Armor Stand Tools icon

Armor Stand Tools -----

A full suite of armor stand manipulation tools

Version: 4.4.6
[10:40:20 ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH - git-Paper-388 (MC: 1.18.2) ---
[10:40:20 ERROR]: The server has not responded for 55 seconds! Creating thread dump
[10:40:20 ERROR]: ------------------------------
[10:40:20 ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
[10:40:20 ERROR]: ------------------------------
[10:40:20 ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread
[10:40:20 ERROR]: PID: 38 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: WAITING
[10:40:20 ERROR]: Stack:
[10:40:20 ERROR]: [email protected]/jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
[10:40:20 ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync.lock(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.lock(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.players.GameProfileCache.get(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.getOfflinePlayer(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: org.bukkit.Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: ArmorStandTools.jar//
[10:40:20 ERROR]: ArmorStandTools.jar//$
[10:40:20 ERROR]:
[10:40:20 ERROR]: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(
[10:40:20 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$4134/ Source)
[10:40:20 ERROR]: [email protected]/

Version: 4.4.6
Nice . i love it !!!!!!!

Version: 4.4.6
Still working fine in 1.21.1. We love it <3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Version: 4.4.6
Its good but can you PLEASE Update it so it works also on Minecraft Geyseer Bedrock

Version: 4.4.4
Still working perfectly in 1.20.4, the plugin is very easy to use and have an intuitive gui, 5 stars ❤️❤️❤️

Version: 4.4.4
I've been using this plugin for ages now and it's amazing, it really meets my needs. Thank you!

Version: 4.4.4
Great Plugin, used it for a long time. Just tested it on 1.20.1: Works prefectly

Version: 4.4.4
Great plugin, but, build = deny, players cant open menus on armor stand. Help???

Version: 4.4.4
Good plugin, but please update to server version 1.20 so i can put it on new server, thanks.

Version: 4.4.4
Good plugin, but please update to server version 1.20 so i can put it on new server, thanks.

Version: 4.4.4
@Sebatan I don't know why you think its Armor Stands Tools fault? It works fine on my server with worldguard, you must have something else wrong.

Great plugin though, works perfectly on 1.19.3

Version: 4.4.4
They should fix the problem that happens with WorldGuard and ArmorStandTools, I have all the corresponding permissions and the corresponding flags, even so it does not let me interact with the ArmorStand

Version: 4.4.4
The most usable plugin for armorstands! I really like it, didn't see anything more comfortable to use. But still have a little wish to have an option to set the value directly, because when you click with some tool at the edge of hitbox, it's really difficult to set the value I need.

Version: 4.4.4
Good plugin!
The only problem I have, is that my commands on my armorstand are sent twice. Any fix to this?

is it also possible to turn off the cooldown message? (I replaced it with nothing, but still a "space" is printed out in minecraft :)


Version: 4.4.4
Everything works fine, but, when I leave the server and join back, all armor stands are getting deleted. Please fix or tell me how to fix this.

Version: 4.4.4
This is an excellent armor stand editing tool, and the negative reviews seem to be from people who do not understand how to assign permissions for plugins on Minecraft servers, which is hardly the fault of the plugin author. The movement tools are much better than other plugins of this nature, and the options for invulnerable armor stands and locked slots make this grief-proof and incredibly light on server performance. I highly recommend this plugin for any server owner who wishes to allow players to create scenes with armor stands. The option to assign commands (with cooldowns and permissions, etc.) provides even more opportunities for virtually any kind of function--warps, weather control, etc.

Version: 4.4.4
It's really a good plugin.

If it can help here is the translation in french, I have modified the "language.yml" file :

Version: 4.4.4
the bad rating of the users is due to command things, however if you want to use the npc as decoration it works excellent without errors on the console, I'm using 1.17.1

Version: 4.4.4
Wildly buggy, as I write this there are 29 open issues in the GitHub repo, some of which are 6 years old. No alternative channels for support.

Version: 4.4.4
All is okey but, there is an error when users try to exceute commands, they have permission and permision in rgflags and the command r okay. Do u have a discord server?

Version: 4.4.4
Really good plugin, it was a bit difficult figuring out the permissions for normal members and when someone tries to change the name or player head of the armor stand it just places the sign without letting you type on it. Other than that great plugin!

