+ Added machine cooldown
- This is a beta feature, please report any bug you find
- Cooldowns less than 600s will not be saved between server restarts or plugin reloads
- Current cooldown is visible on a machine's lever, counting time in real time
- Commands to manage cooldowns will come with version 6.3.4 (and the probable bugfixes)
+ Added message warning of upcoming support drop for 1.13/1.14
+ Added support for GamePoints
+ Added in-game warnings for operators when important issues occur (Disk full preventing from saving...)
- Removed command /slotmachinereload as it wasn't working properly, use /reload or Plugman (/plugman reload SlotMachine) instead
- Removed command /slotmachineaction (old internal command)
- Removed support for PlayerPoints
* Fixed an issue where the opening sound was stopping when pulling the play lever or opening content preview