The best class, race and skill Minecraft RPG plugin for Minecraft servers

Bug fixes!
--== | UPDATE 1.9.20 | ==-- This update also includes changes from the last previous few updates Please let us know if you encounter any issues with this new update

-- Supported Minecraft Versions -- 1.13.X, 1.14.X, 1.15.X, 1.16.X, 1.17.X, 1.18.X

-- Changes and Bug Fixes --

  • Experimental weapon features will now retroactively generate in the Heroes/config.yml file. These features will default to enabled : false

  • When check equipment weight is enabled in the config, if you attempt to put on a piece of armor that is not for your class or that will make you overweight, then it will not let you put it on (this just straight up didn't work before)

  • Added a method to add max stamina, similar to how methods exist to remove and add max mana. Essentially just to add more support for other plugins. Additionally, these maxMana calls actually stay when rebuilding attributes (that part was broken)

  • Reimplemented how Heroes handles no damage ticks. Now you will find there is much consistency when attacking entities in when damage hits are registered, and also fixed a bug where you could actually damage entities in between no damage ticks when spamming quick enough.

  • Fixed a custom knockback issue where spamming attacks would occasionally make the targeted entity be thrown towards you

  • Fixed an inconsistency in how knockback is handles on top of vanilla knockback. Basically added a condition to make it more consistent.

  • Titles will no longer be called with a server command and will no longer be spammed in the console

  • Changed the skill message to use a star Unicode symbol

  • Potion skills no longer give a debug message

  • Rewrote database yml into a separate file.

  • Automagically handles moving legacy database configuration to new database.yml

  • Also adds default database.yml when new server is created.
-- Regarding Database Changes --

What I've done is completely rewritten the logic and behavior for how Heroes loads and saves player's data. This goes for both SQL and YML. They are still stored in the same format however.

What this means is more efficient getHero() calls, and NPC's Hero's SHOULDNT be written to YML or SQL entries

Additionally the Citizens integration never worked properly, simply because someone didn't specify that citizens NPCs should be saved using a different storage type... One thing I haven't changed is that SQL Database still uses a persistent Database ID. This is associated with a player's UUID however so there shouldn't be any issues with it

You can add the following under properties to prevent the handling of old legacy files which will improve getHero() performance slightly. For new servers you can set it to false, and it won't attempt to load other directories. Otherwise it will automatically remove legacy files as player data is converted to the new format (this is for YML only).

load-legacy-player-data: true
----------, Apr 4, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,768
First Release: Jun 13, 2016
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
124 ratings
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