Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players icon

Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players -----

Allow your players to do quests in return for rewards

Version: 3.15.2
please add support for 1.21.4 version thank youuuuuuu,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 3.15.2
No entiendo sigue siendo el mismo plugin que antes estaba lleno de misiones ? Porque será que cambio de código y ahora no hay misiones ya prehechas

Version: 3.15.2
Excellent quests plugin! Just what I was looking for! Great for daily/monthly or event tasks! Thank you so much

Version: 3.15.2
No entiendo porque la gente deja malas críticas al plugin es excelente y lo mejor que es gratis, algunas personas no valoran como deberían las cosas por eso es que luego todos los plugins buenos se vuelven premium.

Version: 3.15.1
Best quest plugin, it's complete, has perfect performances, no real issue, the dev is active on github.

Version: 3.15
The updated versions of quests can be found on the github:
The updated versions work perfectly fine under 1.21.1

Version: 3.15
doesnt work 1.20.6+ .

Version: 3.15

Version: 3.15
This plugin does not work correctly. Firstly, it is poorly designed, and on the other hand, something as basic as the "PlaceholderAPI" does not function. I have tried different versions of the plugin, including the most updated one, and all of them have the same errors.

Version: 3.15
It is the best mission plugin that exists alongside others. It allows you to make many types of missions, it has mission management with inventories, user management and many other things.

Version: 3.15
Definitely the best, best free quest plugin out there.



Those 1 star reviews reporting bugs or incompatibility issues, don't even bother to access discord support or go to github. All they do is post a bad review without first investigating more about the plugin. The plugin is compatible up to 1.21. What you have to do is simple, go to discord support to ask or download the dev builds from github.

Version: 3.15
Not working on 1.20.6 and 1.21

Version: 3.15
doesnt work 1.20.6 +
doesnt work 1.20.6 +
doesnt work 1.20.6 +
doesnt work 1.20.6 +

Version: 3.15
doesnt work 1.20.6 +

Version: 3.15
1.20.6 support when? It ain't working on 1.20.6
Please add support, this is a good plugin but pslssss

Version: 3.15
doesnt work 1.20.6 +

Version: 3.15
doesnt work 1.20.6 +

Version: 3.15
Best quest plugin, most of the negative reviews are just people who configured the quests incorrectly. An improvement in gui management would not be refused, however.

Version: 3.15
update 1.20.6 support [17:45:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling Quests v3.15-b636bef (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
at Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar/com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.BukkitQuestsPlugin.setItemGetter( ~[Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar:?]
at Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar/com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.BukkitQuestsPlugin.onEnable( ~[Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at java.base/ ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 3 out of bounds for length 3
at Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar/com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.util.CompatUtils.<clinit>( ~[Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar:?]
... 14 more
[17:45:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [Quests] Disabling Quests v3.15-b636bef
[17:45:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while disabling Quests v3.15-b636bef
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.leonardobishop.quests.common.tasktype.TaskTypeManager.getTaskTypes()" because the return value of "com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.BukkitQuestsPlugin.getTaskTypeManager()" is null
at Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar/com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.BukkitQuestsPlugin.onDisable( ~[Quests-3.15-b636bef.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.disablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.disablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.6.jar:1.20.6-79-f175193]

Version: 3.15
Support is non-existent. GitHub postings takes weeks if not months to be attended to.

Version: 3.15
WILL PEOPLE STOP USING REVIEWS TO REPORT BUGS, OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THE GITHUB LINK ABOVE, USE IT. You never know, you may find out that your problem is human error caused by you or your Server.

Now there's no reason to complain about the Wiki, when i found it extremely easy to understand how to create new quests with the default quests provided and the Wiki. It's that simple a 10 year old could figure it out.


Version: 3.15
When player has task to mine 64 potato and break carrot or any other food it gives point to potatoes

type: "farming"
amount: 64
name: "&cZiemniaki - Zadanie 3"
- "&bZadanie:"
- "&7 - Zbierz &f64 ziemniaków&7."
- "&bNagroda:"
- "&7 - &f100 &a$."
- "&7 - &f{farming:progress}&7/64 zebranych ziemniaków."
type: "POTATO"
# Here you can list messages which will be sent to the player (if they are online) upon the quest starting.
- "eco give {player} 100"
description: "&7Zbierz &f64 &7ziemniaków."
progress: " &8- &f{farming:progress}&7/64 zebrane"
farming: "&f{farming:progress}&7/64 zebranych ziemniaków"
# Here you can list messages which will be sent to the player (if they are online) upon completion.
- ""
category: "farmer"
- "ziemniak2"
repeatable: false
enabled: true
time: 10
sort-order: 12

Couldn't find Discord support

Version: 3.15
Weel after 3.15 update smithing quests are not working :\. If I downgrade plugin then walking quests (riding horse,pig) are broken.

Version: 3.15
So far the best quest plugin, recommand it over all other quests plugin for his features (perfect bossbar/actionbar, performances, support) !
I had 2-3 missing things I wanted in order to use the plugin, in less than a week this was added. The devs are very sympathic (the main dev and the one that does a lot of fixes on it). Strongly recommand it

Version: 3.14.2
The best plugin for creating quests. I needed coreprotect support and I got it.

Thank you very much.

Version: 3.14.2
id love to see an online tool for generating or creating tasks easer than manually typing them out in the files, but that aside this is by far one of the coolest plugins i’ve used for player retention so far 10/10

Version: 3.14.2
Best quest plugin, I had 2-3 missing things I wanted in order to use the plugin, in less than a week this was added. The devs are very sympathic (the main dev and the one that does a lot of fixes on it). Strongly recommand it

Version: 3.14.2
Buen complementos la verdad es muy bonito si bien es cierto la configuración al principio puede ser complicado si le hechas un ojo vas entendiendo.

Version: 3.14.2
It would be nice to correct the problem and not close the exit without giving any news.

Version: 3.14.2
update please :) 1.20.4 ... nice plugin!! :D .......................................

Version: 3.14.2
The plugin is good, but the WIKI leaves a lot to be desired, I am trying to create a mission to deliver custom objects to an NPC using the ID and when delivering the delivery an error appears in the console, I am trying to ask for help in their discord, but it is poorly organized, they don't have support staff or anything, and I see that no one receives help about this plugin.

