Fixed bug that allowed players to place an armor stand in unauthorized locations by switching worlds.
Added the ability to assign commands to armor stands that are run when a player right clicks that armor stand (Beta feature - see below).
Assigning Commands (Beta Feature)
This feature is in beta. Please use with caution.
This feature is available for Craftbukkit/Spigot 1.9.x and later only.
Use the /ascmd command to assign a command to an armor stand (see usage and permissions below)
When using /ascmd assign player <command>, the command will be run by the player
When using /ascmd assign console <command>, the command will be run by the console (see Warning below!)
When a player with the astools.ascmd.execute permission right clicks on an armor stand, it's command is run.
If a player is crouching when they right click the armor stand, the command will not be run.
Warning: Make sure you are careful when assigning console commands. Any player with the astools.ascmd.execute permission will be able to execute the command.
New Commands
/ascmd assign console <command> : Assign a console command to the nearest armor stand (within 4 blocks)
/ascmd assign player <command> : Assign a player command to the nearest armor stand
/ascmd remove : Remove the command assigned to the nearest armor stand
/ascmd view : View the command assigned to the nearest armor stand
New Permissions
astools.ascmd.assign.console: Permission to assign a console command to an armor stand
astools.ascmd.assign.player: Permission to assign a player command to an armor stand
astools.ascmd.remove: Permission to remove a command from an armor stand
astools.ascmd.view: Permission to view the command assigned to an armor stand
astools.ascmd.execute: Permission to execute a command assigned to an armor stand by (on right click)