ChatColor+ icon

ChatColor+ -----

This plugin allows your users with permissions to change the color in the chat!

Version: 7.0
Amazing plugin, would definitely recommend to all server owners big and small out there. Will most likely look into buying the premium, you deserve that 5.99!

Version: 7.0
N I C E plugin. Update to 1.15 please! Update to 1.15 please! Update to 1.15 please!

Version: 7.0
Nice plugin, but make an update please to 1.14 because i need it on all my sections from server.

Version: 7.0
works on 1.8.9 very good would recommend. i love how my players name are soo cool

Version: 7.0
The placeholders dont work, I've tried everything. No matter what I do the placeholders just dont work.

Version: 7.0
ChatColor+ is and will be for Free forever, althought if you like my work and want to support my work you can Donate any amount you want to my PayPal: [email protected]

4 years later*
you: maybe i should make money of this shit

Version: 7.0

Version: 7.0
Not working at all,the plugin is not updated at all,the author wont help with any problems just simply asking you to get the premium one,the plugin its only for 1.10

Version: 7.0
After looking at the plugin I decided to remove my 1star rating, this plugin is good. Hopefully I can buy the premium version soon enough.
(Sorry for being a dickhead)

Version: 7.0
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed.
[16:41:53 WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[16:41:53 WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.throwConnectionClosedException(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.checkClosed(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.prepareStatement(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.prepareStatement(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at me.chemmic.Files.InitMySql.getColorCode(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at me.chemmic.Files.InputData.getFont(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at me.chemmic.Events.ChatEvent.onChat(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4516.invoke(Unknown Source)
[16:41:53 WARN]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at$1.execute(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at
[16:41:53 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat$
[16:41:53 WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
[16:41:53 WARN]: at
[16:41:53 WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[16:41:53 WARN]: at
[16:41:53 WARN]: Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: The last packet successfully received from the server was 65,680,568 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 65,680,573 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.
[16:41:53 WARN]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor635.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[16:41:53 WARN]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createCommunicationsException(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeQuery(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at me.chemmic.Files.InitMySql.getColorCode(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at me.chemmic.Files.InputData.getColor(
[16:41:53 WARN]: at me.chemmic.Events.ChatEvent.onChat(
[16:41:53 WARN]: ... 15 more
[16:41:53 WARN]: Caused by: Broken pipe (Write failed)
[16:41:53 WARN]: at Method)
[16:41:53 WARN]: at
[16:41:53 WARN]: at
[16:41:53 WARN]: at
[16:41:53 WARN]: at
[16:41:53 WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send(
[16:41:53 WARN]: ... 23 more

Version: 7.0
Sorry, my reaction was not good. I give you 5 stars xD

Hope you can forgive me?
Author's response

Version: 7.0
I LOVE THIS PLUGIN BUT... it changes the players display name and I cannot find in the config how to change it, it adds the vault group prefix which I DO NOT want! PLEASE either tell me how to fix this, or if I cannot PLEASE add the option in the config.
Author's response
should work fine with the premium version :)

Version: 7.0
love this feature it perfect for Donor ranks. I highly recommend it if you want something cool :)

Version: 7.0
I love it. It is so easy to use, and the players on my server love it too. Small advertisement:

Version: 7.0
/chatcolor /chatname GUI permissions does not work. Uf you have /op its work but players cant open GUI these commands. Permissions added but still you dont have permission message spams

Version: 7.0
This is an amazing plugin - I recommend this to anyone wanting a chatcolour and namecolour plugin.

Version: 7.0
when I use the chatcolor command on the chestcommands

[20:05:17 WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 85"
[20:05:17 WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin ChatColor v6.2 generated an exception while executing task 4938
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.CancelledPacketHandleException

but with tabcolor and namecolor it does not happen to me.

Version: 7.0
Very good, just wish the TabColor didn't reset back to default when a player relogs.

Version: 7.0
Easy and good plugin to allow donators to keep the same chat color for their messages. Lots of options and functions.

Version: 7.0
Works great and does exactly what it is supposed to, But do you think you could set it so the reset button, you could set the default different between the chat/tab/name, because the default chat I want is a different color that the default name.

Version: 7.0
Love it, however, please make it so the tabcolor doesn't reset upon relogging. Thanks.

Version: 7.0
The Chatcolor and Namecolor feature works perfectly and I really like the gui and everything.
Just 1 issue, the tabcolor resets to default everytime you leave the server and rejoin, then you have to set it again.

Version: 6.5
Hey, nice plugin, I was wondering if there was any way I could set a players chat or name color in a group using group manager?
Author's response
Well you could add the permissions to their group and they can select/choose which color they want.
This plugin is made for players to choose their own colors and its not made to preset colors to players. You need to use an other plugin for that

Version: 6.5
Really good plugin and i love the /namecolor feature, a great alternative for /nick if you dont want people confusing names but having colored names at the same time. The only issue is that the permissions list has a few wrong permission nodes like all the dark colors as pointed out in previous comments, but also there are no listed permission nodes to change the chatcolor/namecolor of another player.

Otherwise an amazing plugin, just update the permission nodes in the thread.

EDIT: There are no perm nodes in this thread that allow admins to change the chatcolor or namecolor of other players.

Would have given 5 stars, but 3 stars solely because of the incomplete/incorrect Perm nodes list.
Author's response
Added the permission nodes for the chatcolor/namecolor/tabcolor set/reset command.

Version: 6.5
Wow~~Great plugin. I can Reprinted it to
There will be more people to know it to use it,
* I translate it rapidly into Chinese,* And let them to download here
I will update with you,
Is that ok?XD
Author's response
sure go ahead

Version: 6.5
Good but i cant chance any message, if i chance them ,or server restart they return to default

Version: 6.5
plugin is nice, but pls update the wrong information bro
Author's response
Permission list updated

Version: 6.5
The plugin is fine, but the "information" about permissions is poor and outdated.
Author's response
Its updated now, hope thats fine

Version: 6.5
Works unless you want to change the config. Config just resets itself to the default every time.

Version: 6.5
Its a great plugin! But I'm having a little error, On my server I have my default name color set to Dark Gray and when I want to set the default to Gray it automatically goes back to white also I would like there to be a normal color for both NameColor and ChatColor. Other than that Fantastic Plugin!

Version: 6.5
Plugin is good except the permissions listed are wrong. All the dark/light color (DarkRed for example) need an underscore. So instead of chatcolor.darkred it's chatcolor.dark_red --- You may want to update that...

Version: 6.5
I have discovered what was wrong! The dark colors have underscores in the permissions! It was a pain but I figured it out and now I give you five stars.
Author's response
Thanks for telling!
Yeah I recoded ChatColor+ from stretch some updates ago and I thought I used the same permissions then before. Changed it now in the Permission list

Version: 6.5
Cool plugin but I would suggest adding these features:
1) Tab & Tag support with permissionex support for prefixes and suffixes.
Author's response
Actually I coded a /tabcolor command a while ago and wanted to make this feature a premium addon. however I've never uploaded it. if you want to have it added send me a private message ;)

Version: 6.5
Is a great plugin. I've been using it since I can remember. However, recently the gui doesn't select the color you want

Version: 6.4
This is a very good plugin for servers. Highly configuratable. Thanks for the lastest update, it helps alot!

Version: 6.3.0
Really nice and simple plugin but it's missing features such as rank prefix when u use namecolor, other than that, it's a good plugin overall!

Version: 6.3.0
Awesome Plugin <3

Version: 6.3.0
Good And Easy To Use Plugin
100% Recommended!

I really like the fact that this plugin is a free one!

Version: 6.3.0
This plugin is great! 1 staff member on my server already said that they liked the plugin! I hope you can make it better! =D

Version: 6.3.0
Can you do custom GUI for me? I want to change the GUI a bit. Thanks. Contact me via Spigot plz.

Version: 6.0
Update really broke everything. The prefixes on my server don't work anymore can please fix this? Version 6.0 is broken the last version is better as it allows it to work with prefixes and suffixes.

"PermissionsEx" is what i'm using
Author's response
ChatColor+ 6.1.2 should've fixed the issuse

Version: 6.0
The new version of this plugin doesn't run on again with the plugin SimplePrefix... but it's a great plugin. I will put 5 stars when this plugin will work with SimplePrefix
Author's response
Hey cercus,
it looks like the stopped support for SimplePrefix.
I cant make ChatColor+ compatible with it because there exists no API. I messaged the Owner of SimplePrefix but I'm not sure if they will respond because the Projekt looks kinda dead.
Next time please use the discussion section of my plugin to ask for features instead of reviews because I won't add features requestet in Reviews anymore.
- Chemmic

Version: 4.7
a really great plugin! i love it
a great way to let user fine tune there chatting and display name experience

Version: 4.7
This is a great plugin, but /namecolor will get rid of prefixes with my permissions plugin LuckPerms. If this is not a problem with other permission plugins, I hope you can fix it for LuckPerms. Besides that it is 10/10

