Big thanks to Celso for testing this version and pointing out some issues
New content:
Fixed a bug with Advanced Rollback, where it was making the arena joinable before it really is, and it wasn't updating the sign either
Fixed a bug where spectators where able to add items into a player inventory using numbers switching
Improved /sg join a tiny bit
arenas worlds will now load automatically, meaning you can remove Multiverse (It already did this if you had Advanced Rollback enabled)
Improved arenas loading System ALOT (Specially for Bungeemode)
Carepackages will now explode when they drop, dealing massive damage to players and the environment (Only in Advanced Rollback)
Added the server name for the Bungeemode lobby scoreboard
Added a force advanced rollback cmd, with a permission of sg.rollback (THIS IS AN ADVANCED ROLLBACK, not a normal one)
Added a new Warning system, where it would kick players out of the game for doing certain things (Currently works for Spectators blocking Projectiles only) and this system can be disabled by setting the max amount of warnings to -1
Added a lightning effect for carepackages
Small code optimization
Console can now access /sg stats
Fixed some bugs related to /sg setmodifier and /sg reset
Fixed a problem where if you had any file sitting in ur arenas folder it wouldn't load any arena, and the problem with that is that there are some invisible files that set there, such as .DS_STORE