMOItems Stats may have their lore-format stats generated weirdly
  • Updated default classes to the community submitted ones (which are better constructed and way more helpful for new users). And removed the old default classes.
-- API Changes --

  • WeaponDamageEvent and SkillDamageEvent now inherit from a class called HeroesDamageEvent which represents a HeroesDamageEvent between two entities. A new API event has been added called MythicDamageEvent which represents an event caused by a MythicMob dealing damage via a skill. This helps to clean up the code quite a bit and hopefully will improve efficiency
  • Improved the usage of switching between ItemHandlers depending on if you are using Relics or MMOItems.
----------, Oct 15, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,768
First Release: Jun 13, 2016
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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