+ Added Play Modes
- Allows you to select how players interact with machines
- 4 modes are currently available :
- Unlimited : Allows players to trigger machines as much time as possible by closing and re-opening machines' UI
- Player Limited : Allows players to play only once at a time on a machine (Current mode, default)
- Player Limited (Global) : Allows players to play only once at a time on all machines that are on this setting
- Machine Limited : Only one player can play on a machine at a time
+ The "Manage Machine Inventory" button was renamed "Item Editor & Statistics"
- Now allows you to see machine's and items statistics
- Allows you to see each item's weight and actual chance to be won
- Now allows you to edit an item's weight using the new Weight Editor
+ Actual chance to win is now displayed on items preview, it can be disabled independantly of weight's preview
+ Several icons were changed and sounds have been added
+ Added new language translations related to play modes and chance
* Machines can no longer be created on players
* Fixed a bug that made the lever text not update