Added Native LegacyFactions support and did some general house keeping.
Added Native LegacyFactions support and did some general house keeping.
New Permissions:
- rps.button_lfactiontrigger, Perm to use LegacyFactions Trigger, default: true
Language.yml nodes, should automaticly be added:
- lang_button_lftrigger: LegacyFactions Member Trigger
- lang_button_lf_lore: Click to have your LegacyFaction Members trigger the RPS.
On another note I removed my Location Deseralization Fix that was in the plugin for 8 months now redoing how I use Location in the sensors file. People who will run into a problem will be ones that haven't updated this plugin in 8 months and finally decide to. That being said I decided to remove the fix that checked sensors.yml on every load for invalid Location saves.
I also removed methods that where not being used however was left in the code in case I go back to it which I never needed to. I don't think it will increase performance but its a bit of house keeping on my part and this release was mostly done to support LegacyFactions.