Slot Machine icon

Slot Machine -----

Make GUI Slot Machines with deep customization and support

Version: 6.8.4
I like the plugin, but can you do something if they don't win? When we use money, we can accumulate a bigger prize.

Version: 6.8.3
plugin perfeito e funcionando tudo certo...!
mesmo gratis... espero que continue assim!

Version: 6.8.3
i get this error everytime i do a reload, and i have to reset the sounds effects, please fix this

[14:26:31 ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryCloseEvent to SlotMachine v6.8.3
net.minecraft.ResourceLocationException: Non [a-z0-9/._-] character in path of location: minecraft:ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP
at net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation.assertValidPath( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation.withDefaultNamespace( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation.bySeparator( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation.parse( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer.stopSound( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer.stopSound( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at slotmachine-6.8.3.jar/fr.klemms.slotmachine.SlotMachine.lambda$makeInventory$0( ~[slotmachine-6.8.3.jar:?]
at slotmachine-6.8.3.jar/ ~[slotmachine-6.8.3.jar:?]
at slotmachine-6.8.3.jar/$InvListener.onInventoryClose( ~[slotmachine-6.8.3.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.MethodHandleEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.handleInventoryCloseEvent( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at$ensureRunningOnSameThread$0( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.managedBlock( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-15-bb76819]

Version: 6.8.3
Needing a Blaze rod to open this plugin makes it insanly bad. -100 Stars out of 5

Version: 6.8.3
The plugin is very good, but when I use it on a server, if the player does not have op he cannot use it, how do I fix that?

Version: 6.8.2

Version: 6.8.1
not optimized for big servers at all, huge tps drops when players using slot machines
Author's response
Could you elaborate on that ?

Version: 6.8.1
The plugin works fine, some bugs in the last update I have to donwgrade to a previous version. No support, after two weeks, no one has answered my question in the support channel (I had to search in very old comments, apparently there is not even a wiki) and just banned me without any notice, suggestion or reference to any wiki. Regrettable behavior, I suggest creating a wiki or at least a FAQ channel for the lack of documentation (as PORKA_98 said in another review, 8 years of development and there is no documentation, very sad for a "developer") and of course, work and improve in dealing with users. I really think this plugin deserves to grow, for now, it has a lot to improve in all aspects. success with it!

Version: 6.8.1
The plugin works fine, some bugs in the last update I have to donwgrade to a previous version. No support, after two weeks, no one has answered my question in the support channel and simply banned me without any notice, suggestion or reference to any wiki. Regrettable behavior, I suggest creating a wiki or at least a FAQ channel for the lack of documentation and of course, work and improve in dealing with users. I really think this plugin deserves to grow, for now, it has a lot to improve in all aspects. success with it!

Version: 6.8.1
The plugin works fine, some bugs in the last update I have to donwgrade to a previous version. No support, after two weeks, no one has answered my question in the support channel and I have simply been banned without any notice, suggestion or reference to any wiki. Regrettable behavior, I suggest creating a wiki or at least a FAQ channel in view of the lack of documentation and of course, work and improve in dealing with users.

Version: 6.8.0
The plugin works fine, but there is no support. After two weeks, nobody has responded to my question on the support channel :/

Version: 6.7.0
Love all the customization, great plugin and great support, i use it on my server and its beautiful.

Version: 6.7.0
Hey, i got a question can i do that all money spend on machines are paid to a specific players money (i use vault/essentials)
Author's response
Hi, you can make the reward be to execute a command, and then do something like "eco pay $player OtherPlayerName" it depends on your economy plugin

Version: 6.7.0
I love the plugin, but with the recent update the link for tutorial how to make a command as a reward disappeared. Can someone please tell me?
Author's response

Version: 6.6.0
Love the plugin I only have one question or request. Is there a way to make a slot machine figure or something so I don't have to use a sign for people to use. Players on my server keep getting confused on how it works and a actual slot machine would look better also.
Author's response
Hey, you can create Slot Machines on anything, so you can build something that looks like a Slot Machine, use a custom model in a resource pack or use a player head with a custom texture :)

Version: 6.6.0
Best plugin there is for making slot machines, a little buggy on 1.20.2 but does it's job perfectly well. Simple to use and manage.