[02:15:23 WARN]: [Quests] Task #3599561 for Quests v3.14.2-3345d07 generated an exception
java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer (java.lang.String and java.lang.Integer are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
at com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.tasktype.type.dependent.CitizensDeliverTaskType.checkInventory( ~[Quests-3.14.2-3345d07.jar:?]
at com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.tasktype.type.dependent.CitizensDeliverTaskType.lambda$checkInventory$1( ~[Quests-3.14.2-3345d07.jar:?]
at ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-550]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-550]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren( ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-550]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren( ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-550]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-550]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-550]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-550]
at ~[?:?]

Version: 3.14.2
Great plugin but it has a critical bug that I reported on the Github 2 weeks ago and still has not been replied to. I cannot use the plugin until the bug gets fixed.

Version: 3.14.2
Best quest plugin, I had 2-3 missing things I wanted in order to use the plugin, in less than a week this was added. The devs are very sympathic (the main dev and the one that does a lot of fixes on it). Strongly recommand it

Version: 3.14.2
It's very useful. I've used it to create numerous mythic tasks, but there's one issue: the weapons created with "mmoitems" cannot complete kill tasks.

Version: 3.14.2
Super great plugin, really easy to use! A lot of configuration and file creation though if you're like me and made a bunch of quests. Documentation was great and easy to use and its insane a plugin like this is free!

Ended up making 9 categories of quests (with each category containing 12 strands with each strand having 3 tiers, so 36 individual quests each category). So all in all, ended up having to create 324 unique quest files lol. Pretty sure I know this plugin in and out now lmao.

Version: 3.14.2
I've been using this plugin for about 5 years, the change over the years is amazing! A very elaborate and well adjustable plugin. It can be seen that the developer is constantly taking care of the plugin and the support on discord is also worth 5 stars

Version: 3.14.2
The best plugin of all the free ones! Respect to the author.

(I apologize for the last review, did not see in the config)

Version: 3.14.2
El plugin es excelente, practico, completo y entendible. espero algun dia agreguen soporte a geyser

Version: 3.14.2
Hi author of this plugin! The plugin is very cool, I like everything, but! Faced a problem when translating the plugin into my language. The problem is that I can not translate the name of the main quest menu "Quests". I beg you, please help me.

Thank you in advance..

Version: 3.14.1
[11:41:56 ERROR]: Could not pass event ShopPostTransactionEvent to Quests v3.14.1-758fe7f
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "shop" is null
at com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.tasktype.type.dependent.ShopGUIPlusSellTaskType.onShopPostTransaction( ~[Quests-3.14.1-758fe7f.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor2072.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at com.ssomar.score.usedapi.ShopGUIPlusTool.registerTransaction( ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at com.ssomar.score.commands.runnable.block.BlockRunCommand.runCommand( ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at com.ssomar.score.commands.runnable.RunCommand.runCommand( ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at com.ssomar.score.commands.runnable.block.BlockRunCommand.runGetManager( ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at com.ssomar.score.commands.runnable.CommandsExecutor.runCommands( ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at com.ssomar.score.features.custom.commands.block.BlockCommandsFeature.runCommands( ~[SCore-3.9.96.jar:?]
at ~[ExecutableBlocks_Prem-3.9.96.jar:?]
at$ ~[ExecutableBlocks_Prem-3.9.96.jar:?]
at ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2010]
at ~[?:?]

Version: 3.13.3
Very good plugin and it's the one I always use, but I would like to know if it still works on 1.20x?

Version: 3.13.3
[09:54:34 ERROR]: Could not pass event BrewEvent to Quests v3.13.3-5a28efa
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.util.List org.bukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent.getResults()'
at com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.tasktype.type.BrewingTaskType.onBrew( ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor1206.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.TileEntityBrewingStand.j( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.TileEntityBrewingStand.tick( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.World.tickBlockEntities( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.WorldServer.doTick( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.b( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.b( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Purpur-1171]
at [?:?]
Author's response
Should be fixed

Version: 3.13.3
The plugin is nice but the support system is awful please help people your plugin has a lot of bugs

Version: 3.13.3
A great plugin without a doubt, perhaps in some update they could implement the option so that the attributes of weapons, armor or tools are not displayed.

Version: 3.13.3
Honestly, this should be rated higher than an average of 4.
I will say though that this is not a plugin for someone who doesn't want to trade their effort for a higher degree of customization. It has a learning curve and requires some trial and error to get used to it. Would definitely be a lot easier for someone who has a coding background, which I do not. Not a complex plugin, but if you want a braindead plugin then this may not be for you.

Investing the time has been wholly worthwhile in my eyes.

Version: 3.13.3
Easy to configure, unlimited options, just needs creativity! You can keep people busy with this plugin for quite a while! Thanks!!

Version: 3.13.3
is the best missions plugin, it is easy to configure and there are many missions to do, I highly recommend

Version: 3.13.3
Perfectly! But can you add "disabled worlds" to disable the execution of quests per world?

Version: 3.13.3
Despite support still being the worst support in MC-Server/plugin history, I do respect that there was not only an update to this, but it was a fairly large update with many fixes. Thank you.

Version: 3.13.2
Support is dead, plugins not being updated anymore. Do not use this plugin. There's better out there.

Version: 3.13.2
No update since, Aug 17, 2022

I hope it comes or he will give to another dev out there that can update it for him because it's a great plugin but also beginning to be a buggy plugin.

Version: 3.13.2
This plugin support HEX colors???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Version: 3.13.2
So many issues currently, I've been reporting bugs via github forever now with no solutions ever coming. Complete radio silence on discord. Seems pretty much abandoned at this point sadly.

Version: 3.13.2
Amazing resource and works wonderfully. The rating is only low because support is virtually non existent. As of writing the last message in the Discord from LMBishop was THREE MONTHS ago and there is no explanation why
Author's response
uni is the reason

Version: 3.13.2
The level of customization really surprised me, the plugin gives a great feedback and works really well, great job!

Version: 3.13.2

Version: 3.13.2
When I've posted a bad review, you came with an update!

Now I can't say anything bad. It's working and it's easy to use. Thank for this update. I didn't think it will ever come.

Version: 3.13.1
Some of it works in 1.19.2, but if you are using it with ShopGUI+ it throws errors. Someone already posted it at Github.
I don't feel like this resource is alive.

