Redstone Proximity Sensor | Create Amazing Contraptions! icon

Redstone Proximity Sensor | Create Amazing Contraptions! -----

The power of Proximity Detection in a Redstone Torch!

Added new and previously ignored mobs to mob lists, added config to disable particles, and GUI menu
  • Added Vindicator, Evoker, Vex, Illusioner, Elder Guardian, Stray, Shulker, and Husk to Hostile Mobs list.
  • Added Donkey, Llama, Zombie Horse, Squid, Polar Bear, Mule, and Parrot to Peaceful Mobs
  • Added Iron Golem to Hostile Mobs to differentiate them from villagers.
  • Added permission node '' for permission to use the GUI Menu, defaulted to TRUE.
  • Added use-particles to config to tell the plugin to use the purple particles that differentiates it from a regular redstone torch, default to TRUE.

Notes: Categorizing mobs have to be manual since Bukkit has no feature for that. However Mobs have different categories besides just Peaceful and Hostile. There are Passive, Neutral, Hostile, Tameable, and Utility. I will make the 3 extra categories on a future version of RPS.

I understand this update is very soon compared to previous update however I promised I would add the menu option asap and the other stuff just sort of happened. Updates from now on should be weekly at most and I will sort out a nightly build page.
----------, May 27, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,973
First Release: Feb 4, 2016
Last Update: Sep 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
26 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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