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Version History
BetonQuest 1.12.0
[1.12.0] - 2021-01-10
Tags and Objectives can now be removed with a static event for all players, even if they are not online
deletepoint event can now also be called to delete all points for all players
journal del event can now also be called as static
Added integration for TeamRequiem plugins (MMOCore, MMOItems, MMOLib)
MMOClass condition (type & class)
MMOProfession condition
MMOAttribute condition
MMOItems item condition (item in inventory)
MMOItems hand condition (item in main/offhand)
MMOLib stats condition (a ton of stats from Core and Items combined)
Level X Profession to X Level
Craft / Upgrade X Item within Inventory
Craft X item
Apply Gem Stone to Item
Upgrade Item via Consumable
Cast Item ability
Cast Class ability
Mine MMOBlock
Add mmo class level or exp -️ Add mmo professional level or exp -️️ Add Skill points -️️ Add attribute points -️️ Add attribute reallocation points -️️ Add class points -️️ Give Item ️ -️ Take Item
equal argument for condition 'empty'
Condition 'wand' can now have an option '
Implementing 1.15 support for Events and Conditions
New Chat event, that write chat messages for a player
Added 'pickup' objective
Added stopnpc event, that will stop the movenpc event
Added teleportnpc event, that will stop the movenpc event and teleport the npc to a given location
Added option check_interval for holograms in custom.yml and added GlobalVariable support
Added deletepoint event to delete player points
Added mythicmobdistance condition that will check if a specific MythicMobs entity is near the player
Added level argument to 'experience' objective and condition
Added prefix argument in password objective
Added level argument to 'experience' objective and condition
Added prefix argument in password objective
Added fail argument in password objective
Added notify option to point event
Added an interceptor that does not intercept: 'none'
Added ConditionVariable. It returns true or false based on whether a player meets a condition.
Improved bStats
Added login objective
Added period argument to folder event
Added variable support to the Notify system
Added variable support to the PickRandomEvent
Added "acceptNPCLeftClick: true / false" config option
Added optional "minlevel" and "maxlevel" arguments to mmobkill objective
Added new options 'inside/outside' for npcrange objective, support for multiple npcs and improved performance
Added new Event QuestCompassTargetChangeEvent that is triggered when a new CompassTarget is set. It is also possible to cancel it
added multi language support for Notify system
Added 'notifyall' event to broadcast a notification
Added new notification IO 'sound'
Added 'jump' objective
Added left, amount and total properties to player kill objective
Added 'neutralMobDeathAllPlayers' argument to the mmobkill objective
Added custom model data support for items
Added new config option 'npcInteractionLimit' default 500 that limits the click on an NPC to every x milliseconds
Added PlayerHider to hide specific players for specified players
devbuilds always show notifications for new devbuilds, even when the user is not on a _DEV strategy
Items for HolographicDisplays are now defines in items.yml
Command 'bq rename' can now be used for globalpoints
The old updater was replaced with a new one
AchievementCondition is replaced with AdvancementCondition
Renamed objective Potion to Brew
Renamed 'monsters' condition to 'entities'
Renamed 'xp' event to 'experience'
new config option mysql.enabled
if you already have an installation, you can add this manually to get rid of the mysql warning during startup
events in conversation options are now executed before npc or player responses are printed
message event now ignores chat interceptors during conversation
tame objective now works with all tamable mobs, including possible future ones
improved chestput waring for locations without a chest
reworked location variable: %location.(xyz|x|y|z|yaw|pitch|world|ulfShort|ulfLong)(.NUMBER)%
multiple conditions and objectives now use the block selector. The same applies for the setblock event.
static events now allow comma separated event list
changed the npc_effects behavior to be package wide instead of global if no NPC is defined in the custom.yml
EventHandlers in general updated to ignore cancelled events
improved performance for condition checks (Bug where it took seconds to check for conditions)
improved performance for conversation checks (Bug where it took seconds to check for conversation options)
The plugin will no longer be loaded before the worlds are loaded
Citizens Holograms are now more robust on reload and reload faster
Added player death/respawn behavior to Region Objective and improved performance
changed smelting and fish objective from material to BlockSelector
Marked message event for removal in BQ 2.0
Marked playsound event for removal in BQ 2.0
Marked title event for removal in BQ 2.0
Removed Deprecated Exceptions
Removed RacesAndClasses support
Removed LegendQuest support
Removed BoutifulAPI support
Removed the CLAY NPC
removed legacy material support
removed BetonLangAPI support
removed PlayerPoints support(this can still be used via Vault)
event priority for block objective
linebreaks in strings
notify:1 for block objective did not work
asynchronous database access for objectives
Renaming an NPC will not cause an NPE for a NPC Hologram
Objective 'craft' now supports shift-clicking
Fixed generation of default package
fixed line breaks
fixed events notify interval of 1
fixed potion/brew objective notify
fixed the bug and removed its workaround when chest converationIO has no available start points
fixed journal line breaking
fixed movement of movenpc event
fixed npcmove event
fixed a bug, where a player causes an exception when he spams right left clicks in menu conversationIO
fixed outdated Brewery dependency
fixed message duplication when using the packet interceptor
fixed Journal interaction with Lectern
fixed QuestItems ignoring durability
fixed QuestItem interaction with Lectern, Campfire and Composter
update journal after closing magic inventory
fixed lever event not toggling the lever
fixed ConcurrentModificationException in PlayerData
fixed issue where the PacketInterceptor prints the message tag in the chat
fixed database backups breaking with some languages
fixed when PlaceholderAPI variables contains dots
fixed quester name not support & as color code
fixed Region Objective listen to player teleport event
packet Interceptor stops 1 second AFTER the end of the conversation to allow slow messages to still have its chat protection
fixed notify couldn't use variables that contain :
improved stability for brew objective when other plugins affect brewing
fixed region and npcregion condition
fixed debugging dose not start on server startup
fixed ghost holograms caused by reloading BQ
fixed deadlock(Server crash) in Conversations with a large amount of npc and player options with a large amount of conditions
fixed door event not working correctly
fixed 1 give command exceptions
fixed issue, where objectives that count things are out of sync with the database. This has also affected BungeeCord support
Jan 10, 2021
View on SpigotMC
Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Nov 30, 2014
Last Update:
Jan 12, 2025
All-Time Rating:
169 ratings
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