Version: 3.12
the best free quest plugin and i bought paid config 5 starts!!!! en iyi görev plugini

Version: 3.12
awful, and sadly unusable. doesn't even work
"your quest progress file has not been loaded, you can not use quests if this issue pesists contact an admin"

thing is, there's absolutely 0 documentation on this and how am i, or admins supposed to know why this error occurs? such a shame this plugin has real potential, let down by bugs
Author's response
This happens when your data file is not loaded for whatever reason, could be because a) you have a slow filesystem/database and it will be loaded in a few seconds, b) the plugin failed to load it (there will be an error in console, which you should report on github), c) you were unloaded for whatever reason, or d) you don't have one and the plugin failed to create a blank one (will also be an error in console, again report it)

Version: 3.12
It's alright.
I think support is slow, it should be a discord server.

I also hope that the placeholders will be fixed.
It doesn't show progress when using mythicmobs objective "kill".

I DID report it on github.

Version: 3.12
Great plugin! The reason I am rating it 4 stars instead of 5 is that I can't figure for the life of me how to give quest defined items to players.

Following the wiki I managed to succesfully define and load quest items in the plugin but I cant figure how to give them to players.

Version: 3.12
Third time this plugin broke my server during peek player numbers. 300+ players on one spigot instance and it's crashing my server, can you finally fix it?

[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: Nag author: 'LMBishop & contributors' of 'Quests' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being shut down. This task may throw errors during the final shutdown logs and might not complete before process dies.
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: Craft Scheduler Thread - 166 - Quests Stacktrace
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent(
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: Quests-3.12.jar//com.leonardobishop.quests.common.player.QPlayerManager.loadPlayer(
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: Quests-3.12.jar//com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.listener.PlayerJoinListener.lambda$onEvent$2(
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: Quests-3.12.jar//com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.listener.PlayerJoinListener$$Lambda$9748/ Source)
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]:
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]:
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]:
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[18:11:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: [email protected]/
Author's response
report it on github then?

Version: 3.12
I was searching for a good questing plugin for a long time and tried many others, they had problems or were way too complicated - this plugin is really easy to use and highly configurable! Love the GUI's and possibilities with this!

Version: 3.10.1
Plugin Quests v3.10.1 has failed to register events for class com.leonardobishop.quests.bukkit.tasktype.type.dependent.MythicMobsKillingType because io/lumine/xikage/mythicmobs/api/bukkit/events/MythicMobDeathEvent does not exist.

Version: 3.10.1
Does not work with latest MythicMobs releases so if you plan on using it for that reason, don't.

Version: 3.10.1
Plugin got some bugs and the dev gives 0 support on discord there are so many unanswered questions...

Version: 3.10.1
Excelente plugin, funciona correctamente.

Version: 3.10.1
Whilst the plugin is useful, there is absolutely 0 support from the developer on the discord server, I've sent multiple messages and I can see there are loads of unanswered messages. Where are we supposed to get support?

Version: 3.9.2
Great plugin, can you add something like /Quests Top
to see which player has the most quests completed?

Version: 3.9.2
The plugin give an error, when i give it, the server freeze, or crash, i report it, but apparently the author does not have the time to repair it.
Sorry, nice plugin, but i can't use it any more, create lag.

Version: 3.9.2
The plugin is very very good, but what I didn't like is that the help message cannot be edited as I want to translate it into Spanish, but it cannot.

It would be very helpful if you make a setting so that it can be edited, thanks

Excuse my English, I'm using a translator since I speak Spanish: v

Version: 3.9.2
--------- This plugin is exactly what I needed, keep up the plugin mate! ---------

Version: 3.9.1
super ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Version: 3.9.1
Exactly what I needed for my server. If anyone is interested, the inactive developer of this plugin has posted a message regarding his circumstances at I have no problems with the current state of the plugin, and if I find any problems I will fix them myself. Thanks to the developer for making such an amazing open-source plugin.

Version: 3.9.1
I love this plugin, it's honestly really good. But the problems is that a lot of the task-types isn't working. And as many others have stated already, there is no support for this plugin, and Dev doesn't reply to 99% of the GitHub issues. Really wish this plugin would get some of these task-types fixed, then it would be a 5-star plugin.

Version: 3.9.1
I am really disappointed because I really like the plugin. The developer is practically non-existent, he doesn't respond to Github bugs, he doesn't respond in discord (although he is tagged), he doesn't respond to private messages on spigot nor anything.

Basically if you want to receive support, as I did, you contact another developer who studies the plugin and helps you (obviously paying him).

I personally had to have another plugin made from scratch, since it's impossible to get a reply.
Maybe you will reply to this comment saying that it is not true or looking for useless justifications, rather say that you are not available and don't ignore the messages.

Version: 3.9.1
Hey, really good plugin, but when the plugin is getting updated with some of the fixes present in the Github? Really need that haha since it's been over a month since the last update. Thanks in advance.

Version: 3.9.1
I don't understand why are some people giving this plugin 1 star just because they didn't get the features they suggested.
The plugin is awesome, free and updated to 1.17. I found no issues so far.

Suggestions are suggestions, no one is required to add new features unless they want to.

Version: 3.9.1
just giving this review because i can never get an answer for problems or questions such as when will daily quests be added? been asking this for a year now

Version: 3.9.1
I love the functionalities of this plugin and the plugin has an API.
But the support is so freaking bad!
On their discord server I didn't get any support, and through Github I first get a reaction and then after, he doesn't respond anymore.

Version: 3.9.1
expearn is broken.
progress doesnt work.
expearn quest doesnt work.
are you able to fix this problem?

Thanks for making this plugin for free.

Version: 3.9.1
This plugin is very good. if you can add the daily quest feature for placeholder value type quests. like the Daily quest in hypixel.

Version: 3.9
The plugin is really good, and it would be better if linked with WildStacker. The mobs stack from wildstacker isn't recognized by quest :(

Version: 3.9
The plugin is really good, however the support is, well, there isn't much support. I've asked a few questions in the Discord, and have had no response.

The plugin is really great, and the documentation is good too, there's just a few problems that I can't really get help with.

I would rate 3.5/5, but I can't, so I rounded up

Version: 3.9
Hello there, I am really confused with the latest updates and I have no way of contacting you directly other than Github (really delayed).

