SurvivalGames icon

SurvivalGames -----

A SurvivalGames plugin like no other

SurvivalGames 3.0 has been released!

Please read the notes at the end of the update content

New content:
  • Created a whole new Top signs updater (Might be buggy in the first release)
  • Updated the /sg info (Now displays the time left till the next signs update) and /sg stats (Now displays KDR) commands
  • Changed the waiting top skull to a question mark skin
  • Decreased how often the plugin checks if the player data is already stored to one time :D (Should mean better performance for big servers)
  • You can finally use both uuid and mysql at the same time without glitching the top signs
  • Added a scanning animation to the compass if there were no nearby players
  • Added back Players and Viewers stats in scoreboard (They are very useful and needed for knowing how many players left, But i might remove them again if i notice performance issues)
  • Added an option to display coins in the chat
  • Added an option to teleport players to the global lobby instead of their previous location
  • Players can no longer teleport while in deathmatch (Fixes some glitchs with enderpearls)
  • Added /sg removespawn <Arena> (Will remove the latest spawnpoint added)
  • Added /sg removedeathmatch <Arena> (Will remove the latest deathmatch spawnpoint added)
  • You can now display your own images such as server logo in the winner map :D! though not all servers can handle this feature, so its disabled by default, it might crash your server if the connection is bad, but give it a try.
  • You can now modify players coins even if they are offline, and it wont matter if the name is spelled with the correct capitals and lowers (Useful for coins shops)
  • Fixed an issue with the vote gui keeps opening when stepping on a pressure plate
  • Players placing Water/Lava through bucket or anything else wont rollback any more, it will cause alot of lag incase of spam
  • You can now execute commands when an arena start and when a player kills another player, more executeable commands will be added later on
  • Many things in the code (Doesn't has to be visual to players) has changed, report any issues to me and consider going back to the previous version
  • This update requires MySql users to delete their sg table and let it generate again
  • Notes about displaying an image on the map, 1 - Loading the image on the map will cause lag ONLY the first time it loads then it wont, and the lag is really small, 2 - Putting a new URL to the displayed image on a map wont load with /sg reload, just because i wanted /sg reload to stay quick, because connecting and getting a picture would take a bit of time usually
  • So... i know i have said i will add some things and i didn't, I could have added more, because my 'to-add' list isn't finished yet, but i feel this is enough for this release, otherwise i wont have anything to release later on ;_; (then you complain, y no updates D:!)
  • Usually when i update to a whole number i do some big features that effect gameplay, this time i didn't because if you couldn't tell, i had so many suggestions to do, after i get your suggestions done i will start working on BIG features such as Bounty
----------, Feb 15, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,321
First Release: Oct 5, 2014
Last Update: Feb 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
573 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings