This is a late Beta Release. Crashes are very unlikely in this version. We only recommend using this version on high-performance servers if you want to use it on public servers!
- Schematic Positions (Sky & Custom)
- The option to edit the min- and max-height of the spawning position of a schematic
- Added a reflection, nbt and version library for free use
(A free plugin release with source code will be released soon)
- Completely rewritten API again
- Structure locations are now saved in Nbt Data
- Fixed that some structures weren't spawned in the underground (fixed with the height options)
- This is the first beta release of rwg ever made!
- This version is unlikely to crash and can be used on public servers if the server has a very high performance and it is recommended to have at least 3 GB of Ram on such servers.
- Please note that this version is not faster than the previous versions on generating chunks so if you want to use this version on a public server we would recommend to pre-generate the world with as example WorldBorder because our pre-generation is very slow and based on generating a couple of chunks in a specific amount of time