Some time ago I reported this issue but it seems like it still persists on latest versions, are you sure you have implemented the fix for it?

Thanks in advance.
Author's response
reviews aren't a place to ask questions, there is no capacity for two-way conversation in them

Version: 3.8
I operate a small survival server and I love how simple it is to use and the option for players to either participate in the quest or not and just do plain survival. Makes the game more fun for those who want more than just simple survival. Thanks and can't wait for updates!

Version: 3.8
Pretty much the best Quest plugin out there. Any chance you could add something like mid-rewards? Let's say: Talk to NPC 1 to start the Quest, and get an Item at the beginning to bring it to NPC 2 to complete the Quest

Version: 3.7
It's a nice plugin, but features such as expanding the task menu and spacing should be added.

Version: 3.6.2
super plugin just no / quests reload? Because I still have to restart any changes I make to the plugin!
Author's response
/q a reload

Version: 3.6.1
Very good, reliable plugin. That plugin has all options what i need to make awesome quests.

Version: 3.5.2
The plugin is great and works perfect but where can I find spanish translations? Please! :'c
Author's response
I haven’t made any translations as I don’t speak Spanish, you must create your own translations by modifying the messages at the bottom of the config.yml

Version: 3.5.1
5 star, found me a new gf and stopped the Axolotls cheating on it. Best Plugin. .

Version: 3.5
-add placeholder support to Task Configuration
... then I can increase the number of items required when you level up or a certain condition. I can reduce 1000 quests of increasing difficulty with this placeholderapi alone.
type: "blockplace"
amount: '%math_20+2*{player_exp}%'
- "world"

Version: 3.4
the best plugin on quests that can only exist, it has everything you need, thank you for the new 3.4 update
Author's response
good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats ✔ some goodshit rightthere right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit

Version: 3.4
good plugen very epic dev gjdgpjsdpgj
i very lieke that feature that u can maek queztz for playurs to maek them work for u fjksdfksdjk
134 letters :)
Author's response
u make sure those bitches work

Version: 3.3
Really good plugin. Dev is quick to implement features requested on the GitHub page, support is good enough, and the plugin has enough features for everything I need.

Version: 3.3
One of the best quest plugin avilable for paper/spigot!!
Everthing explained so clearly, so much customisation available, works perfectly fine with 1.17!! Kudos to the dev!

Version: 3.3
This is by far the best one for quest,it free that what make it more better!
80 words:)

Version: 3.2
Best quests plugin.
I think better than premium versions.

Version: 3.2
Best free plugin for quests. 80 characters.80 characters.80 characters.80 characters

Version: 3.1.5
Developers deal with problems promptly and patiently. Great plugin and very good developer.

Version: 3.1.2
Aha! Is there anything wrong? :D
[20:20:56 INFO]: [Quests] A new version 3.1.1 was found on Spigot (your version: 3.1.2). Please update me! <3 - Link:

Version: 2.17
plugin has mysql support it become one of the best plugin. Not every paid product is the best product. Great support author, I just suggested 3 days ago. The author always listens to the users and responds to them immediately whether it is a free product. Vote 10 stars

Version: 2.17
Very good, with the latest updates, the aesthetics and functionality of the GUI have been improved a lot. There is also a makeover that looks very fresh.

Version: 2.16.6
Your plugin is fully functional. The plugin includes many very modern features and is easy to configure. I'm just a little sad that you don't support mysql

Version: 2.16.6
The best plugin. I'm really glad I found it! I believe he will continue to do so

Version: 2.16.4
Very amazing plugin, perfect work, hope to be able to add superiorskyblock and MySQL storage support!

Version: 2.16.4
ADD MYSQL SUPPORT My survival cannot have Quest Plugin due to lack of mysql

It would be a good option

Version: 2.16.4
the new update making slots empty between eachother in the gui was the finishing touch to my rating and finally it is here. the easiest to config quest plugin, and by far my favorite. needs more plugin hooks for more quests but other than that amazing!

Version: 2.16.3
Add mysql support to make the plugin more than perfect

I run a survival Multiple of 2 Spawn and World Resources and I can't use the plugin due to lack of mysql: c

Version: 2.16.3
Excellent plugin! Everything is great, but need mysql and some changes with custom items (which not quests or categories) in menu, so now if i trying to place it in 45-54 slots (repeat 9 times) it places items on the next page in 1-9 slots

Version: 2.16.3

good good resource very custmizableabel super nice !!!! !
Author's response
mmm yes sexy like me

Version: 2.16.3
very good plugin would be practical to add a select command to all available quests.

I highly recommend the plugin in prison, skyblock and survival custom.

Version: 2.16
It's pretty great, players love it and highly recommend for those seeking a flexible questing plugin

Version: 2.16
Been using it for over a year now. Developer does a good job at responding to bugs and feature requests. Pretty sure two of my reports have made it into recent updates. I.e. the reverse placement and core protect feature which is really useful to prevent players from cheesing mining quests.

Version: 2.16
love this plugin, works really well.

but please add NPC support using Citizens2 :D

Version: 2.14.1
Amazing plugin, works like a charm!!! Would be cool if a player completes a category, he'll get a category reward.

Version: 2.14.1
I'm using this plugins since 2018, is very good resource, never change to another quest plugin!

Can you fix brewing progress broken?

Version: 2.14.1
The best plugin for quests, u can do anything. (Is a good plugin to RPG server)


Version: 2.14.1
Please keep updating it because I need this plugin really bad~ hehe
Thank you for the hard work and I look forward to see more coming : )

Version: 2.12.1
cactus, bamboo, sugar cane and kelp plant items blockbreakcertain not working please help me Emre Coşkun#5918

Version: 2.12
It's a pretty good plugin, but you have to be VERY insistent and annoying with the developer to receive an answer or support. I've been asking support for WildStacker multiple times and all I am asking is yes or no. I still haven't received an answer.

Version: 2.11
Maybe you can add, like Better gui (chest like i made one quest other is random glass)?

Version: 2.10.1
Awesome plugin BUT you can´t show the actuall progess of a players quest... would be really good to get the task and Id of the actuall quest....

For example

Pls add something like this...

Version: 2.10.1
soport papi?



Version: 2.9.5
Plugin works great however theres a few tings i would like to see added:
- per world support for quests (e.g. break 100 coal in world "mines"
- custom name/lore support for inventory/give task types

Version: 2.9.5
I'm not even gonna lie, the plugin is quite good. But the support... oh jesus let's not even talk about that.