Version: 6.6.0
There is not even a video tutorial, they are all 8 years old and in 1.20 it does not let /slotmachine build it? does not leave

Version: 6.5.10
Truly great plugin, I'll make it 5 stars once 1.20 is supported of course. I desperately need it :)

Version: 6.5.10
Amazing plugin with an in-game editor to easily be able to edit your slot machines and even copy/paste settings to other machines, perfect for any spawn in any server. Though, it would be nice if there was support for 1.20

Once we get a 1.20 version, I'll be sure to give it 5 stars.

Version: 6.5.10
nice plugin 5 start or more but i need to know if it working on 1.20 thx ********

Version: 6.5.10
This is the best plugin ever. It works beyond my expectations. I look forward to more updates in the future!

Version: 6.5.10
Yey, good update! Pls add an easy(!) option to create virtual machine to open it with a command instead of real block
Author's response
Thanks for the suggestion, that's a good one :)

Version: 6.5.9
But i have only 1 issue and that is i cant set the name of items like if i use paper as a reward with cash 2K then i cant name it as 2K money bill pls help if you know how to do this

Version: 6.5.9
Needs a /reload command .
Author's response
Use /smreload to reload machines

Version: 6.5.4
Hope the author can add a translatable GUI interface
Hope the author can add a translatable GUI interface
Author's response
It is already translatable

Version: 6.5.4
I will give a great score if you tell me how to set the prize, i cant do that unless via config
-Kontol gede pasti enak

Version: 6.5.2
only OP can use the plugin (yes perm were made and saved) please try fixing the issue as this would be amazing to use

Version: 6.4.1
Раньше без GUI меню, это было класно. А теперь каждый сам по себе играет. Можно верните старые автоматы ? которые стояли и вокруг играли игроки.

Version: 6.4.1
Sorry but players without OP cant even open GUI. I added all the permisions and nothing, just nothing. Please can you add me on Discord if you can help me ? (version 1.13.2)

היי świderDolf!#5354

Version: 6.4.1
I like this plugin but I cannot set money it ask me to type with decimals I type 100.0 or 100.00 and it doesn't work. keeps asking me to type a valid number wit hdecimals.
Author's response
Have you tried just typing 100 ?

Version: 6.4.1
Surprised to find The Binding of ISSAC player
Plugin is good mark it!
Author's response
Haha, i'm super addicted to that game :P Tainted Keeper <3

Version: 6.3.5
On my server the players do not have access to use the slot machines and whatever I do I can't fix it.

Version: 6.3.4
I love this plugin, is very customizable and the creator if very nice and he take our request and add them to the plugin :) Thanks :)

Version: 6.3.4
Great plugin! Would be nice if you would allow copying slot machine settings to other entities!

Version: 6.3.4
good plugin!

[Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant fr.klemms.slotmachine.PriceType.PLAYERPOINTS
Author's response
Support for playerpoint has been dropped with 6.3.3 (The original developper seem to have abandonned the plugin) You can use GamePoints instead

Version: 6.3.2
Posted about a bug and it was fixed just a few hours later. Love it works great.

Version: 6.3.1
Very good plugin!
It works well without any errors.
I can create some slot machines in my public server and most of the players like the slot machines.

Version: 6.3.1
Старые автоматы объединяли сервер, один играл все смотрели. А теперь каждый в своем углу играет, стало скучно.

Version: 6.3.1
Its a great Plugin. Iam using it with an VotingPlugin and my players like it. They just Vote to play at the slomachine xD

Version: 6.3.1
Honestly this plugin is extremely well done. The GUI for setup is practically perfect! Awesome addition to a server, giving players the opportunity to play games of chance!

Version: 6.3.1
A very good and useful plugin for the server. It will definitely be on my server! So keep going! :D

Version: 6.2.1
how do i change the weight of items in the slots? i have a good amount of people in my server and there are some that abused the first create i made and i need to lower win odds.

Version: 6.2.1
I don't know how to let people who are not oped use the slot machine it wont let them what do i do

Version: 6.2.0
Great plugin does everything it says and I've had no issues so far. Took literally minutes to configure everything. Awesome job!

Version: 6.2.0
Great resource, it doesn't break EULA if you're not selling items for real money to play the slot machine. The only things being gambled are resources you gain by playing the game.

The last 1 star review is way too emotional and illogical.

Version: 6.2.0
Breaks Mojang's EULA, It's gambling, Most people who play Minecraft are kids let's be honest and having something like this is disgusting and it's ruining the Minecraft multiplayer community

Version: 6.2.0
Command reward dont work rewards should be directly integrated...............................

Version: 6.2.0
Perfect no issues and good plugin for players to try there luck on. players are happy that this is on my server keep it up and good job

Version: 6.1.0 Part 1
Still awesome, lots of fun for everyone ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Version: 6.1.0 Part 1
Nice plugin,so coooooooool!!
It works with citizens perfectly
Players in my server play this machine all day!

Version: 6.1.0 Part 1
Love the plugin. Its very extensive.

Would have loved an option to change the lever icon tho. Because it has quite bad contrast in some texture packs

Version: 6.1.0 Part 1
Plugin works perfectly ! I feel happy having this on my server ! Makes stuff more fun and interesting. I'd love it this kept updating over time. I wouldn't wanna lose this !

Version: 6.1.0 Part 1
good plugin ! but i dont change the money ? how fix it ? decimals must be separated with a dot ???

Version: 6.1.0 Part 1
HUGE problem pls help. On Paper 1.12.2 Plugin cuases server "Time Out" I tried Every . I am using 5.10.5 version of the plugin. All versions that are more recent are not compatible with my server versions and Reds out the plugin in /pl. The version that has announcement saying the fix was put in to prevent the plugin from processing unnecessary files does not work.

Version: 6.1.0 Part 1
Just tested with Paper (build 226) for MC 1.14.4. Everything works as expected. The plugin is well done and highly flexible.

Version: 6.0.0 Part 1
Nice plugin, because it is easy to use, additionally you don't need any commands and it's fun to play. I look forward to the next updates with news for this plugin. Best regards to the author

Version: 6.0.0 Part 1
Es ist super einfach einzurichten und zu befüllen.
Eine super Arbeit vom Entwickler!
Vielen Dank für so ein tolles Plugin.

Version: 6.0.0 Part 1

Version: 6.0.0 Part 1
While I love this plugin and see it working fantastically. I'm having a personal issue in getting to the setup portion of the slot machine. I have the plugin recognizing what is a slot machine but I can't get to the GUI or setup part. Nor can I spin. So it's a great plugin but I'm sure I'm having personal issues that I'm still working to resolving. Overall great plugin and very intuitive.

Version: 6.0.0 Part 1
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[01:49:23] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6/WARN]: ... 20 more
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[01:49:23] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6/WARN]: ... 26 more

Version: 5.10.6
As others have said this plugin is fantastic! Super easy to configure and use (its all about the wands). A great way to spend excess cash on RPG servers. Can't wait to see how it progresses. Would love to edit filler blocks and see Gringotts support. Great job! 11/10.

Version: 5.10.6
Master Piece with a lot of potential. 1.14.2 Working lovely. A huge variety of rewards, support for custom texture modified items, compatibility for TokenManager, you can use a regular currency too or even better, you can make many coins for your machines. Hell, this plugin it's incredible fckn amazing, one of my favorites. I recommend this 1000%. This have now command rewards but if this have a multicommand rewards, this plugin can be a perfect creation.

Version: 5.10.5
Amazing plugin. Does not work on 1.14.1 yet. I hope this gets updated very soon.

Version: 5.10.5
crashes server on startup, see recent comments on thread. don't do update checks on the main thread
Author's response
Update check isn't done on the main thread, moreover, you can disable them by going in the KlemmsPlugins folder of your plugins folder

Version: 5.10.5

Download it now put it on your server!

your player guranteeeddddd gonna love it!

Version: 5.10.4
love the slot machine it perefect it works well on 1.13 with no errors at all
and i love the CS-GO wheel as well people on my server are starting to love it as well i stuck the slot machine randomly in the wild and in a small house called casino just got to work out the chance which is bit annoying

Version: 5.10.3
Found a bug where anytime the server reloads/restarts NPCs with mob skins (only tested on parrot) will completely delete their slot machine. Works fine on blocks, player skin npcs.