Version: 4.4.4
i really it but the only thing i am missing would be poses like in bedrock because i cant find anny tutorials or videos on how to get the poses

Version: 4.3.0
I've been using this plugin on different occasions for several years (e.g. map making) and it is simply amazing. Super easy to use and kept up to date for many versions. Please keep up the good work! <3

Version: 4.3.0
What's all the fuss about? I love the new interface. It is so much easier to use, i can finally play around with armorstands without having their chests upside down!

Version: 4.2.0
man if only i can execute 2 commands with each stand , lets say that i have armor stand , and when someone click on it it executes /clear then after a specific period of time executes another command /tp @ - - -

now i can only execute one command which is really annoying , i hope u can add 2 or more commands per stand , please
Author's response
Check out the latest version, you can now assign multiple commands and specify delays between commands

Version: 4.2.0
Thank you for listening for our feedback.
AST the is best tool to edit and customize armorstands in minecraft.
Hands down.
Author's response
Thanks. Appreciate it!

Version: 4.2.0
The old interface you folks offer is, in my opinion, the best armor stand editor available on all of Minecraft. Thank you!
Author's response
You are welcome

Version: 4.2.0
Thank you very much for listening to our feedback on the last version, it's good to see this plugin again! <3
Author's response
Always willing to get feedback. Glad you are happy with it.

Version: 4.2.0
Version 4.2 fix all the last 1.17 version thank you to taking care of our remarks !

This plugin is essential for an easy use of armor stand
Author's response

Version: 4.1.2
whaoo this incredible horrible version, 1.17 is litteraly broke

1.16 was perfect but now unusable
Author's response
The latest version now has the option to use the previous interface

Version: 4.1.2
PLs goback to the old version pls pls pls pls pls pls it alot better then then the update one
Author's response
The latest version now has the option to use the previous interface

Version: 4.1.2
The experience in this new version is realy REALY REALY BAD. Please consider going back :3
Author's response
The latest version now has the option to use the previous interface

Version: 4.1.2
This new version is very bad, difficult to use and not intuitive... Please consider reverting to the previous version :l
Author's response
The latest version now has the option to use the previous interface

Version: 4.1.2
New Version is hot garbage. Previous versions were close to perfect and intuitive. Easy to learn. This new version just doesn't work for this kind of work. Most of yopur actions are view-blocked by the GUI and repositioning arms and legs is just ... can't even describe how much I despise that.

Will change this review when the old system gets reimplemented. Even as an optional alternative.
Author's response
The latest version now has the option to use the previous interface

Version: 4.1.2
This new version is unusable. The disappearance of the menu in the inventory and the spawn of the armrostand with the /ast is unbearable. As many we use this plugin for a long time but this last update makes us lose a lot of time and we don't want to use it anymore...
Author's response
The latest version now has the option to use the previous interface

Version: 4.1.2
Serves it's purpose exceptionally and has been extremely easy to use. Thank you for the free resource!

Version: 4.1.0
Lol i first tester, good!!!!............................................................

Version: 4.0.2
Very good plugin, I love it, the armorstands are really easy to move, its easy to figure out, and I would recommend it!

Version: 3.7.2
Yo, can you update to 1.17?
This is perfect armor stand plugin but bugging in 1.17

Version: 3.7.2
Perfect Plugin :) its perfect Work


Version: 3.7.2
Nice plugin, but is it still maintained ?
It would be cool if the plugin was officially compatible with 1.16.5 ( even if it works fine now )

Version: 3.7.2
I'd give it 5 stars, but as of making this comment you are unable to lock the armor stands in place thus making it difficult to make decor with it

Version: 3.7.2

Can Player Take or Put Items Or Equipment in armorstand??

Version: 3.7.2
Amazing tool, i'm using on every server i have, the things you can do with this is unlimited, the only limit is the creativity

Version: 3.7.2
Nothing bug, but it's really hard to control it!

Version: 3.7.2
A simple plugin.
Works perfectly.
Is perfect for survival server.

~ - IT Solutions

Version: 3.7.2
I love this plugin, but I have to ask. How do I add in armor stand´s name online players number in specific world? Thanks for your answer

Version: 3.7.2
This is great. Lack of preset but easy to

If there is some specific command to turn off the ast mode (not just toggle), I will allow normal user to use it. Currently I use it with RestrictedCreative and this plugin can use as exploit to move creative inventory to survival inventory.

I can work with problem by allow only survival user use command and before user switch to creative run some ast turn off command.

Version: 3.7.0
It cracks me up seeing two one stars in a row below me AND they ask for help.
Very happy to see Steven back working on the best armor stand manipulator around!

Version: 3.7.0
Add worldguard command click support. Thanks................................................

Version: 3.5.1
Can you rotate the whole body at the same time?
and if you know plz exsplane

Version: 3.5.1
Amazing plugin and better than other, still mostly works fine on 1.16. Just a bunch of console spam but it works.

Version: 3.5.1
Very good plugin, but please add version 1.16 as supported by this resource, thanks :)

Version: 3.5.1
please update the resource to 1.16.1 . thanks

Version: 3.5.1
I love this plugin! This is the best Armor Stand plugin for me, but please update it to 1.16.1! It's working, but not fully!

Version: 3.5.1
pls make a new version 1.16.1 pls .. But its very good plugin and usefull for every server.

Version: 3.5.1
Amazing Plugin! We are using it since we started our server. We upgrade our server to 1.16.1 soon. Hopefully there will be an update for the plugin to 1.16 soon. :)

Version: 3.5.1
Very good plugin but on bungee server not working to connect server... fix please

Version: 3.5.1
Great resource, work on 1.16.1 but have many errors in console.......................

Version: 3.5.1
It's such a great resource. It hasn't been updated for 1.16, but still works fine. I sure hope it isn't abandoned.

Version: 3.5.1
Please add in the 1.8 /ascmd please. Amazing Plugins, but please add cmds for 1.8 that is used by a lot of server for PVP

Version: 3.5.1
Working great! A must-have plugin for friendy-place server! Commands working good too!

Version: 3.5.1
please add Suppport in the 1.8 /ascmd please :) : )
I hope you add the support

Version: 3.5.1
Nice plugin, ♥ :) :)

Please fix it.

Paper 1.15.2
Author's response
From your error log I can see you are using an old version of AST (v2.4.3) which is not compatible with MC 1.15. Please try downloading the latest version of AST.

Version: 3.5.1
Amazing Plugin! Now my lobby is looks cooler with this!
Thankyou dev! Keep it up, goodluck!

Version: 3.5.1
Amazing Plugin! I can now make Armor-Stands pretty Faster and Easy with this resource.

Version: 3.5.0
An amazing resource! Been using for over 2 years now. This plugin makes armor stand editing a breeze, and I can't imagine what I'd do without it.

Version: 3.4.0
awesome plugin! works like a charm! using it on paper 1-14-4
thanks alot to the dev

Version: 3.4.0
Funciona excelente, lo instalé en mi server spigot 1.14.4 y no tiene problema, fácil de configurar. Felicidades, y gracias.

Version: 3.4.0
I love the plugin, but i have been waiting for awhile to get it working on 1.14.4, please update it soon... thanks!

Version: 3.4.0
Excellent plugin to bring some life into your built structures.

The GUI works excellent and i have never encountered any issue with this plugin.

Keep it up!


Version: 3.4.0
Really good, an easy way to decorate a server lobby, It's better than the akternative web based tool that doesnt really show what it will look like in game

Version: 3.4.0
Amazing plugin! I have one suggestion to add option to set armorstand glowing (1.14.4), thanks!
Author's response
This has been added to the latest version. Thanks for the suggestion.

Version: 3.4.0
Good plugin that work without being complicated. If I had a suggestion it would be to add an integration to the LWC plugin to prevent the modification of the armor stand if it is locked

Version: 3.4.0
An amazing resource, much easier to edit an armor stand now in a GUI.
I have one suggestion, could you please support armor stand copy between worlds?
Author's response
This is already possible, you just need to change an option in config.yml:
allowMovingStandsBetweenWorlds: true

Version: 3.3.1
I LOVE this plugin, it makes decorating houses, mines, buildings and everything else so much better!!! I was wondering though if you're ever going to update to 1.14.x because it would be super useful to me if you possible could :P
Author's response
Thanks for the kind review. I have just released an update for 1.14

Version: 3.2.0
Castellano/Español/Perú | Aquí les traigo el Plugin ArmorStandTools sin errores para Bukkit/Spigot , la descargar es por MediaFire.

English | Here I bring the Plugin ArmorStandTools without errors for Bukkit / Spigot, the download is by MediaFire.

Descargar Plugin ArmorStandTools Bukkit/Spigot 100% sin errores

Version: 3.2.0
A great resource. Works well with PlotSquared & WorldGuard (which is always a plus).

Version: 3.1.1
New version doesnt work, an error occured!" plz fix the update otherwise it cant work :(

Version: 3.0.2
the plug-in does not have the protection of the stand from taking the object from the rugi into the shield cell
server version 1.13.2 plugin 3.0.2

Version: 3.0.2
Far best plugin ever, you won't regret downloading it, does everything as promised

Version: 3.0.2
Hello I think this Plugin is amazing. I worked with it since years and it's now even one of my favourite Plugins!

But I have a Suggestion!
Could you please add a feature, where you can click on it to lock the armorstand, that you can't move it anymore. Because sometimes I will do something very nice with much armorstands on very less place (1block), but you always move anotherone, which you wouldn't move. With this Addon/Feature is much more possible, as without!

Please add this soon! c:

LG AbcFlash

Version: 3.0.2

Version: 3.0.1
Works perfectly in 1.13. Used to use this plugin alot. Those who say it dosen't work properly, don't know how to move the armour stand parts correctly. It takes skill and practise. I can make 2 armour stands snog each other, fight each other, randomly wave at u, etc. I can even get an armour stand and make him put a sword in a block. Then you can turn him invisible and it looks like the sword is stuck in the stone.

Version: 2.4.3
Its almost impossible to rotate de legs, arms head, it just sometimes doesn't rotate correctly D8!!

Version: 2.4.3
Everything works except for assigning commands. When I assign the command is says it was a success. However when I Right-click it says and error occured executing the command assigned to this armor stand..
Any reason for this? Is this a common bug?

Version: 2.4.3
sometimes the armor stands that we have worked hard for are suddenly disappearing and this makes us very angry! we will be glad if this fixes the problem in the next update.

Version: 2.4.3
Good Plugin. Keep up the good work with this plugin. As well it can be really useful using it for decorations ones you get hang of it.

Version: 2.4.3
/ascmd assign console <command> : Assign a console command to the nearest armor stand (within 4 blocks) add {player} or support placeholder api :)

Version: 2.4.3
This is a realy great Plugin. i love the way how to handle and adjust the siingle partsof the armorstands. 6 of 6 Stars!!!

Version: 2.4.3
It's not even bad, it works fine, I do not know what I would do without this plugin xD

Version: 2.4.3
THIS PLUGINS IS AWESOME!! I am using it to get more kozy server! And could you do so /ascmd works on 1.8? YOUR AWESOME!

Version: 2.4.3
I've been using this plugin for a while, and I'd hate to be without it.
I can accomplish what I need, quickly and easily.
Love it.

Version: 2.4.3
/ascmd assign console <command>

add {player} placeholder


Version: 2.4.3
OMG, this is amazing! love this plugin I use it a lot for making items on tables and such in my builds.

Version: 2.4.3
Absolutely brilliant plugin!! So easy to use! Havent found anything wrong apart from no item in left hand for 1.8? Is this possible?


Version: 2.4.3
Hi, please add the 1.5.2 minecraft version support, and please with right and left hand. Because I have a Hexxit server, but AST isnt working. So, I used this plugin and rating is 5 stars, but it is very good, please add the support :), and excuse please my bad english, because Im form Slovakia.
Author's response
There were no Armor Stands in 1.5, they were only added to Minecraft in 1.8.

Version: 2.4.3
Excellent tool to create awesome decorations for spawns, hubs, lobbies. Works really well.

I'd like to suggest adding some better way to rotate stands, arms, heads etc, coz currently it's a bit frustrating. For example, right-click and move, and until I let go it will continue rotating stand even if I don't look at it.

Also, if there are several stands it's easy to mess things up, move not the one you needed. If there was a way to "lock" to specific stand, move it where you need it, and then apply modifications to this stand only, without affecting others, and unlock from it via command or gui.

Version: 2.4.3
/ascmd assign player <command> not working on 1.8 version. Please make to version 1.8 thank you!

Version: 2.4.3
Great resource! REDBOW Network its using this plugin! IP: REDBOW.ML VERSION: 1.8.X

Version: 2.4.3
GUI dosent work lol, 1.11.2 any suggestions? Idk why its not working xd but its broken ;/
Author's response
I just tested the latest version of AST on 1.11.2 and 1.12.2 and both worked fine for me. Check to make sure you have the correct permissions set, and feel free to post in the discussion thread if you still are having trouble.

Version: 2.4.3
Very good plugin!
Now I can create all the armor stands I want!

Version: 2.4.3
¡Excelentísimo! Uno de esos plugins que no solo no esperas que sea gratis, si no que además también es de código abierto. Me gustaría ponerlo al uso de todos los usuarios de mi survival, pero para ello y por seguridad, debería integrarse con el plugin de protecciones "Residence", como ya lo hace con WorldGuard... Estoy seguro de que este plugin llegará lejos.

8/10 ;)

Version: 2.4.3
very good plugin!

Version: 2.4.3
Best plugin to edit Armor Stands, just simply amazing! It feels like a premium plugin. Well done!

Version: 2.4.3
Dit is echt een Toffe plugin xD ga zo door dit kan je niet lezen maar maakt me niet uit

Version: 2.4.2
Works very well! My members and I enjoy using the plugin very much. Keep up the good work! :D

Version: 2.4.2
Excellent plugin. I've used it in 1.8, 1.10 and 1.11. Regrettable is this plugin not working in 1.12 succesfully. Please, update the plugin to 1.12!
Author's response
AST has supported 1.12 since v2.3.0. If you are having problems with AST on 1.12, feel free to post in the discussion thread.

Version: 2.4.2

Support ChestCommands plis! :(


Version: 2.4.2
Always that powerful.

Version: 2.4.1
Five Stars! This is EXACTLY what I needed for some "mirror" rooms I'm building. I can finally put floating items in both sides of a room!

Version: 2.4.1
Nice plugin, but would be even nicer if we could have multiple lines in their name. Very useful for hall of fame with ranks, one line with rank and one with name. ;)
Author's response
Minecraft does not allow an entity's name to be multi-line, but the way around that is to name an invisible armor stand and position it just right to make it look like 2 lines of text.

Version: 2.4.1
Excellent plugin please add support for BungeeCord
Example: When setting a command to the NPC If the command is something like (Server: Lobby) that connects the player to the server written in the command!

Version: 2.4.1
help i cant use Nether Star to open GUI this is a bug ?
or no bug
i rly need this plugin to me server
Author's response
Check that you have permissions set. Otherwise, post any console errors or in game error messages in the discussion thread.

Version: 2.4.0
Awesome Plugin, whenever i wnat a custom armor stand i have to go on google type in armor stand generator, and the generators dont even show you what the armor stand looks like so then you type in the command and all then, it turns out you made it wrong, this plugin solves!

Version: 2.4.0
Hello. I've just finished translating the file. Here it is:
Glad I could help :)
Author's response
I have added it to the translations on the main post. Thanks.

Version: 2.4.0
Gui dont work :( why ?
help pls i need GUI to me server but plugin is goood
nice job

Version: 2.4.0
Thank you for your work. Great plugin and great developer. We use this plugin for creative servers, and I can not even imagine what I would do without him. Thanks again!

Version: 2.3.0
Ajouter la possibilité de supprimer l'armor Stand dans L'interface de l'outil serait bien.

Version: 2.3.0
i love this plugins no bugs just dowload it now you wil like it

Version: 2.3.0
Amazing, I wiil never lose my time to calculate all value !

Thanks for this plugin !

Version: 2.3.0
Can you add an option to add a command for a armorstand, like /warp if you click on it. Like
Author's response
This feature is now available in the latest version of the plugin

Version: 2.2.1
It's good but I want it to be 1.8.9 that would make it even better. Most servers are 1.8.9 and would be amazing if you could do it. Please reply soon and make a version for 1.8.9. - WolfyGamer123
Author's response
The latest version now supports all Spigot/CB versions from 1.8 onward.

Version: 2.2.1
As soon as I got the hang of how to work it really saved me a lot of time, Just what my lobby needed 5 stars

Version: 2.2.1
A really well made plugin.
At the beginning, I had trouble to use it, because this kind of "editing" wasn't that, what I was used... I normaly use commandblocks.
But after a few minutes of training, I started to love this plugin so much, that I created a whole city with that!
Great plugin. Keep doing!

Version: 2.2.1
No me deja moverlo, editarlo, cambiar su posicion, espero que esto mejore proximamente, ya que lo necesito :(

Version: 2.2.1
This plugin is some of the easiest plugins to use, and still very handful. This plugin earn 5 starts!

