- Added Emerald-Ore
- Added polished Granite
- Added polished Diorite
- Added polished Andesite
- Added Dirt
- Added Sand
- Added Red-Sand
- Added hardened Clay
biomes.yml[Complete New]:
The biomes.yml let you customize every possible biome
- Overlay-Chance
- Tree-Spawn-Chance
- Structure-Spawn-Chance
- Overlay & Layer1-5-Blocks
- Structures
- Trees
chests.yml[Complete New]:
The chests.yml let you customize the Loot in Dungeons
- Items per Chest-Type
- Max-Items
- Min-Items
generate.yml[Complete New]:
The generate.yml let you customize the Noises of the World
- Generator-Options
- Eroded-terrain-Option
actionbar.yml[Complete New]:
The actionbar.yml let you customize the ActionBar-Option
- Enable Auto-Add of Worlds
- ActionBar-Message
/rwg preloadConfig <World> - Pre-Generate all Configs for an defined world, before the world is loaded(For Per-World-Config)
Other Features:
Show Biomes in ActionBar:
Permission: rwg.actionbar
Feature: Show a Player the Biome he is currently in
First Strutures:
Strutures has been added and more Features like shematics will be added in near future
Better Biome-Design:
New Biome-Design which is more realistic