Version: 2.9.5
There is no actionbar support, and user support.
There is a discord server for user support, but I've been waiting for support for two days

Version: 2.9.5
I love this, I have a custom config from a friend with 200+ quests. Please keep updating this!
Author's response

Version: 2.9.5
Nice its working in my server which is 1.16.4 version and im using the hosting <3 thank you sir

Version: 2.9.5
please also support fabledskyblock <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Version: 2.9.5
Works perfectly, and exactly how I wanted it to.

Some improvements you should make are removing or adding a player's completed quest by a command, and an in-game editor for creating and editing quests.

Version: 2.9.5
1.16.3 working

Can you add action bar progress of the quest. So we will not bother to command /q to check status of my quest

Version: 2.9.5
Plugin works fine, i'm on paperspigot 1.12.2, and i have this problems:

- Status of "blockbreakcertain" and "mobkillcerain" are not working
- Walking is still working if player's is flying

Developers seems inactive, but plugin is good

Version: 2.9.5
Great plugin, has a glitch though.
quest-autostart: true

And a quest has a cooldown and is repeatable.. The players do the quest and get rewarded, then the quest will keep repeating but give them a reward after the cooldown is up.

Version: 2.9.5
Awesome plugin - Exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for this free plugin. Working on my 1.16.3 Spigot Server

Version: 2.9.5
I love this plugin! I have it in my survival 1.16.2

I have 317 missions! in case anyone wants them :) for their server

I have it in (SPANISH)

Version: 2.9.5
I love this plugin! I have it in my survival 1.16.2

I have 317 missions! in case anyone wants them :) for your server

Version: 2.9.5
A must-have plugin for any survival oriented servers.
I really love it, it makes players more engaged.

Version: 2.9.5
playtime isnt working. others perfectly works..
Can you fix the playtime quest? T

Version: 2.9.5
Nice plugin. it would be better if it supports Mysql. .

Version: 2.9.5
pls update to 1.16

Version: 2.9.5
Version 2.5 works perfectly with version 1.12.2 but there a bugs to get used to. And i really want to know if there is type of quest where u can craft and item

Version: 2.9.5
HEY, BEETROOT CROPS doest work on break event ?
else, good review :) good jobs :)

Version: 2.9.5
Very nice plugin i really like to use this on my server to add a new challenge to players.

Version: 2.9.4
Good plugin, but if i click on category and close inventory in same time i can pick any item in category to my inventory.

Version: 2.9.4
The Plugin is awesome to give the Players little extra Task. The best is you can make new quests and when you are done you can edit the config for the categorys while the server is running upload the new quests and reload the Plugin and there are the new Quests.

You do not need to restart the Server for Changes.
So it isn't a big deal when you made an spelling mistake. You can fix it while server is running.

Paper Spigot 1.15.2

Version: 2.9.4
how to quests active placeholder in bossbar sir ? can you help me i give you 5 star Thanks :)

Version: 2.9.4
Works perfectly on my 1.15.2 server with over 300 quests available. Love the plugin and now added broadcasts when a player completes a quest to inspire others to start doing quests.

Version: 2.9.3
For me works perfectly. No errors. Thanks a lot ! Awesome job!

Regards, Sergio from Poland

Version: 2.9.2
if you have a big network don't use. i using 1.12.2 server with +50 players can't do quest

Version: 2.9.1
Das update hat die Fehlermeldung out of Date. Dann updated man es selbst auf die richtige Version und bekommt eine Fehlermeldung das es ein Problem mit dem Command Quests gibt. Das fixt man auch selbst und dann kommt das nächste Problem. Man ist gezwungen es selbst zu machen oder ein anderes Plugin zu nehmen denn Im Discord ist wenig Staff online und wenn doch bekommt man keine Hilfe oder Antwort. Support ist nicht besonders gut, da man ewig auf antwort warten muss. (Wenn man denn eine bekommt) Nicht zu empfehlen.

The update has the error message out of date. Then you update it to the correct version yourself and get an error message that there is a problem with the command quests. You fix that yourself and then the next problem comes. You are forced to do it yourself or use another plugin because there is not much staff online in the discord and if there is, you don't get any help or answer. Support is not very good, because you have to wait forever for an answer. (If you get one) Not recommended.

Version: 2.9.1
Works perfectly in 1.12.2 ^^
Great Job! Keep it up bro!

IP: (Spanish Network)

Version: 2.8
The plug-in itself is great, but it puts a lot of strain on the server, so with a larger number of players on the server, the plug-in becomes unusable;

Version: 2.8
If you want to have log files of 200MB take this plugins, no support on discord, if the developer is as present as the bugs of Quest it would be present 24H / 24H on discord. Do not download it especially (useless support in discord no response after 1 week)

Version: 2.8
Please update the plugin for Mythic Mobs compability. It doesn' t work properly.

Version: 2.8
DONT USE TOO MANY BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response

Version: 2.7
aver me parece que ya es hora de que se repare el complemento no digo yo es que hay errores en rendimiento de cpu y tengo 16 gb de ram V:

Version: 2.7
Errors, errors and more errors. I asked you for fixing these event errors, you didn't do it. My 12-cpu-core server machine was loaded by 100% each cpu core. Worst plugin, worst performance.

Version: 2.7
please update the PlaceholderAPI to show the number of quests completed ...
Excellent plugin, loved it

Version: 2.7
A very good plugin, the only thing that I am missing from this plugin besides the daily quests which are work in progress is to save the data in mysql. It would be much better also safer and would solve the issue if the server crashes or get restarted. This way users won't lose their progress.

Version: 2.6.3
To everyone using this plugin or thinking of downloading it, use version 2.6.2 - the latest version, 2.6.3, fixes auto-quest start data loss, but BREAKS all the rest of the quest data loss, so all the quests get reset every server restart. 2.6.2 is extremely stable and has no bugs besides the auto-start quests, which doesn't even need to be used.