Version: 4.7
Amazing Plugin! I use it on My Server! If you want to check it out, the IP is: :)

Version: 4.7

Version: 4.7
Muy buen plugin, yo creo que este es el mejor plugin de este tipo, lo estoy utilizando en mi servidor network:


Version: 4.7
Good plugin cant you finish the lannguaje.yml please thanks ...................................................
Author's response
Update to the newest ChatColor+ version in order to use this feature! ;)

Version: 4.7
I couldnt figure out how to make it so i can have bold and a color. whenever i put bold, it just did white and bold. then when i put in a color, it was no longer bold. plz help!

Version: 4.7
LOVE the plugin. use it for my server a LOT!
But can you maybe add like BungeeCord support? So the color syncs over all the servers?
Author's response
Use the new MySql feature to sync colors over all servers

Version: 4.7
Excelente plugin
Contiene Todo Para Un Servidor,
Felicitaciones al
Creador de este plugin, ojalá que siga haciendo plugins de este

Version: 4.7
I Admit it is a nice plugin and i enjoy using it for my staff's on my server so good work with the plugin also please fix the nametag thingy i removed it off my server and kept the color.

Version: 4.7
I would rate higher if this did not happend whenever I chose my nickname:
My rank goes missing, when I reset the name in Your plugin my rank is back. Bad
Author's response
Should be fixed since a while

Version: 4.7
Excellent plugin, it works exactly how I expected! I really like the mixing feature for colours and the formats!
Using on

Version: 4.7
Thank you so much! :D it works perffectly and the permissinos are clear, good plugin good job, good luck with your other plugins

Version: 4.7
it works great i use it for donator perks
also chemmic can you add my server to your list

Version: 4.7
works perfectly, really neat interface -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Version: 4.7
Buen Plugin
Pero presento un problema con el language.yml file que no se que le pasa que no carga nada
Si podria arreglarlo porfavor!
Me gustaria agregar este plugin a mi servidor y que los usuarios puedan tener la interfas en espanol
Uso spigot 1.8.8

Version: 4.7
Please can you add that when you lose the permisions the color reset to the initial one thanks . .

Version: 4.7
Doesnt even work -_-
Terrible plugin its broken.
I did /chatcolor and when i select a color it doesnt even work my chat color doesnt change.

Version: 4.7
Nice but conflict with Simpleprifix and other prefix plugins......
Would give 5 Stars for fixing this bug.

Version: 4.7
Great plugin! I suggest you add the permission node for the "Yellow" color. You should also consider in fixing the prefix problem when someone uses /Namecolor. After all, awesome plugin! Great feature for the donators.

Version: 4.7
Very good plugin! I like it, and it's a good donator feature. It's easy to use, fast and everything. I do get an error in the console every now and then. Is this fully 1.9 compatible?

Version: 4.7
Hey, Great Plugin do you mind adding my server ip
Our server love your plugin.
We Would like our server ip there Thanks.

Version: 4.7
Hola muy buenas buen plugin pero podria agregar el comando /cc reset o algo así para eliminar cuando se les termine el vip :V

Version: 4.7
Img giving this plugin a 3 star because most features work but the /namecolor doesn't work and needs to be fixed. Once that's fixed I'll give this plugin 5 star :D

Version: 4.7
Please fix prefix bug . i have PEX 1.23.3 and the prefix is gone when i select a color. if you fix that i will rate it 5 stars!

Version: 4.7
This is a very nice plugin. But when I do /namecolor and make my IGN a color it removes my prefix. Please fix this bug :)

Version: 4.7
How nice , I go on version 1.8 and 1.7 coolest thank not really so ! Oh cool me good nice! <3 <3 <3

Version: 4.7
What a great plugin overall! For those ranting about /chatcolor reset not working, here's a working JAR for you:

Version: 4.7
please fix the /chatcolor reset <name> command. It doesn't work for me, please fix that! Thanks! But it's a nice plugin except that flaw ;)

Version: 4.7
The plugin is great but ...a few bugs... Namecolor cannot be reset and the standard pex prefix color shows as "&4[owner]" aswell as that with chatcolor reset <name> it never accually removes the chat color.

Version: 4.7
Thanks for not making this premium. You don't know how many people are you helping.

Version: 4.7
Your plugin is horrible! Just for that reason, im giving you 5 starts and a very high huge, with cookies of course!