Version: 2.2.1
Better than the other armorstand editors, congrats!
I found no bugs and helped me to get those 3D items on my server, thanks :)

Version: 2.2.1
I faced a number of problems with the recent updates to this plugin and recieved no help from the developer to fix them. While it used to be very popular on the server I help to manage, recent bugs have made it impossible to use. Fireworks appear and reappear in every empty armor stand slot. Default armor on stands cannot be removed, even when unlocked. I also suggested to the developer that they add in WorldGuard region support to prevent griefing, but recieved no response. I was very disapointed to see that the developer showed no interest in troubleshooting or even responding to my messages. Unfortunately, I have had to remove this plugin from my server. Should the developer offer me help in fixing these issues, I will change my rating. I would love to add this plugin back but I cannot do so with the bugs it currently has.

Version: 2.2.1


Version: 2.2.1
Good Plugin

Good Work to all developers for this plugin, is magnificent

Work in 1.10, don´t problems!

Version: 2.2.1
I love this plugin! It's very easy to use. I've got a question. If I want to make a new line on my armorstand name, how do i do it?
Author's response
Minecraft does not allow a name to be multi-line, but the way around that is to name an invisible armor stand and position it just right to make it look like 2 lines of text.

Version: 2.2.1
This is working correctly and with precision. Good job !
Maybye you shoud explain the functionment of the plugin on the page.

Version: 2.2.1
Great plugin, really love it. But... Reverted to compiling plugin using Java 7 there is no support for 1.8.x. Please support and I will always put 5 stars!

Version: 2.2.1
Awesome plugin!!
My name is SEFYY* (japanese translate) BTW x)
Author's response
Thanks for the translation. I've added it to the post.

Version: 2.1.4
Best tool for armor stand!
I had translated to Traditional Chinese:
Take it if you need it!
Author's response
Thanks. Ive added a link to your translation on the post.

Version: 2.1.4
Pff, Impossible to use this plugin! No permission to alter an armor stand on this region!!! WHAT? i'm OP and i have disabled worldguard!

Version: 2.1.4
- Really useful plugin! Thank you, St3venAU! -

Version: 2.1.4
For some reason it doesn't work in my server, please reply as soon as possible. btw im using 1.8 spigot.

Version: 2.1.4
Exceeded my expectations. Id you deal with armor stands on a daily basis I would find it impossible that you get anything done without this plugin. Major productivity booster! Major key to success! (sorry had to say it :P)

Version: 2.1.4
Excellent! 3 stars, only because rotate parts of the Armor Stand is not easy, but not hard. It's really a nice, awesome plugin, easy to use except for rotating objects, and it's just a really well-done, easy to use user friendly plugin.

Version: 2.1.4
Bug or glitch with PlotSquared :
Otherwise very good plugin

Version: 2.1.4
Excelent plugin dude! very usefull for me!! Greats and rewards from Argentina dude keep do this great things!

Version: 2.1.4
Uno de los mejores plugins que he visto de manera gratuita
Mis felicidades :D, tiene un excelente Gui bastante sencillo de usar

Version: 2.1.4
Hey guy i like your plugin its very incredible! but can you add commands whit right click? thanks for this!

Version: 2.1.4
The reason I give it an average, is because the folder doesn't load in after a restart. I get this error: Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO at [Spigot110.jar:git-Spigot-c3e4052-1953f52]
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.init( [Spigot110.jar:git-Spigot-c3e4052-1953f52]
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [Spigot110.jar:git-Spigot-c3e4052-1953f52]
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [Spigot110.jar:git-Spigot-c3e4052-1953f52]
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin( ~[Spigot110.jar:git-Spigot-c3e4052-1953f52]
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO at ~[Spigot110.jar:git-Spigot-c3e4052-1953f52]
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
24.06 10:30:31 [Server] ERROR Could not load 'plugins/ArmorStandTools.jar' in folder 'plugins'
24.06 10:30:30 [Server] INFO Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
24.06 10:30:30 [Server] INFO ... 6 more
24.06 10:30:30 [Server] INFO Caused by: Jar does not contain plugin.yml
Author's response
You need to update to Java 8

Version: 2.1.4
Just amazing !
It's very complete ! I think develop a plugin similar of this is hard !
Great job man !

Version: 2.1.3
This plugin is amazing, here is one thing that i made with it
now just watch me while i fill in the rest of this review this sentence since i have nothing else to talk about :D

Version: 2.1.2
This is a great ressource , it allows for very precise armor stand position, but it has a big flaw. It uses an absolute reference (the body size) to control rotation of body pieces. Thus, if you want to just rotate the leg a litthe bit, you end up by rotating the leg in a totally different position when you start right clicking. For a better use, the rotation should be calculated relatively from where you start clicking. Thus it would allow smoth click and slide control for fine grained rotations.

Version: 2.1.1
Had the idea to do a plugin like this, looked it up, found several. This one looks the best :) Hard to use at first but you get used to it.

Version: 2.1.1
add comands on right click please!! .

Version: 2.1
Yeah ! 1.9 Update !!
Awesome plugin
I love it

Version: 2.06
Good plugin but i've ran into a couple of issues, When i Create the armour stand and i leave the server close it and come back. Its gone

Version: 2.06
This is a great plugin. But one feature you should add is that you should be able to save commands to them such as when you right click them, it give you a kit from the kit command you bound to it.

Version: 2.06
Hello ! Very nice plugin ! thanks a lot ! This is funny plugin :D

Version: 2.06
Amazing! It's so easy to make complex armor stands with your plugin! Thank you dude! And please, add animations for armor stands, like in FortressWars!

Version: 2.06
I LOVE IT!! Thanks for your Awesome Job! And Thanks for the Free Plugin of Armor Stads! The Plugin is Amazing

Version: 2.06
Awesome resource!!! I love it <3 no bugs no errors. Perfect resources i swear this is the best resource here is an image with my experience:

Version: 2.06
Great plugin, has many different uses, I used it for titles at spawns. Just fantastic and simple to use! I literally knew how to use it after about 10 seconds of seeing the GUI(Graphic User Interface, ie;Buttons and clickable stuff). Great keep it up, 5/5, well done sir!

Version: 2.06
Very good plugins, Good commands and more, No lagg, very fun and customizable good work men, Please add for add commands to armorstand

Version: 2.06
Best plugin I can ever ask for :) I am using this for my new server. No problems and it is perfect for no commands block.

Version: 2.06
This is the best plugin in the world it does what it says its pretty much a Armor Stand Tool because you have so many tools to work with so you can edit the Armor Stand keep up the good work :)

Version: 2.06
It's great, but I have feature request. Please add ability to modify only selected stand. I'm having trouble when trying to put several stands in one spot, if I want rotate one, it rotates all of stans in that place. So would be nice to have feature that allows me to move, rotate etc only one stand without affecting others with like radius 4-5 blocks.

Version: 2.06
Awesome plugin! I love how simple this makes posing stands and my player's love them! Fantastic! The ability to toggle them invisible and position them roughly and precisely is great!

Two Suggestions:
-Any chance of keeping track of stands created per player? That way stands can be easily cleared if needed.

-Easy support for blocks in Head slots.

Version: 2.06
So I Love this plugin, but there is one problem I am having. I am in my spawn, protected by WG, and I am the owner of it. I have all building rights to both the claim, and the faction claim. So in other words, I should be able to place an armor stand down with no problem, but that is not the case. When I leave spawn, I can summon/place an armor stand, but not inside it. Is there a bug or something that I am missing that is making this issue occur?

Version: 2.06
The best Armor Stand Tools ever you can find on SpigotMC! Download it!!! You should get it and try to learn how to use it, I love it!

Version: 2.04
I ♥ it! Great Work... The players are suprised! Respect!!! Hope you will share us some other cool plugins! :-)

Version: 2.04
When I downloaded the latest version, when I tried to place an armor stand it kept teleporting to me, or teleporting me to it, even though I was just trying to move around. I had to download the version prior to 2.04 to get it to work, please fix.

Other than that, incredible mod, thank you for creating this.
Author's response
This has now been fixed in the latest version

Version: 2.04
This is really good...

Version: 2.04
Awsome and useful plugin! Works perfect :).

Version: 2.04
Nice Plugin =) !

Version: 2.04
Great, should be nice to add the possibility to execute commands on the armorstands.

Version: 2.04

Version: 2.03
Thanks i needed this!!!

Version: 2.03
Works without problems, intuitive user interface. Just great!

Version: 2.03
One of the best plugins I've ever seen, but I kinda can't figure out how to move them good xD

Version: 2.03
The best AST ever!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 271,536
First Release: Dec 7, 2014
Last Update: May 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
169 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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