Version: 2.6.3
this is very good plugin but when player left game player quest restart why ? please help me i will rate you five star

Version: 2.6.3

I'm sorry it only supports 1.14 and above :(


Version: 2.6.2
The plugin is very good, but this option is interesting :).
enable soon please :(

And add an option of
per-world: "to enable in certain worlds"
Having this you deserve the 5 stars

Version: 2.6.2
Been using it for the past month on a production server, 40 - 50 players on a single spigot server 1.15.1. No problems with it so far, there was a bug, which got fixed after I submitted an issue on GitHub. Really light on the server, absolutely simple to configure but I would like some advanced configuration options. Great for a free resource!

Version: 2.6.1
Using this plugin for the past 2 years and its working without any issues. One of the best plugin for adding quests feature to any type of server...
Author is an awesome person, He added my suggestions i did on discord. Awesome support...

Version: 2.6
This plugin would be perfect. However, response on the Discord is non-existent. As I have a question concerning natural block placements aligning with mining type quests. Players can use silk touch to just place and break blocks.

Version: 2.6
if you have more than 1 braincell left this is the plugin for you. Its just out of the box plug and play, the example quests are detailled and tell you exactly what to change in the config, 10/10 would buy again

Version: 2.6
The plugin doesn't support a lot of quest types and also the new versions doesn't worth anything because it is only 1.14 based, while I tried it and it is unstable atm.

Version: 2.6
It is a good plugin, but has a lot of deficiency, and now also support for the rest of the versions are removed. I'm using 1.13 and it doesn't make sense to remove the last version of the latest version. 1.14 spigot still has plenty of bugs, performance issues and I'm not the only one who says this. And also if you check only 28% are using 1.14, where as even 1.8 has more usage over the plugin and 1.12.2 is 24%. Think about this. Thanks.
Author's response
1.13 is possible however i have already made the decision to absolutely leave versions pre-1.13 behind due to drastic changes in the api. 1.13 is 15 months old, 1.14 is 6 months old, 1.8 is 61 months old, i can’t have support for versions pre-1.13 without losing the ability of having 1.13/4 blocks due to the changes that happened in the api

Version: 2.6
The plugin just switched from all version support to only 1.14, this is horrible!
Author's response
no lol i’m not gonna support software which is 5 (!) years outdated. games updating, deal with it

Version: 2.6
Please add:
to just enable it in my survival world !

Version: 2.6
how to config daily quests ?.

Version: 2.6
Version 2.6 is fairly solid. One issue is that the "inventory" task does not work.

I hope to see this fixed in future versions.

Version: 2.6
Pretty easy to understand, and it just worked the first time, changing the quests was easy, and the documentation is really great. Thx for an awesome plugin for our RPG server

Version: 2.4
It's very good, but I get this error sometimes:

[06:32:55 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerFishEvent to Quests v2.4
at$1.execute( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]

Version: 2.4
Very good plugin, works on a 1.14.4 server. But I would love to have full 1.14.4 support

Version: 2.4
As i said. Good plugin, but needs to support more things like placeholderapi. I like this plugin a lot and will change to 5 starts once this gets added

Version: 2.4
Great plugin! I run it on 1.14.4 and works great. I love to set up quests. Easily usable plugin!

Version: 2.4
Very useful and I love the simplicity, but...
First off, the "inventory" type only works if you pick the item up off the ground and not if you have it in your inventory or transfer it from a chest.
Secondly, this clashes with major questing plugins and I would suggest calling it an achievement plugin instead. It's simple and perfect for little achievements, but I'm going to have to get rid of it soon if I want to do storylines or long quests in stages. I would gladly keep it if it were named something different and had a different file in my plugins not called "Quests"
Many of the block break quests do not work on 1.13.2

Version: 2.4
Amazing plugin, 10/10. Could we please get WildStacker support for Mob Killing tasks. Cheers.

Version: 2.4
very good the plugin. just have the pickaxe bug with soft touch .
you can also add a new category, diamond item. not just the blocks

Version: 2.4
pickaxe with soft touch, please put an option not to count when breaking the blocks

Version: 2.1.2
It works smartly. It's a mission plugin. The most complete I've ever used. It's a mission plugin. The best in the world. Thank you from your heart. Hope you develop it. I love you haha

Version: 2.1.2
The plugin is really good and it works perfectly most of the time (sometimes I have to restart the server because some quests don't work, but it's usually fine). But I keep getting the server console flooded with errors although the plugin is functioning correctly, I would appreciate a fix on that bug. Thanks!

Version: 2.1.2
An add-on could have been so nice though! Of course there are some shortcomings. For example, if you add the Premium version in the future, you'll earn more stars if the configuration becomes clearer!

It can be even better if it comes to MySQL support.

- I do not know English very well -

Version: 2.1.2
Excellent complement, really well, I love it, I would like you to update the latest version, I love you very much thanks for the plugin! I love him!

Version: 2.1.1

please support mythicmobs

Version: 2.1.1
Command /quests category doesn't work on 1.8.8 version.

Can you please fix that?

Version: 2.1.1
Expect 1.13.2 and 1.14 support is really perfect add-on

Version: 2.1.1
nice plugin but redstone_ore dont work with blockbreakcertain with pickaxe.................

Version: 2.1.1



Version: 2.1.1
I would rate it much higher, but a lot of features are missing. For example, world support is a huge deal and it doesn't support it.

Version: 2.1.1
Looks like a perfect plugin to do challenge or daily quest !
Thanks for this amzing work ! Great config, and great menu ! All we want :D

Version: 2.1.1
I love this plugin

Version: 2.1.1
This plugin is overall fantastic, it provides the exact type of questing system which I'd been searching for to use on my Skyblock server, and seems to work essentially without any major issues (despite a few bugs here and there which have no major affect on the functionality). Keep up the great work and can't wait to see how this continues!

Version: 2.1.1
PLEASE FIX THIS: > [20:23:57 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerFishEvent to Quests v2.0.15
at$1.execute( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.ItemFishingRod.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.ItemStack.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerInteractManager.useItem( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_202]
at [?:1.8.0_202]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [?:1.8.0_202]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: BITE
at com.leonardobishop.quests.quests.tasktypes.types.FishingTaskType.onFishCaught( ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1246.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_202]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_202]
at$1.execute( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]

Version: 2.1.1
Nice work,keep updating!

80 chars.80 chars.80 chars.80 chars.80 chars.80 chars.

Version: 2.1
Excelente i love this plugin is the best

Version: 2.1
> [20:23:57 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerFishEvent to Quests v2.0.15
at$1.execute( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.ItemFishingRod.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.ItemStack.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerInteractManager.useItem( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_202]
at [?:1.8.0_202]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [?:1.8.0_202]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: BITE
at com.leonardobishop.quests.quests.tasktypes.types.FishingTaskType.onFishCaught( ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1246.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_202]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_202]
at$1.execute( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]

Version: 2.1
Can i change icon to any slot ?? by myself ------------------------------------------------

Version: 2.1
Really cool plugin. Clean code and easy to understand

Pretty sure I'm going to fork this and use it on my server. Thanks a bunch
Author's response
no problemo, thanks for the review

Version: 2.1
Add to SQL? nice Plugin
Can keep updating
thx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Author's response
thanks for the review

Version: 2.0.16
Very good quest plugin, easy to configure
Author's response
thanks for the review

Version: 2.0.15
type: "mobkillingcertain"
amount: 1
name: Skeleton King Boss
i have a custom bosses plugin and this is a boss name. The task is to kill the boss as you can see, though when i kill it it doesnt count it although the name is identical.What should i do? Other than that the plugin is 10/10

Version: 2.0.15
plugin active function that you already used.
all people, use it for the minecraft server

Version: 2.0.15
Please add suport for 1.13.2.

Version: 2.0.15
Good plugin, although I wish there was an option to automatically start all quests for players.

Version: 2.0.15
1.13.2 not work a titleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Version: 2.0.14-beta
Super plugin ! :)
I love her so much
Is the beta soon finished?
Thank's a lot for your works

Version: 2.0.14-beta
Very Good, I have only a question, what's the ID of the Wither Skeleton to use with the quest "mobkillingcertain"?

Version: 2.0.14-beta
Awesome plugin, works perfectly on a 1.13 server. Little to no issues with configuration. Something useful would be item and level requirements (to pursue a quest). Also if possible a way to support custom mobs. Other than that, probably the best quests plugin I have come across.

Version: 2.0.14-beta
Would be the best Quest plugin out here but it has some major flaws;
Sometimes my server get spammed by errors about "expection could not pass moving stuff to 2.0.14beta" and if I have a rare goldenrabbit custom mob with killcertain quest, players killing the same color rabbit from spawner to award them the quest

Version: 2.0.14-beta
The plug-in works without any problem, but unfortunately it is currently unusable for me:
Please add support for version 1.13.1 thank you

Version: 2.0.14-beta
When player trying to do /quest and he have permissions its saying:
I'm sorry,but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server adminstrators if you believe that this is in error.
Author's response

Version: 2.0.14-beta
Absolute best Plugin, though its complicated to setup when youre just starting out, believe me the pace picks up once you get the hang of the formatting for quests, you can add loads in just a couple hours!!
its amazing, the author is helpful in discord. and all round a good plugin in its category!

Version: 2.0.13-beta
A very good plugin, probably for use in every game mode, will certainly be useful. Well done!

Version: 2.0.13-beta
Amazing plugin very configurable

suggestion; Separate the quest and the categories in other yml files, the configuration is very saturated

Please update to 1.13

Version: 2.0.13-beta
"mobkillingcertain" Will not check for name properly.

type: "mobkillingcertain"
amount: 15
name: Scuttler

Version: 2.0.13-beta

thank for your plugin - how does the brewing work? I have finished the quest of brewing (i can see the progress) but the quest is not completed.

Version: 2.0.13-beta
When i started quest, i chooses it again and all my progress was reset...It's not big mistake, but can cause trouble to inattentive players. Please, add block gui-item (something like after finishing quest) after started quests. I think, it is good idea :D

Thanks a lot :)
Author's response
thanks for the review

Version: 2.0.13-beta
Sometimes it's not working, error messages in the chatlog, need support with a plugin and the owner of the plugin is just ignoring me here and in discord. I know that I've not paid for this plugin, you should have support for everyone 'cause it's free...
Author's response
ask for help first in discord

Version: 2.0.13-beta
Very good plugin, I would recommend it to anyone who runs a server. :)))))))))))

Version: 2.0.12-beta
Plug works perfectly.. Would be ideal if we could customise the GUI so i can put anything where i want? (Or is this possible via another plugin)

Suggestion: Add a quest quit option so someone can cancel their current quest(s)
Author's response
Right click a quest to cancel.

Version: 2.0.11-beta
i like the idea of the plugin but the gui doesn't work you cant start a quest etc, hope it gets some improofments
Author's response
Steps to reproduce the bug would be nice.

Version: 2.0.11-beta
Lacking. Only 60-70% of the features work. ASkyBlock_level does not work. Lots of bugs and glitches. The developer really needs to polish the code. Until then this is not a plugin you should bother using, just a nightmare to deal with.
Author's response
If you put "ASkyBlock_level" as the task type then it will not work. They are case sensitive and all official task types are lower case.

Version: 2.0.11-beta

Version: 2.0.10-beta
still gives me the same fucking issue even after the patch.

(Was supposed to be fixed this update but it wasnt)

Support is super slow so i'll be changing plugins for my 60player skyblock server, very bad do not use this.
Author's response
appreciate it mate

Version: 2.0.10-beta
Though its slightly complicated to configure, its very satisfactory once completed, the options are amazing... almost unlimited, Keep adding more! one bug we have found is for location trackers... if youre standing on the direct block its not enough, your coordinates have to be exact, for example the origin. you have to stand on exactly 0.00-x and 0.00-z in order to get the reward.... this is a big nusiance. it would be nice if you could register the event if they are standing directly on top of the block thanks!
Author's response
A workaround to the problem above is to set the distance-padding to 1 or 2, which allows you to be within 1 or 2 blocks of the location. Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.0.10-beta
Nice plugin.............................................................................

Version: 2.0.9-beta
Phenomenal plugin!

+1 No game breaking bugs
+1 Minimal bugs
+1 Lots of objectives
+1 Clean, user-friendly config
+1 Very helpful config comments

Version: 2.0.9-beta
Best plugin so far, however it lacks support...
I reported an error a week ago and still havent got any response

Version: 2.0.9-beta
nice plugin please insert idee (Task: have a certain number of animals //
if not the plugin itself is great thanks for great work

Version: 2.0.9-beta
I have to say it's a really great plugin for players to keeping mining, killing, planting, etc.

Version: 2.0.8-beta
Good plugin however I wanted to add mining quests for ores, but players can just get 1 ore and keep mining it and replacing it. Apart from that it's a good plugin

Version: 2.0.8-beta
Великолепный плагин. Использую его на проектах.
Хотелось бы побольше типов задач.

Моя оценка 5/5

Version: 2.0.8-beta
Great Plugin.........
but there is one question?

how to cancel quest for player/member in GUI?

Version: 2.0.7-beta
Excellent plugin!

Could you add support for PlaceholderAPI please ............?

Version: 2.0.4-beta
Very good plugin!!!! Add quests to VIP, please...........................................

Version: 1.12
Best quest plugin I ever saw! very easy to set up! Good job !

Version: 1.12
Excellent plugin
- Easy to use
- Well developed
- Many features
- Free
- Open Source

Version: 1.12
How to put two types of blocks in specific?

Example: Type: MININGCERTAIN:1 and 2

Version: 1.12
Pls, added MythicMobs, Factions (Cayorion)!

Version: 1.12
Simple, efficient and works perfectly. Tops all of the other Quest plugins available out there. 5/5.


Version: 1.12
This plugin is very very good, work perfectly, thanks dev, waiting for updates! :D

Version: 1.12
Quick question, I'm too lazy to browse through the comments / reviews.
Does the plugin support MythicMobs or any related as the [MOBKILLING] part of the quests ?

Looking good! Definitely going to use this!

Version: 1.12
De momento el plguin se ve genial , esperemos que sea así hasta el final ;) Una traducción al español vendría bien.

Version: 1.12
Great plugin!!! Only question is how do I setup the certain mob kill quest. I see the part about how to make certain blocks but not mobs
Author's response
It's basically the same thing but with the entity name on the end

Version: 1.12
im finding problems with the gui,it wont show,please help please

Version: 1.12
Does not work on 1.10.2. Literally tried with 0 other plugins and it still did not work.
Author's response
(copied from my response to you on Discord)

I'm unable to maintain my plugins at this present moment (mock exams and general burn-out since it's no longer fun to do this), I will look into it and provide a patch when I can. Just be noted the plugin was tested in 1.8. If there are any errors in console, tell me here.

Version: 1.12
Amazing plugin! Works great, but I very need MySQL support for my BungeeCord server, please.

Version: 1.12
Great___________________________________________________________________________The best quest plugin

Version: 1.12
Plugin is doing what it is supposed to, the developer is very helpfull! I've encountered a couple problems and questions now and he always replied fast

Version: 1.12
Hello bro , your plugin it s amazing but you can add mysql ? I really need it :D

Version: 1.12
very good plugin

Version: 1.11.3
Great plugin, I especially like how easy it is to use and setup! My only suggestion is to allow different topics/menus like daily, weekly, and monthly quests.
Author's response
Categories and pagination is being worked on ;)

Version: 1.11.3
Adding support for Mysql will increase the performance of this plugin, please add it as soon as possible

Version: 1.11.3
Awesome. Does what it says, and it's easy to create quests. Is it possible to have multiple pages?

Version: 1.11.3
Nice Plugin :D
Can you add Mysql Support? :D

Version: 1.6.3
Amazing Plugin! I use this plugin with no errors or problem on my server: AtomicNations.Org
I would highly suggest this plugin to everyone. Only thing my players would like is if you can make it so we can have quests for specific mob killing and add faction quests like overclaiming land and creating factions as objectives or something. But overall GREAT JOB! 100000/10

Version: 1.6.2

Perfect quests plugin! Easy to understand, easy to do everything!

Also, Author helped to fix a bug, and I'm sure about there will be more coming. One of the best Quests plugin on Spigot.

Very well-made plugin! Everything is easy to understand and GUI designing is a breeze. 5/5

i like this plugin except it would be really nice to start and finish the quest at a villager rather than use commands

Version: 1.6.1
Beautiful plugin, easy config, easy way to customize everything! I love this plugin, quests are very customizable.

Version: 1.6
Great Plugin,Really helpful and challenging plugin for my server.
Would be great if there more quest were added.

- Awesome Plugin Author,Good Job :3

Version: 1.6
Great plugin :D :D :D
keepgoing :D love you <3 <3 <3
Sorry for my english :(
Author's response
Thank you for the review.

Version: 1.5.1
great plugin for any server! great support! great developer! thank you and keep the good work!!!!!!!!

Version: 1.4.2
Perfect plugin for my Prison server. Fits our needs and has lots of available customization. Only suggestion for the configuration is to add GUI title customization, so you can change the GUI title. Unless that is added in and I just can't read, that's about all I suggest. Once again, great plugin!

Version: 1.4.1
Wow amazing plugin,please update more :D
Easy Config :D
5 Starts for dev
Sorry for my bad english :C

Version: 1.3.2
This plugin is simply amazing. The developer is doing everything possible to plugin works perfectly. Great support. Thanks !!

Version: 1.3
Nice plugin, but add more pages and add the adjustable slot. Oh, and add placeholders for featherboard.
Thanks. Good work :D

Version: 1.3
Very good plugin man!Please add a quest for vote.For example vote 20times for reward!!Please please please <3

Version: 1.3
I have recently downloaded this Plugin and have been using it on my server. I wish it had more things to config but for now its acceptable. For example adding more quest options like "Craft 1 diamond block to get £1000".
Author's response
I'm soon to be adding inventory quests (where you get an item in your inventory to complete the quest)
Thanks for the review

Version: 1.3
Excelente plugin ya tendra :D una review mia en youtube Gracias por el plugin :D sigue asi y espero que no olvides el proyecto que es una pasada
Author's response
Thanks for the review <3 Sorry, I do not speak Spanish.

Version: 1.0.1 BETA
This plugin is awsome like all other plugins u make. Keep up the good work. Do u have skype? If so can you add me my name is TheFlappyCraft I wanna higher u to be my server den if u feel like it.
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 1.0.1 BETA
I love this plugin.Good Developer
5 starts for your great work ;)

I hate 100 characters()()()()()()
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 1.0 BETA
A plugin, light and beautiful.

With a great utility, and we should always be thankful to be free.

I expect great updates of this great plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 1.0 BETA
Nice insane plugin, amazing support! Extremely easy to setup~
100% Highly recommended :) *Here, cookies for you*
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 92,741
First Release: May 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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