Version 0.2.3 - Added custom ASB placeholders and better compatibility
Better compatibility: - AnimatedScoreboard will now let other plugins utilize the sidebar and once they are done it will return back like usual. - Here is an example of ASB switching to the mcMMO scoreboard and then returning back to ASB again:
ASB PlaceholderAPI placeholders: - AnimatedScoreboard has supported PlaceholderAPI placeholders from the very first version but never had its own placeholders; Now it does! - This version contains two placeholders: %animatedscoreboard_enabled% which returns whether or not the scoreboard is enabled for that player. And %animatedscoreboard_scoreboard% which returns the name of the scoreboard they have currently displayed. - These placeholders are directly included inside of ASB and do not require a PlaceholderAPI pack to be downloaded. - Both placeholders have configurable return values which can be changed in the new placeholders.yml file. In this file you can set what string should be returned when they have a scoreboard enabled, disabled or they do not have any scoreboard active currently. You can also set a friendly scoreboard name for each enabled scoreboard! This file may look as follows:
Code (YAML):
names: # Value returned by %animatedscoreboard_scoreboard% when they are viewing scoreboard_name scoreboard_name: "&aScoreboard Name" # Value returned by %animatedscoreboard_enabled% when they have the scoreboard disabled disabled: '&cDisabled'
# Value returned by %animatedscoreboard_enabled% when they have the scoreboard enabled enabled: '&a&lEnabled'
# Value returned by %animatedscoreboard_scoreboard% when they have no scoreboard active none-active: '&7None'
Other improvements and bug fixes: - Placeholders inside of the gradient tag now update correctly. - Fixed a long-time issue with Paper and triggers enabled where it would sometimes disconnect players during their login process. - Fixed an issue where it would lose track of a player if there was a cancelled kick attempt. - Improved compatibility with other plugins using fake players with the same name. - Added permissions to /asb help and /asb info which are and respectively. - Fixed an issue where in certain situation it would try to remove the scoreboard while it was ticking resulting in an error. - If no score was provided for a line, then it would calculate the incorrect score for that line; this has been addressed in this update.