We have contacted the customer some minutes after he had reviewed the plugin. Now two days later we still get to no result. The customer does not provide us any error-logs and stack traces, which we need to address the line in the 24.000lines of code rwg has.
We would be really happy if we could help him, but still it's more a "we contact him and he sparely answers back and blocks our help". We also offered him to give him a free test VirtualMachine with debian to set up a test-server and try to get the error's, he had got. He just blocks our engagement.
To prove, that we are active and try to help, here are some conversation-proofs(It's sad, that we need to proof that) :
Contacted him on Spigot via PM after 3.5hours(We are sorry for that late response):
After he had not answered on spigot for more than one day, we decided to try to contact him on discord:
We really tried the best, we could do. This should be nothing against the customer but in our opinion, this review is unfair against us.
We never got any logs containing a stack trace, just the information, that no ores like gold, diamonds, and emeralds are spawning and rwg would spam the console with errors.
As we run a test-server on rwg.syntaxphoenix.com and we have no console-errors there and ores are also spawning correctly, we can not address his issue.
As he still tries to block our offers, like the free VM/VPS to test his setup and let us help, we decided to write this answer.
For other potential customers:
Please contact us via PM or on our discord server, you could also do this before buying if you do not trust us. We are not money-hungry as @DinPro is telling here. We are a dev-team of two devs and three people, who are helping with support. We put a lot of afford into this resource and have invested around 2.500 hours into this plugin since 2015. For us a good, friendly and family-like contact to our customers is important and also the support should be fast. This is the reason, why we are offering a discord-server and PM-Support, so please just use it :)
We hope, that this answer should help you all to get such problems fixed next time before anything is running bad :)
Sebastian Diers
Owner SyntaxPhoenix IT-Solutions