SurvivalGames icon

SurvivalGames -----

A SurvivalGames plugin like no other

Survival Games is a plugin that challenges each player to survive as long as he can among his foes! loot chests and gain advantages on others! you can also find that friendly guy who wants to team with you and help you eliminate others, last man standing wins! But it doesnt end there, with this plugin, you can fly with your imagination, transform it into a Skywars plugin, or a Hungergames plugin (where you can build freely), or anything you wish, the features this plugin includes will blow your mind, and with constant updates, and support as well, nothing could go wrong!


Before you get into the features and get all excited, please also read the following.
*** Please read the FULL page before purchasing . This is so that you don't purchase the plugin, and regret doing so because of a missing feature, or because you misunderstood what the plugin has to offer
*** The reviews section is not the place to be asking for help. When you are in need of help, please use the discussion area, or send me a private message.
*** Purchasing this plugin means that you agree to the plugin agreement found at the bottom of the page!



- Unlimited arenas!
- Arenas can be SOLO or TEAMS of ANY size!
- Bungee mode support with Map Voting and Waiting lobby and server restarting!
- Vote for Time, Health, and Chests!
- Abilities! give your players a unique experience with awesome special abilities!
- Feasts! feasts can spawn at randomized locations across the map and encourage players to go for them because of their superior loot.
- Randomize and limit the amount of maps players can vote for in BungeeMode
- Become a spectator on death and watch the rest of the game!
- CrackShot, QualityArmory, ItemsAdder, MMOItems, and ItemEdit support!
- Deathmatch to finish the arena!
- Parties! Players can join parties to play together! with party chat also!
- Built-in coins system, but also can use Vault!
- Titles support through Title Manager!
- World border support!
- Tier 1 and Tier 2 chests
- HEX Color support!
- Boosters! You can add coin & exp boosters owned by players for a certain amount of time!
- Leader board signs with player heads and Holograms support through HolographicDisplays and DecentHolograms!
- Lightweight Rollback (Only rolls back carepackages and prevents Fire from burning/spreading, and blocks tnt damage)
- Advanced Rollback (Restores the full world) within seconds!
- FastAsyncWorldEdit rollback support
- Option to allow arena modification, so for example you can allow players to break/place certain things, blow up certain things, or maybe modify everything, and this features allows you to use this plugin in so many different ways, it allows you to imitate different plugins such as SkyWars
- Fireworks ending with a cool little customizable map that can display your own images such as server logo
- Carepackages (Call an airdrop with rare items that are configurable)!
- Sponsoring feature for spectators! Create categories and sort items that players can sponsor
- Bounty system that fully uses GUI's
- Clickable chat messages! Players can click chat to play again for example
- Have your own SHOP so players can buy items with coins or disable the shop!
- Achievements ;D!
- PlaceholderAPI support
- View offline/online players stats
- Create your own Kits! make them free or purchased with in game money or real money or require a permission
Loads needed worlds for you! incase you don't have multiverse
- Built in World Manager! you can 'create' 'delete' 'import' 'tp' 'list' 'backup' 'rollback' 'setspawn' 'backupall' worlds with a simple command! and so you don't need any other plugin to manage your worlds!
- Supports all items up to 1.16!
- A warning system, where doing something not allowed a configurable amount of times will result in player being kicked out of the game.
- Disable specific items from being used!
- Use UUID or Normal Names
- Works with or without MySQL
- Customize breakable blocks and placeable blocks
- Grace time at the begin! (Configurable)
- Refill chests after specific time
- Saves many player stats! such as Gamesplayed, kills, wins, Play time, and more!
- Change items that spawn in chests and their chance and durability and the amount of them and enchant, name, lore them!
- Have a custom chest.yml for each arena, or use a single chest file for all arenas!
- Free Configuration! The plugin is configured by default, but you can also get this free epic configuration as well to make things more juicy!
- Customize prefix, scoreboard, and almost all messages! But there are some stuff not configurable, so don't complain about that.
- Signs that shows some information about arenas, and can even display their state color on the block behind them, and they are configurable
- You can spawn mobs that will protect you and target others!
- Auto-join (A feature that finds the best available arena and let the player join)
Cool scoreboards! the arena scoreboard is FULLY customizable! (You can display any information you need in any style)
Super, and I MEAN super Independent, it can work FULLY by itself, without a single other plugin. it doesn't even need the main ones, like Multiverse or Essentials.
Enough for now, you see your self ;)

- Customizable sounds
- Option for allowing players to be able to spectate arenas that have already started!
- Reset a specific player stats with a simple command, or reset everyone
- Change coins earned per kill/win and give your players any coin modifier!
- Custom tier 2 Chest type, tier 2 could be anything, even grass
- Vote power up to 3 in BungeeMode
- Cool tracking compass!
- Basic API
- Option for Global Deathmatch in BungeeMode, basically if it's on, all of your arenas will use the same Deathmatch map
- Strike lightning on player death!
- Update checker! the plugin will notify you when there are available updates
- Hitting a player with bow shows that player health
- Players in the game can only perform commands u specify!
- Option to allow spectators to open players inventories
- Fire wont spread/burn blocks just burn players :D
- Add '*' in breakable/placeable blocks to add all blocks and do -ID to remove a block from all the blocks
- Global lobby
- All commands that manage players stats can be accessed even when the player is offline



/sg - None
/sg List - None
/sg Join - sg.join
/sg Leave - None
/sg Stats - None
/sg Autojoin - sg.autojoin
/sg Party - None
/sg Lobby - None
/sg Kits - None
/sg Achievements - None
/sg Admin - sg.admin
/sg Create - sg.create
/sg Delete - sg.delete
/sg Enable - sg.enable
/sg Disable - sg.disable
/sg Start - sg.start
/sg Stop - sg.stop
/sg Addspawn - sg.addspawn
/sg Removespawn - sg.removespawn
/sg Setborder - sg.setborder
/sg Removeborder - sg.removeborder
/sg Adddeathmatch - sg.adddeathmatch
/sg Removedeathmatch - sg.removedeathmatch
/sg Reload - sg.reload
/sg Coins - sg.coins
/sg Setgloballobby - sg.setgloballobby
/sg Setglobaldeathmatch - sg.setglobaldeathmatch
/sg Setmodifier - sg.setmodifier
/sg Holograms - sg.holograms
/sg Createschematic - sg.createschematic
/sg WorldManager- sg.worldmanager
/sg Kit - sg.kit
/sg AddBooster - sg.boosters
---- Lonely permissions :D ----
sg.breaksigns - Allows the player to break survivalgames signs
sg.setsigns - Allows the player to create survivalgames signs
sg.unblockcommands - Allows players to execute commands while in sg - Allows to vote for 2 maps Allows to vote for 3 maps Allows to vote for health Allows to vote for chest items Allows to vote for time



Awesome tutorial video on version 6.9 by ItsPat

These videos are a little outdated for version 6.8!! if you are using that version please see the setup text instead

Massive thank you to LtJim007 for this amazing tutorial!

Thanks to InvertedTNT for the awesome tutorial!











Stats signs:
Line 1 - [sg]
Line 2 - stats

Auto-Join signs:
Line 1 - [sg]
Line 2 - autojoin

Join signs:
Line 1 - [sg]
Line 2 - join
Line 3 - arena

Leader board signs:
Line 1 - [sg]
Line 2 - top
Line 3 - kills/wins/deaths/coins/gamesplayed
Line 4 - Rank (Rank is basically the target you looking for! if you wanna show the top player the rank would be 1, second player would be 2, simple, you can do any rank :D)
Example: [sg] top kills 1

To display top heads above signs, simply add a skull above it



Here are some servers you can try out survivalgames on!

- Play.Minecraft-Romania.Xyz

Post your servers that have SurvivalGames running on it and i may add it



First of all please understand that your arena must be in a separate world of everything! it cant be in the same world along other arenas, or for example your factions world, it must be in a world special for the arena, otherwise you will encounter some issues.
Also you cant have any arena in any of Minecraft default worlds, so you must create a new world for each arena

If you have a map that you would like to import it / load it and don't have a multi world plugin you can use the built-in world management commands to do so! /sg wm import <World name>! You can then teleport to that world using /sg wm tp <World name>

now for creating the arena! teleport to your arena world and execute /sg create <name> <team-size> <min-teams> <Author [Optional]>
Now it will create the arena and make a backup of it, it shouldn't take a long time, the bigger the map size is, the longer it will take!
<team-size> is the size of the teams in the arena! If you want the arena to be solo then make put 1, if teams of 2 then put 2 and so on!
<min-teams> is the minimum amount of teams for the arena to start! if the team size is 3, and the minimum amount of teams is 2, this means you need 6 players in the arena! Because 6 players form 2 teams of 3 which comply with minimum team requirement!

Now go ahead and start adding spawn points! /sg addspawn <name>, Depending on the amount of spawnpoints the arena has, the number of max players in the arena will be determined! Each new spawnpoint increases the max teams by 1.

Please do note that if the arena was solo, players can not move from their spawnpoint location at all! But if it was teams of 2, then they can move around the spawnpoint by a radius of 1! (1 block in any direction). If it was teams of 3 or above then they can move by a radius of 2! [This is to prevent players from blocking each other view]

Now the last step :D add few deathmatch spawns!, go to your deathmatch spawnpoints and do /sg adddeathmatch <name>

And done!, maybe an extra that you wanna add a join sign? and even set the global lobby? :3
if you want to have custom chest items for that arena then copy the chest.yml located in /SurvivalGames and paste it in the arena folder next to the data.yml
and now feel free to modify the pasted file (From now on it will be used for the specific arena)

You also could use the command /sg setglobaldeathmatch to make a specific area used as deathmatch for all of your arenas, but this only works in BungeeMode

Additionally, if you use a Minecraft version that support world borders, you can use them! Go to the center of your arena and type /sg setborder <Arena> and instructions will be shown to you on how to use the command. Keep in mind, you should use it at the location that you want to be the center of the border. Running this command on old Minecraft versions might break everything.

If you want to create a schematic of the arena (completely optional) you can make a world edit selection and then use the command /sg createschematic

Now for bungee mode servers:
Its the same as before, make some arenas and set the global lobby, and just set Bungee-Mode to true in config and reload, arenas will act as maps! please note that the plugin would only be in your game server, it will NEVER be on your hub, if you want to join the game server using a sign or something, you should use TeleportSigns or any other plugin.
For better explanation, feel free to ask for help in the discussion area

If you want to have more chest types that people can vote for, just copy the Default category with all its sub-categories (Items, Tier 2, and Carepackage items) and modify them

If you want to allow full arena modifications, then you need to enable arena modifications in config.yml and add the breakable blocks and peaceable blocks or just add '*' in each of these sections to enable all blocks. For rollback, it is recommended to enable Advanced Rollback when allowing full arena modifications.



Plugins works for 1.7.9+

Any plugin that prevents teleporting while in combat may cause bugs with SurvivalGames!

If you want to have special abilities, you need to install my abilities addon

Massive thank you to @ItsPat for making an awesome-looking free configuration! Check it out here!
Survival Games - Custom Configurations | Messages ✔, Scoreboard ✔, Shop ✔, Chest Types ✔, Sponsoring | MC-Market (

You need TitleManager if you want to use Titles, but that doesn't mean you have to have it.

If you want to use holographic leaderboards then you need HolographicDisplays or DecentHolograms installed

Using MySQL is highly recommended as it increases the performance and protects you from some issues

Massive thank you to @DavidVioMC for making a free web stats resource for survival games!

If advanced rollback does not work for you for any reason, you can use the following resource by

Additionally, the plugin supports FastAsyncWorldEdit and can use it to rollback the entire arena world. To use this feature, go to the arena world and make a worldedit selection that surround the entire arena and use the command /sg createschematic. This will create a schematic that the plugin will use to rollback the arena later on.

To use holographic leaderboards you need to install HolographicDisplays plugin!

Pre-made translations of files into different languages

You can of course translate the files on your own, but here are some pre-made translations done by the community.
Please note that these translations are made by users and not by me. You should check these files using a yaml parser before installing them on the server as they might have some errors.!Ar7IHWG_oZWhgSF1P4qxiCrRLA89?e=BS7Nu5

Im sorry for any grammar mistakes! im not english.


Placeholders (For PlaceholderAPI):

%survivalgames_players_count%, %survivalgames_kits_count%
%survivalgames_kills%, %survivalgames_deaths%, %survivalgames_coins%, %survivalgames_wins%, %survivalgames_modifier%,%survivalgames_gamesplayed%, %survivalgames_arena_players% and %survivalgames_arena_viewers%, %survivalgames_exp%, %survivalgames_rank%, %survivalgames_next_rank_exp%, %survivalgames_arena_status_<arena>%, %survivalgames_arena_players_<arena>%, %survivalgames_arena_max_players_<arena>%, %survivalgames_bungee_arena_status%

Placeholders for the scoreboard customization (In messages.yml)
%kills%, %deaths%, %coins%, %wins%, %modifier%,%gamesplayed%, %arena_players% and %arena_viewers%, %exp%, %rank%, %next_rank_exp%



This is my first API ever, if you are confused about something feel free to pm me

Don't forget to check if SurvivalGames is installed before taking any action!

Code (Text):

public class Main extends JavaPlugin {

    public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args){

    if(sender instanceof Player){
    Player p = (Player) sender;

    //This is used to get the player data, which gives you access to view the player stats
    PlayerData data = SurvivalGamesAPI.getPlayerData(p);
    sender.sendMessage("Your SurvivalGames playtime is " + data.getPlayTime());

    //This method gets the top players from survivalgames data base
    //In this example, 10 is the amount of top players we want to get, the amount must be above 0 otherwise the plugin will throw an error.
    //The method returns a list of entries of <String, Integer>
    //The key is the player name, and the value is their score.

    try {
    List<Entry<String, Integer>> top = SurvivalGamesAPI.getTopPlayers(StatType.Coins, 10);

    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
    Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Number " + (i+1) + " is the player " + top.get(i).getKey() + " with a score of " + top.get(i).getValue());

    } catch (SQLException e) {

    } else {
    sender.sendMessage("You must be a player to execute this command!");

    return false;


- SGArenaStartEvent
- SGArenaStopEvent
- SGArenaFinishEvent
- SGPlayerDeathEvent
- SGPlayerJoinArenaEvent
- SGPlayerLeaveLeaveEvent
- SGArenaStatusUpdateEvent


Check out my other projects as well!

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- If you own 3 or more of my plugins, you can purchase any of the remaining for 35% off! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

- If you don't own 3 or more but you want to purchase 3 at once, you get a 25% discount! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
- If you purchase all my plugins, you get 40% off
To perform any of the above, you need to contact me through email -> [email protected] and also message me here as well!

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There are several ways to get support! Please use any of the following

  1. Email: [email protected]
  2. Discussion area
  3. Private Message
  4. Discord (Click image below to join)



Please note that by buying this plugin you agree to the following!
1 - You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin
2 - Only use it for your server/network!
3 - No stupid reviews, such as (Its missing features! or the dev isn't adding features i request) Because the features are in the main page! and you knew them before purchasing, so no complaining!
4 - No refunds!
5 - Im not obligated to do updates at a specific time, BUT that doesn't mean i wont do updates, just to clear some things up
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,321
First Release: Oct 5, 2014
Last Update: Feb 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
573 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings