AnimatedScoreboard icon

AnimatedScoreboard -----

An animated and anti-flicker scoreboard plugin with 1500+ placeholders, effects and eventtriggers

Version 0.2.0 - Full 1.16, RGB, unlimited line length, permission updates and more!
Full 1.16 support:
- Every version of 1.16 is now fully supported and this brings some awesome features such as RGB support.
- The RGB colours are represented by their hex value prefixed by a &. So if we want to represent red we use: &#ff0000Red text. This is of course not limited to red, simply look up the hex colour of a colour you like and put a & in front of it to use it on the scoreboard!
- With a little bit more time you can create awesome gradients like this:

Scoreboard switching based on permission changes:
- Whenever a permission that is assigned to a scoreboard is granted to a player they will automatically switch to that scoreboard if it has a higher priority than the currently displayed scoreboard. And they will switch off a scoreboard whenever the permission required to view that scoreboard is revoked.
- AnimatedScoreboard currently detects permission updates from LuckPerms, GroupManager and zPermissions and more will be added on request.

No more line length limit on 1.13+:
- Removed the line length limit entirely on server version 1.13 or newer. This means that you can now create lines that span across the entire screen.

Add multiple GLOBAL scoreboards:
- You can now set up multiple GLOBAL scoreboards instead of being limited to just one. They also support permissions just like any other scoreboard! This means that a setup as shown below is now valid. If a player is in the creative world they will get the creativescoreboard. But when they are in any other world they will get the best fitting scoreboard that is listed as a global scoreboard.
Code (YAML):
 - ownerscoreboard
  - adminscoreboard
  - defaultscoreboard
 - creativescoreboard
: animatedscoreboard.owner
: animatedscoreboard.admin

Other notable improvements:
- Scoreboards will now use a lot less bandwidth and only resend lines if something has changed
- On older versions there could be a small flicker whenever a scoreboard switched, this has now been removed entirely
----------, Sep 2, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 458,388
First Release: Mar 28, 2016
Last Update: Jun 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
188 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings