RACE UPDATE/FIXES + API updates for Skill Extensions/Healing changes.
If you're
coming from an existing database on the Races update, you will need to edit some stuff for SQL to work. A fresh database WONT have these issues. Please always use a test setup before updating to a production environment. Blindly updating can be painful for your users.
Update Heroes and keep the server offline. Log into a user that can make edits to SQL and the database you're under - you can do this via GUI or Commandline.
If table RPG_HeroInfo exists:
Create column "CurrentRace"
- Allow nulls
- Default: NULL
Create Foreign Key: fk_RPG_HeroInfo_RPG_ClassIndex3
- Columns: CurrentRace
- Reference Table: RPG_ClassIndex
- Foreign Column: ClassID
- On Update: Restrict
- On Delete: Restrict
Command line > (Must use/select your database where heroes is stored)
1. Add Column
ADD COLUMN `CurrentRace` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `CurrentProfession`;
2. Add FK data
ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_RPG_HeroInfo_RPG_ClassIndex3` FOREIGN KEY (`CurrentRace`) REFERENCES `RPG_ClassIndex` (`ClassID`);
#830 (Jul 10, 2018 12:01:24 AM)
- add healing scale to heal skill description — MysticMight / gitlab
- add log entry to further investigate extra golden hearts issue — MysticMight / gitlab
- Revert "add log entry to further investigate extra golden hearts issue" — MysticMight / gitlab
- Lets try shoveling in PlayerInfo stuff for this. — Kainzo / gitlab
- add null check for class name (e.g. for races) — MysticMight / gitlab
#829 (Jun 19, 2018 12:19:22 PM)
- add effect for mana & stamina regen percentage increase & implement — MysticMight / gitlab
- refactor superclass for constant percent increase effects — MysticMight / gitlab
- add optional healing scale based on expression. (Still to be tested) — MysticMight / gitlab
- increment version — MysticMight / gitlab
- copy classchangeevent into afterclasschangeevent, rather then extend — MysticMight / gitlab
- add cancelling to afterclass change event — MysticMight / gitlab
#828 (Jun 15, 2018 2:09:36 PM)
- Update plugin.yml — Kainzo / gitlab
#827 (Jun 15, 2018 1:22:19 AM)
- add effect for max mana percentage increase & implement max mana — MysticMight / gitlab
- add effect for max stamina percentage increase & implement stamina — MysticMight / gitlab
- fix effect type typo — MysticMight / gitlab
#826 (Jun 15, 2018 1:19:49 AM)
- Update plugin.yml — Kainzo / gitlab
#825 (Jun 11, 2018 4:20:49 PM)
- change passive skill behavior to apply after class change (rather then — MysticMight / gitlab