The best class, race and skill Minecraft RPG plugin for Minecraft servers

1.18+ ALPHA and MAJOR targeting + skill revamp
While this has passed basic testing, there may be major bugs and we're releasing this early as an ALPHA. Please test and give us feedback so we can stamp out any bugs!
Main Changes

  • Before, the AABB_v1_XX_X_RX was essentially a wrapper for NMS's AxisAlignedBB. Spigot's API contains a 'BoundingBox' which is basically an AABB. The AxisAlignedBoundingBox instead of wrapping NMS, just uses a BoundingBox as a class field now.

  • The AxisAlignedBoundingBox class wraps the BoundingBox and maintains the previous functionality of previous Physics versions

  • In this NMSPhysics, The FluidCollisionOption from NMS was replaced with Spigot's own FluidCollisionMode

  • A MovingObjectPosition from NMS was used for a lot of these methods. The MOP was basically NMS's rayCasting result and had two subclasses, basically specifying either if a Block or an Entity was hit, and of course the location of what was hit. During the rewrite this was replaced with Spigot's RayTraceResult, since it was a direct substitute.

  • Almost all of the rayCasting methods were replaced with rayTracing calcs provided by Spigot. Performing rayTrace on blocks considers their exact collision meshes. This also meant that raytrace for fluids did not need to be considered separately.

  • Default fluid collision was changed to ALWAYS

  • Default ignoreNonCollidable is set to TRUE, AKA allowing players to more consistently target through non-collidable blocks such as grass or flowers.

  • Versions 1.14.4 and later will use the new Physics rewrite

  • Versions 1.17 and later will use the same Version Handler. There are notes in the class files detailing how to update for future versions

  • Raycasting now by default uses point priority. Meaning it will prioritize the target at the player's cursor first, before tracing a capsule around said raytrace. This has resulted in exponentially more accurate targeting and a way better player experience.

  • Most raytraces have been reduced in complexity hence aiding in reducing server lag and latency.

  • Added 1.18 and 1.18.1 support

  • Reverted to Java 11 for backwards compatibility. This still works with the latest versions of Minecraft

  • Hidden custom durability currently does not work properly, it tends to duplicate the hidden lore and doesn't read it properly for some reason. Hence it has been disabled, custom durability will always show now
  • For methods using a HoverEvent to show an item in chat, this will no longer show an item. This is because this uses NMS to get an ItemStack as an NBT compound. The future solution to this is to manually write out an ItemStack based on its Meta and other data. However this would be quite a complex and extensive implementation
  • Removed any use of NMS as this caused the skills to then break on certain versions.
  • Updated the dependencies that many of the skills use
  • Initially updated to Java 17, but reverted to Java 11 for backwards compat
  • The skills will be built with 1.17, however they were all tested with an older version of Spigot for backwards compat sake.
  • Added minimum required versions for some skills which utilized version specific features
  • Fixed the Forage skill as it did not handle Nether biomes properly for NMS
  • IMPORT NOTE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPERS I replaced the use of getHighestItemDamage as this was recently changed in the latest Heroes update. It is now deprecated, so please use getFlatItemDamage(Hero hero, Material item) instead. This change was made because getHighestItemDamage actually calculates PvP/PvE scaling which SHOULD NOT be called in a skill. Since when calling the skills' damageEntity() method, this is what does PvP/PvE scaling. The method, getFlatItemDamage() will calculate the damage of the Heroes currently HELD item, considering mainhand and offhand item attributes before using a class's specified damage for that weapon.
----------, Dec 28, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,768
First Release: Jun 13, 2016
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
124 ratings
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