- Fixed a bug where arenas would not exit out of rollback state if advanced rollback was not enabled
- Chests will now try to not have any duplicate items (This can be configured in config.yml)
- Fixed a bug where the spectator menu would not work in latest minecraft versions
- You can now specify chance of items in chests! All items in chest.yml should start with their chance now. For now, if you do not specify a chance, the plugin will set all items chance to 1% by default. But this will be removed later on (This is temporary for your convience).
This is how items should look like
# Usage: '<Item Chance> :: Item_Type : Amount'
# Item chance is relative... Meaning, 100% does not mean that the item will spawn in every chest.
# It simply means that an item with 100% chance is 10 times more like to spawn than an item with a 10% chance