Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players icon

Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players -----

Allow your players to do quests in return for rewards

Few bugfixes, some task type improvements
Hello everybody, hope you're all doing well.

First and foremost, I am currently very busy with university. I'm not able to spend much time adding features to Quests, so I'm having to prioritise bugfixes over features. This also means I haven't been around to provide support or thoroughly test these changes. Please keep this in mind when opening issues.

This update brings a few changes. Citizen IDs can now be specified as opposed to names in citizen tasks. Specific modes of transport for the walking task can now also be required. Please see the the respective task types in the wiki for instructions. The behaviour of automatic quest tracking should also be improved to automatically track the first available quest upon player login, which should assist with servers who only have one active quest at a time. For the rest of the changes, please review the commit log below.


(P.S. Quests is probably already fully compatible with 1.18, open an issue if this is not the case.)

Commit log since v3.9.1

2b525ad - Nuke DS_Store <LMBishop>
dc81e1e - [ci skip] Clarify issue templates <LMBishop>
df22274 - Add citizens ID support (closes #271) <LMBishop>
e0cee4c - Add modes of transport (closes #269) <LMBishop>
0f20e39 - Fix PAPI task completed placeholder not following config (closes #251) <LMBishop>
6f21bc6 - Add cancel shortcut command (closes #283) <LMBishop>
bb59cb9 - Add data source configuration (closes #275) <LMBishop>
0889f05 - Track first available quest if autotrack is enabled (closes #281) <LMBishop>
f74bd08 - Truncate decimals to 2 d.p. (closes #276) <LMBishop>
f3912fd - Fix broken mobkillingcertain task type (closes #285) <LMBishop>
747726a - Fix suicides counting towards playerkilling (closes #295) <LMBishop>
2885d66 - Fix typo in command help menu <LMBishop>
e32894d - Bump version number <LMBishop>

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----------, Dec 3, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 92,872
First Release: May 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 28, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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