Languages : Added the following languages : (Not all languages are complete)
Portuguese (Brazil)
New Features :
Added a new noPermissionNeededForDefaultAccess setting to config.yml that allows players to play with machines even if they don't have the slotmachine.access.default permission, machines that use custom permission names are not affected by this setting.
Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI can now be used in machine names. Note that for entity machines, the name of the entity cannot be updated, this only works when inside the machine.
Commands :
Added /smupdatelanguages command to force an update of the current language from Crowdin
Added /smbackup command to make a backup of all your machines in a new folder named "MACHINES_BACKUP-(date and time)"
Technical but important :
The way items are loaded and written from/to machine files has been changed. The "itemCount" variable no longer exists and the plugin instead parses every single entry in all files, this should solve some ghost items in machine files.
Due to that change being dangerous, a forced backup will be made before upgrading your machine files, this backup will be named "MACHINES_BACKUP-(date and time)"
The config version has been raised to version 6
A new "SlotMachineReadyEvent" is now fired when the plugin is ready for other plugins to interact with it