Version: 5.9.4
Works wonders with the update. Would recommend to anyone wanting a slot machine plugin that can be applied to a block.

Version: 5.9.3
Great plugin but has a bug where sometimes the 3 slot machine will show all the same items but you don't get anything. Apart from that, i would recommend this for any server.

Version: 5.9.3
This is an amazing plugin!!! Very easy to use, me and my son love it!!! Keep up the great work!!!

Version: 5.9.1
Where can i get a working version of menubuilde for pre 1.11? I can't use the plugin without...

Version: 5.8.1
This is actually a really good feature. I highly recommend using it for fun and in community's

Version: 5.8.1
Awesome plugins quite different from the others i have seen, is there any way to change /slotmachine to something else ? /machine for example ?

Version: 5.8.1
I love this Plugin! its so much fun and it works with Tokens and Money! I can change the look to CSGO or even Rocket league Layout! 7/5 if its possible!

Version: 5.8.1
PLEASE HELP! Why whenever I click the blaze rod nothing happens? Can you please, please let me know how to fix this!

Version: 5.7.3
I've been using this for around a month or more now and all I can say is, what a great plugin! My players love it!

Author always updates issues, adds extra features asap and replies super fast. I would recommend this plugin to anyone who wants to add a great plus feature to their server.

Excellent! I'd give more stars if I could :)

Version: 5.6.8
all working fine)
really work with item-tokens, vault and tokenmanager
really have 3 variants of wheel =) like in cs:go too =)
autor alive and support as well

thanks for that!

Version: 5.6.6
Does not work. It does not allow you to click entity, and I have tried all of them, overall I am disappointed with this being so mis-leading. Would rate 0/5 if I could.

Version: 5.6.5
The owner is very quick to respond and fix bugs! Super helpful and friendly! If I could give them more than 5 stars I would! A++ job!! He fixed an issue I was having in a days time! AMAZING!!!

Version: 5.6.3
Its soo good! I like your work! BEST SLOT MACHINE PLUGIN EVER! EASY TO USE! In next updates you could add a "Machine Owner" which gets the Money from the users...

Version: 5.6.2
Brilliant Plugin, at first I almost gave up on it but eventually I figured it out, very easy to customise and configure
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 5.6.2
This Plug-in is the BEST slotmachine. we have been used other slot plugin.but・・・they couldn't keep update. author is very kind.
good !! so good!!

Version: 5.4.3
Holy s*** This plugin is so freaking awesome! It is very easy to use and very very highly configurable! KEEP UPTHE GOOD WORK

Version: 5.4.3
Great plugin, thanks :) .

Version: 5.3.4
Plugin is nice and developer is friendly. He cares about what the people want and takes all the suggestions very seriously. As of now, most of the functions are already developed and it's mostly what everyone has asked for. Try it out yourself.

Version: 5.3.3
This is the best plugin for slotmachines. And the developer is friendly :D ......................................

Version: 5.1
I like that plugin it add's fun to server,we all know that casino is addictive game :D but it's fun! this plugin has active dev here! keep up good work Klemms!

Version: 3.4
Is there a way to combine this with a chestshop plugin? It would be cool if you cold use your money after you won it.

Version: 3.4
Plugin is terrible. It doesnt even work. I asked the developer to help me try and fix the problem, and he complained that I am an idiot and just don't know how to use the plugin. I followed the video exactly and it just doesnt work at all. 0/10 would not use this plugin. Found a better casino plugin that actually works, is easier to configure, and has more things to customize.

Version: 3.2
Every time the server restarts It wipes the Config file and I have to make the slot machines all over again... any Ideas? apart from that its a great plugin Version 2.2.1 Minecraft 1.9.2
Author's response
Seems strange, can you send me a pastebin of your config file (with the slot machines) and a pastebin of the logs when you restart the server ?

Version: 2.2.1

Version: 2.1
Excellent plugin, works just as described, took a second to realize I had to click the chest to fill it haha. I was wondering if there was a way to change the win / lose message? Thanks!
Author's response
I just added that in version 1.2/2.2 :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,489
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Jan 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
86 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings