Hey again guys,
althought I think rainbow for ChatColor looks kinda weird, I got a request to add it. Because I already did it for NameColor it wasnt really big of a deal for ChatColor.
Permission for rainbow ChatColor: Chatcolor.rainbow
You can config rainbow for chatcolor the same way you were able to do it for NameColor (so the options
Code (Text):
- '&2'
- '&3'
- '&4'
- '&5'
- '&6'
- '&7'
- '&8'
- '&9'
- '&a'
- '&b'
- '&c'
- '&d'
- '&e'
- '&f'
ChangeOnChat: false
Are avaiable for ChatColor rainbow now as well).
Thanks to
@HMenry for the request.