──────║ Notes We know that currently it seems like we quited RWG development however this is not the case. The only problem we got at the moment is time. We're all quite busy people and also not many, just two in the java development section of our small team. Therefore isn't really much progress being done in terms of RWG and our other plugins. Currently there is a new update for JLP in the workings which improves it by a lot, then we got v5 of RWG which isn't far at all, reason for that is mainly changes to the api as mentioned on the page already and especially that we don't have that much time. And the biggest problem is that not each of us (of the two people in the java dev section) understands everything about world generation. I especially (Lauriichan) am not able to understand anything about the biome generation, I tried many times to learn it but just aren't able to understand it or lose concentration too fast therefore the other one is only able to write that part of the code which is currently the important one to make progress. But he is in fact full time working and has other things in life that he has to worry about atm which leaves him with little to almost no time for our team. This is mostly why everything is quite delayed, also its a general busy time in the year, exams and stuff are coming soon so we also got to do something for that.