Now talking seriously, your plugin took me off of a lot of troubles, please, continue with your awesome work! We hope to see MySQL Support soon and new features like Prefixes and suffixes in the chat, to do things like:

<Owner guy>: GOD TALKING hello, that's my message and has prefix and suffix :) GOD STOP TALKING, GO AHEAD!

Version: 4.7
This is a very good plugin. I did a video in English and wanted to put it on this page, if you can. Here is the video:
Author's response
Okay, added thanks for the review :)

Version: 4.7
Awesome support!! Fast bug fixes and helpful the author i love him xD
I recommend this plugin to everyone <3

Version: 3.3
Good PLugin But i had restart server several times before it allowed anything

Version: 3.3
Good Plugin Please add MySQL for Network server :D

Good Job!!!!

Version: 3.3
Very good plugin, working well on the MineSplit Factions server :) Great VIP perk

Version: 3.3
Add command for restart color in chat ..
Author's response
Use /colorgive [Player] [Color] or do you mean like a command that will reset the chat for everybody on the server?

Version: 3.3
Great dev, fixed my issue fast and clean!

Version: 3.1
When I change my name color the plugin messes up the formating is there a way you can fix that?
Author's response
Can you send me a private Message with a screenshots of all your plugins + how the chat is "messed" up

Version: 2.2
Love The Plugin!.. But it would Be lovely if you could change the blocks id ext.. i Like to use Glass panes. or maybe Die or Probably Clay Blocks or maybe just Thick Glass. and if you ever decide to make it Premium with some Extra but Awesome more Features. You Got My Support!
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I will not make it premium, because I know allot of owners who can't pay for plugins. I'm adding your clay/ glass color Idea to my todo list, I'll make a function where you can choose clay, glass or wool.
If you want to support me just donate any amount you want to [email protected]

Version: 2.1
It's a nice plugin, however I feel it could be presented better. The in-game interface is a bit clunky and odd, however I do understand the problems with matching colors to blocks. The /namecolor command doesn't work on servers that use permissions plugins, for instance PermissionsEx. It needs to only edit the name of the player rather than eliminate any prefixes or suffixes. However, /chatcolor works brilliantly with the latest update, and still gives me the warrant to give three stars. Keep up the great work! ~Joe
Author's response
Added support for Pex / groupManager / bPermissions. NameColor should work !

Version: 2.1
Epic plugin. Great for servers.

Version: 2.1
I love this plugin and I use it on my Prison server now! It is perfect for me to get my gold chat color while being able to still play prison as an Owner. :) I just wish you could have a format and color at the same time in your chat color and not just the name color.

Version: 2.1
Really nice plugin, easy to use and fun to play with.

Version: 2.1
Awesome plugin, with an awesome developer :)

Version: 2.0
After ages of waiting, this plugin is finally getting finished! /namecolor and /chatcolor work great with Essentials Chat/PEX. It's a very user friendly, clean interface. Amazing plugin!
Author's response
Sorry for the long delay, finally finished school 2 days ago, thats why allot of updates are incomming right now :D

Version: 1.5.0
suggestion: make ones like Bold + a color or like all of them combined or like a rainbow (if thats possible)
Author's response
Added :)

Version: 1.4.0

Version: 1.4.0
Hello, you could do with commands? I'm just making animated menus, and I would like to do it by command. For example put color / pink and when writing is pink.
Author's response
Added in version 1.5.0

Version: 1.4.0
The biggest problem with this plugin is that the coder made this plugin with the intention that everyone's chat is configured to be white. What if mine is dark grey and I want to allow people to chat in white?
Author's response
Now you can use /givecolor (user) (color) so this shouldn't be a problem anymore :)

Version: 1.4.0
It would be great if there was an option to have colored chat and formatting. Also, if the GUI was laid out more neatly :P

Version: 1.4.0
/chatcolor reset [player] doesn't work.

Version: 1.4.0
/chatcolor reset [player] doesn't work :(
Author's response
Use /colorgive [Player] [White or your chat desing color]

Version: 1.4.0
Great plugin, easy to use, and very light weight!

Version: 1.4.0
Great plugin

Version: 1.3.5
Awesome plugin. Just a suggestion: Make it so that you can add formatting to a color (Ex: Have a gold, bold chat color if you click on gold, then bold.

Version: 1.3.5
It works. Just like that.

Version: 1.3.3
Also bold does not work.
Author's response
I'm not at home, I'll be back at sunday. Im gona fix it then.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 322,633
First Release: Oct 22, 2014
Last Update: Sep 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
117 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings