WARNING: this version was only tested by me, You should NOT upload this version to your main server, instead test it first
Requirements: You must recreate all of your arenas, feel free to delete arenas.yml
New content:
Removed the Rollback option, its constantly enabled now, all it does is remove carepackages and explosion damage
Added the 'Advanced-Rollback' option (Disabled by default) which restores the whole world (No lag hopefully)]
Removed /sg wand, and /sg updatechests
Chests system now works without Chest detection and all that stuff
Added /sg backup <Arena> which updates the current backup of an arena (Used to rollback)
/sg create <Arena> will make an arena using the sender world as the world to backup
arenas now must be in a seperate world of other stuff, example you cant have global lobby in any arena world, or have factions for example running next to an sg arena, each sg arena must have its own world, otherwise rollback wont work
Added the permission sg.backup
Please lookup the Overview page after few hours of this update to find out how to create arenas now, and what are the benefits of using Advanced Rollback