- You can use disabled-rpg-powers flag to prevent specific powers to be used in the WG region.
Worldguard 6.1.3 and above: it will register a flag names disabled-rpg-powers. It is a "set flag" containing a list of the name of RPGItems powers that you want to disable.
e.g. You need to disable teleport power and command power in your wg region "bank", just execute command /region flag bank disabled-rpg-powers teleport,command. You can also use "all" to disable all powers. Those flag only affect powers, item will still have rpg damage.
you can switch back to pvp flag mode by /rpgitem wgcustomflag
If you use worldguard 6.1 or earlier version, you can mark a region as non-pvp to completed disable RPGItem in this region. Items will have their vanilla damage.